github Reloaded-Project/Reloaded-II 1.1.0
Reloaded II Compatibility Patch | 1.1.0

latest releases: 1.28.3, 1.28.2, 1.28.1...
5 years ago


Feature: Detect Steam Stub DRM

Reloaded II will now detect if the EXE has been encrypted using the Steam Stub DRM and inform the user on launch about recommended course of action.

Feature: Improved Double Load Prevention

The bootstrapper now will create memory mapped files of its own to check if it's already been loaded as opposed to relying on only the Mod Loader's mapped file.

Feature: Load Synchronously with Ultimate ASI Loader

Added export for InitializeASI entry point, which halts execution until .NET Mod Loader component has finished loading. This means that there is now a second universal alternative to Steamless for running your Steam Stub encrypted games while still letting mod code execute before game code.

Improvement: Updated Documentation

Documentation regarding injection methods and sample integrations with other mod loaders has been updated.

Improvement: Faster Build Times

More dependencies have been moved back to NuGet.

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