github RedTopper/Super-Haxagon 3.5.0
SuperHaxagon v3.5.0

23 hours ago

It's been a while!

With this release, I revamped the entire build system. There are no new features for this release (other than a version number on the main menu), but there are bugfixes that have never had a proper build in years.

Picking up this project again to solve some of the age-old issues has been difficult because I haven't had a usable build system that could build all platforms. For this update, all supported platforms are now compiled through CMake, and the old Makefiles/buildtools has been dropped completely.

Additionally, I created Containerfiles for building the 3DS, Switch, TI-Nspire, and Linux platforms. This should hopefully make it easier to make modifications ensuring I can still build all supported platforms going into the future.

I hope the addition of Containerfiles and the unification of all platforms to CMake makes it easier for other contributors to set up a sane build environment. If you have issues with these build systems, please open an issue or PR.

Note: The levels are now built-into the TI-Nspire binary, SuperHaxagon.tns. You no longer need levels.haxagon to be present

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