github Reactive-Extensions/RxJS v2.2.0
Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) version 2.2

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10 years ago

RxJS is moving towards web standards and getting lean and mean. For the core of RxJS, we have dropped support for older browsers including IE8 and we've renamed rx.modern.js to rx.js. For those still needing compatibility to older browsers, there are a number of options including using rx.compat.js which adds polyfills for functions such as Function#bind and Array#extras, or you can include your own polyfill library.

In this release, several new features were added to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) core due to popular demand, including events, callbacks and promises in a new file rx.async.js. Going forward, you will now be able to bind to events using your favorite library without needing a bridge library such as RxJS-jQuery, RxJS-Dojo, RxJS-DOM, etc. This library was once again built with standards in mind. However, to support older browsers, we also ship rx.async.compat.js which normalizes events across browsers.

We have completed our API documentation and are including our getting started guide along with common asked questions here.


Breaking Changes

  • rx.modern.js renamed to rx.js and old rx.js renamed to rx.compat.js for older browser support
  • VirtualTimeScheduler and HistoricalScheduler classes moved to rx.virtualtime.js
  • Rx.Observable.start and Rx.Observable.prototype.toAsync methods moved to rx.async.js

Deprecation Warnings:

  • The following Node,js specific methods in rx.node.js will be removed in favor of those in rx.async.js
    • Rx.Node.fromEvent => Rx.Observable.fromEvent
    • Rx.Node.fromCallback => Rx.Observable.fromCallback
    • Rx.Node.fromNodeCallback => Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback

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