github Ravinou/borgwarehouse v2.4.2

6 days ago

🐛 Fixes

  • Now ignore lost+found directories on storage retrieval
  • Bind to all addresses in docker #285 (special thanks to @dumbasPL)
  • Improves storage calculation accuracy

🔄 Miscellaneous

  • Dependencies update.
  • Major update NextJS 14 to 15.
  • Docker image base : Node 20 LTS > Node 22 LTS.
  • jc dependency package has been removed !

✅ Tests

  • Bats is now used to test 100% of shells (36 tests have been written) with 100% coverage.
  • Bats tests have been added to CI/CD.

💖 Support the project

If you like my work, if you use BorgWarehouse in your business, if you just want to give, think about sponsoring me.

🤝 Thank you to all contributors and sponsors !

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