github RamonUnch/AltSnap 1.57
AltSnap 1.57

latest releases: 1.63, v1.62, 1.62...
23 months ago
  • New keyboard actions to move the window in steps to each directions. You have the choice between large steps and small steps. To setup the size of the steps in pixels, use the KBMoveStep and KBMoveSStep values in the [Advanced] section of the .ini file. Default is 100 for large steps and 10 for small steps. #304

  • Now the Restore Window action is available as a mouse action and will let you restore AltSnapped windows to their original size with a single click. Setup as a titlebar action it can be used to better integrate in the native snapping experiment. #292

  • Now the right mouse button can be used inside a menu item of a window list to minimize the corresponding window. The middle mouse button will close the window. he menu will remain opened. #290

  • Now the NumberMenuItems option can be set to 1 in the [Advanced] section of the .ini file in order to number menu elements from 0-9 instead of A-Z. This applies to all windows list menu.

  • New: Window list action that list all windows on your monitors. It can be an alternative to Alt+Tab. #298

  • New Laser stacked windows list action is now available as a mouse and keyboard action previously it was only available with the shift modifier on the Stacked windows list action.

  • New: You now have a Send original click option in the action menu if you triggered it from the title bar. #302

  • New: You now have the Movement Disabled entry on the action menu that will prevent AltSnap movement from happening in the window. The flag can be enabled and disabled as desired for any window. #283

  • Now any keyboard shortcut can be setup to suspend/resume Altsnap. #283

  • New: AltSnap actions can now be Invoked from the command line. Actions will behave like the corresponding keyboard action. AltSnap must already be launched and the allow multiple instance option must be disabled. Then you can Launch AltSnap: AltSnap.exe -apACTION to perform the ACTION on the Pointed window AltSnap.exe -afACTION to perform the ACTION on the Foreground window example: AltSnap.exe -afAlwaysOnTop will toggle the topmost flag on the foreground window. #285

  • Now title or class blacklist item can match start or end with a * ie: *ttl|class* or *ttl|*class or ttl*|*class or ttl*|class* You cannot have a star at both ends of an item though. Previously matching was limited to the *ttl|class* form. #305

  • Now with the EndSendKey option in the [Input] section of the ini file, you can specify which key will be sent at the end of a movement to prevent menu being selection or the window menu from popping up The default value is EndSendKey=11 that corresponds to the Ctrl key that is used since ever in AltSanp and AltDrag. #309

  • Try as much as possible to Maximize/restore windows asynchronously to avoid mouse locking.

  • Fixed Stacked windows menu font is now the current system menu font instead of the dialog font. #284

  • Fixed: Crash in the Stacked window list. #284

  • Fixed: Pressing ESC when cancelling a stack window menu will no longer focus the first window of the list. #284

  • Fixed: Some crashes in low memory situation.

  • Fixed: The hooks.dll file will only be loaded from AltSnap's directory.

  • Fixed: #239 Window transparency would sometime not be restored when using the Opacity while moving option.

  • Fixed: #295, Windows Terminal will no longer minimizes when selecting the Minimize all other windows option.

  • Fixed: Removes the topmost indicator or display the context menu when the click is released instead of down for more consistent UI experience. This will also allow to handle drags in the future if needed.

  • Fixed: The current user local will now be used as a default UI language.

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