github Radiokot/photoprism-android-client 1.17.0(27)
1.17.0 – Enhanced live photos viewer, albums overview

latest releases: 1.35.0(52), 1.35.0(51), 1.34.0(50)...
17 months ago


  • Albums overview screen for the search, where you can see all the albums in grid view,
    quickly scroll from top to bottom and filter the items by name
  • Enhanced live photos viewer which fades the video into the high-quality still image.
    It works with Samsung live photos and manually uploaded JPEG+MP4 batches and does not affect short videos treated by PhotoPrism as live photos. Until the autumn PhotoPrism release, you can test this feature on the public demo
  • Ability to change the app language from system settings on Android 13


  • Added more vertical space to the search configuration screen
  • Make long album names scroll like a ticker

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