- 更新 r8168 驱动到 v8.055.00.
- 移除某些环境下的大量的 "Can't get sata chip name" 日志 (trivial addon ).
- 缓解频繁的 RRM 操作导致引导盘损毁的概率.
- 修复 wireless addon 的小问题.
- Updated r8168 driver to v8.055.00.
- Remove excessive "Can't get sata chip name" logs in some environments (trivial addon).
- Reduce the probability of boot disk damage caused by frequent RRM operations.
- Fixed some minor issues in wireless addon.
- 近日获悉 https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/71005-passing-of-fbelavenuto, @fbelavenuto 不幸离世得噩耗,让我们铭记往昔岁月,缅怀逝者风采,深深悼念,寄去哀思.
此外也因为@fbelavenuto, @jim3ma, @pocopico, 辛勤的付出,才使得 @RedPill-TTG 的 Redpill 项目愈加完美,让我们向所有开发者致以最诚挚得敬意.
Full Changelog: 25.1.4...25.2.0