github RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM 3.2.0
Release 3.2.0

latest releases: 3.5.5, 3.5.4, 3.5.3...
8 years ago

FHEM Modules:

Support start and end marker for MU and MS protocols, this better decoding of some protocols.

OSV3 Sensors are supported, please report.

Change message length check: check length after demdoulation, to archive better protocol detection.

Works with Signalduino uC Code >3.2.0

Supports serval protocols and 433 Mhz devices,but works also for some 866 Mhz Devices

Detection is done on the Arduino, decoding is done within the FHEM Module, this allows easy integration of new protocols whithout touching the firmware.

Uses own FHEM Module for IO Device, so can coexists in paralell with a fhemduino or a CUL.

Installation is done over update command from FHEM. Flashing of the Arduino is done via FHEM. Compiled Firmware version exists for Arduino Nano, Uno and ProMini Default is for arduino Nano.

Includes a helper module for unknown messages

Supports a whitelist attribute to reduce the operations to specified protocols, which is much more improved. Shoud be even faster as in Version 3.1

Supports the attribute longids, so for example weather sensors can be defined with or without the random code.

Firmware Enhancements:

Improved Manchester decoder

Added a Manchester encoder

Improved send raw encoder

Added option to enable or disable Message Types MU, MS and MC

Much more Stable as v 3.1

Many bugfixes

Sending data by specifying bits and protocol which has to be transmitted

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