github QuestPDF/QuestPDF 2024.3.0

latest releases: 2024.3.5, 2024.3.4, 2024.3.3...
one month ago

The primary theme of this release is the removal of the SkiaSharp dependency and the introduction of a custom native layer built on top of Skia M124.

Primary features

This change was necessary to provide much higher flexibility and enable several new long-awaited features:

  • Font subsetting - this feature includes only necessary font glyphs in the output document, significantly reducing the file size, especially when using glyph-rich fonts supporting multiple languages,
  • Improved text-related capabilities, including but not limited to text justification, bi-directionality, enhanced line-breaking algorithms, more styles for text decoration, word spacing, and more,
  • Introduced additional document compression to reduce file size further,
  • Integrated native SVG support,
  • In future releases: enhanced accessibility through support for PDF tags.

Other changes

  • Removed the SkiaSharp dependency, thereby making QuestPDF a standalone library,
  • Updated the Lato font to the latest version (2.015),
  • Included licenses of the third-party dependencies in the NuGet package,
  • Included a list of Contributors in the NuGet package to acknowledge the valuable input from our Community in improving QuestPDF.

Breaking changes

Unfortunately, this release also introduces breaking changes:

  • Removed support for injecting SkiaSharp content directly into the document. It is still possible to integrate SkiaSharp through vector and raster graphics; please consult the documentation for more details,
  • Removed support for platforms: Android, iOS, UWP, WASM, and Linux-Alpine. We are currently investigating reintroducing support for WASM and Linux-Alpine in future releases.


The work on this release took many months and was only possible with proper development funding. We would like to thank every company that followed the licensing terms and purchased the license.

The help of the QuestPDF Community was also astounding. Thank you for active testing and for providing valuable feedback and contributions.

We would also like to thank the SkiaSharp project, its maintainers, and its contributors for creating an exceptional graphics library. It was a fantastic foundation for QuestPDF for over 3 years.

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