github QuestPDF/QuestPDF 2023.12.0

latest releases: 2024.3.10, 2024.3.9, 2024.3.7...
6 months ago

Version 2023.12.0

  • Feature: added a Shrink element that enables relaxation of layout constraints from the parent element, applicable to both vertical and horizontal axes independently
  • Feature: developed the ShowIf API, allowing conditional visibility of elements based on rendering context (initially supports PageNumber only)
  • Feature: added functionality to specify unit types for the Spacing property in the Row element, improving Fluent API consistency (by @sclarke81)
  • Optimization: reduced memory usage and decreased Garbage Collector pressure in the FluentAPI, enhancing performance
  • Improvement: integrated CancellationToken support in the ShowInPreviewer method (by @marcmognol)
  • Improvement: simplified DynamicComponent usage by introducing a state-less component model (by @bennetbo)
  • Testing: introduced a new internal layout-testing engine (prototype)

Huge thanks to all contributors and community members. Your help is highly appreciated!

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