github QuestPDF/QuestPDF 2022.12.11

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6 months ago

Version 2022.12.0:

Feature: implemented LetterSpacing property for the Text element
Improvement: the Text element API accepts now only string values, objects are not automatically converted anymore
Fix: the Alignment element incorrectly limits size of its child when only one axis is set (horizontal or vertical)
Maintenance: Updated SkiaSharp dependency to 2.88.3

This release was possible thanks to enormous help of AntonyCorbett, thank you!

Version 2022.12.1:

Fixed: loading fonts from embedded resource via the FontManager.RegisterFontFromEmbeddedResource method
Fixed: better layout calculation stability for the Column element
Improvement: exposed missing API method for the Dynamic component, enabling applying more advanced optimizations
Improvement: better API documentation for the Settings.DocumentLayoutExceptionThreshold property

Version 2022.12.2:

Performance improvements in various areas
Text rendering stability improvements
Fixed: the Settings.CheckIfAllTextGlyphsAreAvailable setting does not work correctly

Version 2022.12.3:

Fix: inconsistent text height when using multiple lines with different TextStyles
Improvement: added validation for color arguments
Fix: the inlined element is shown only once in the header but should be repeated on each page

Version 2022.12.4:

Fix: the TextStyle.Fallback property incorrectly inherits parent's and global properties
Improvement: updated the CreateNotMatchingFontException message to mention that the glyph checking operation can be disabled with the Settings.CheckIfAllTextGlyphsAreAvailable setting

Version 2022.12.6:

Fix: fixed the rendering order of table cells in certain scenarios

Version 2022.12.7:

Text rendering enhancement: a fake underline is drawn when the font typeface lacks an underline effect configuration or it is unavailable on runtime operating system
Text rendering enhancement: a fake strikethrough is drawn when the font typeface lacks a strikethrough effect configuration or it is unavailable on runtime operating system
Text rendering enhancement: a fake skew operation is applied to mimic an italic effect when the provided font lacks an italic variant
Text rendering enhancement: a fake bold effect is applied when the font doesn't offer variants of higher weight

Version 2022.12.8:

Updated SkiaSharp dependency from 2.88.3 to 2.88.6
Updated QuestPDF Previewer dependencies: from Avalonia 0.10.X to 11.0.X

Version 2022.12.9:

Enhanced developer experience by refining the accuracy of the exception message thrown when native SkiaSharp dependencies are unavailable in the runtime environment.

Version 2023.12.10

Enhanced SkiaSharp native dependency detection for increased compatibility.
Fixed rare instances of text rendering inaccurately due to cache-related faults.
Fixed a rare problem where the Row element does not always respect layout issues in its children.

Version 2023.12.11

Back-ported feature as part of extended support: simplified development loop by introducing cross-platform methods GeneratePdfAndShow() and GenerateXpsAndShow()
Back-ported community-developed feature: added functionality to specify unit types for the Spacing property in the Row element, improving Fluent API consistency (by @sclarke81)
Back-ported community-developed improvement: integrated CancellationToken support in the ShowInPreviewer method (by @marcmognol)
Back-ported community-developed improvement: simplified DynamicComponent usage by introducing a state-less component model (by @bennetbo)

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