github Querz/mcaselector 1.9.10

latest releases: 2.4, 2.3, 2.2.2...
4 years ago

Fixed some bugs and added support for the new blockstate format.


  • Fixed a bug where the map would not update correctly after swapping chunks.
  • Forcing a biome change is actually forced now.
  • Added support for the new 20w17a blockstate format.
  • Fixed the status bar not showing complete values.
  • Added a loading icon to the bottom right corner when things are loading.
  • Improved zooming. Zooming is also possible now using the +- and --keys.
  • Set initial offset for coordinate 0,0 to be centered, instead of the center of region 0,0.
  • Fixed alignments in the About dialog.
  • Updated issue templates.
  • Fixed Swedish translation, see #95 .
  • Added more instructions for later Java versions regarding JavaFX, see #96 .
  • Updated NBT to 5.0.
  • Cleaned up the code.


  • Either:
    • JRE 8+, you can get it from HERE
    • A Minecraft Java Edition installation
  • A computer
  • A brain

If you have Java from Oracle installed on your system

Most likely, .jar files are associated with java on your computer, it should therefore launch by simply double clicking the file (or however your OS is configured to open files using your mouse or keyboard). If not, you can try java -jar mcaselector-1.9.10.jar from your console. If this doesn't work, you might want to look into how to modify the PATH variable on your system to tell your system that java is an executable program.

If you have Minecraft Java Edition installed on your system

Minecraft Java Edition comes with a JRE that you can use to start the MCA Selector, so there is no need to install another version of java on your system. On Windows, that java version is usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\bin\ and once inside this folder you can simply run java.exe -jar <path-to-mcaselector-1.9.10.jar>. On Mac OS you should find it in ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/runtime/jre-x64/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/bin/ where you can execute ./java -jar <path-to-mcaselector-1.9.10.jar>.

WARNING: For macOS 10.14+ (Mojave) It is NOT recommended to use the JRE provided by Minecraft (1.8.0_74), because it contains a severe bug that causes JavaFX applications to crash when they lose focus while a dialog window (such as the save-file-dialog) is open (see the bug report here). This bug has been fixed in Java 1.8.0_201 and above.

If you are using OpenJDK

If you are using a distribution of OpenJDK, you have to make sure that it comes with JavaFX, as it is needed to run the MCA Selector. Some distributions like AdoptOpenJDK (shipped with most Linux distributions) do not ship with JavaFX by default. On Debian distributions, an open version of JavaFX is contained in the openjfx package. This or some other installation of JavaFX is required to run the .jar.

If you are using Java 11 or higher

If you are using Java 11 or higher, the JavaFX modules are not included automatically. You will need to include them by specifying the module path for JavaFX. Some examples are included below, but you may need to edit paths if your system stores the JavaFX modules in a different location.

On Windows with Oracle Java 13:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.1\bin\java.exe" --module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-13.0.1\lib" --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar mcaselector-1.9.10.jar

On Debian with OpenJDK 11 and openjfx:

java --module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar mcaselector-1.9.10.jar

If none of these instructions work, apply "A brain" that you providently held ready after having read the "Requirements" section carefully.

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