- Ability to search for subreddits
- Collapse sticky comments from bots (on by default)
- Ability to show upvote percentage in post subtitle (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Highlight suggested sort in sort menu (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Prevent replying to locked posts (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Added option to block screenshots (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Added long-click menu to grey subreddit heading bar (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Updated default subreddit list (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Fix issue with copying links (thanks to Cameron Merkel)
- Allows reporting uncaught exceptions
- Fix to sample flag handling when saving Reddit videos
- Accessibility: announce relative level of comments within a thread (on by default)
- Accessibility: add option to use concise language when possible (off by default) for more efficient navigation (thanks to codeofdusk)
- Accessibility: announce if the current user has upvoted/downvoted posts and comments (thanks to codeofdusk)
- Accessibility: announce if a post has been previously read (thanks to codeofdusk)
- Accessibility: enable "separate body text lines" by default for new installs (thanks to codeofdusk)
- Accessibility: add pause in between post title and subtitle so they don't get combined into one sentence
- Accessibility: text improvements (thanks to codeofdusk)
- Dependency updates