github QW-Group/ktx v1.45

latest release: 1.45
6 days ago

KTX 1.45 Release Notes


  • Prevent handicap and dmgfrags changing in LGC mode (kostya7)
  • Randomize the processing order of the initial spawn (osm)
  • Toggle ToT mode weapons with k_disallow_weapons (osm)
  • LGC mode last frag lightning gun percent statistics in wpstats (kostya7)


  • Set extension fields via *ExtFieldPtr which binds an extension field rather than looks up by string every time.
  • SPAWN: Better k_spm_custom_model compatibility (dsvensson)
  • SPAWN: k_spm_color_rgba to customize color and transparency of spawn marker.
  • Query f_{modified,ruleset,version} on match {start,end} (osm)
  • New toggles: 'klist', 'tracklist' (osm)



  • Zombies spawned in deathmatch with crucified flag set are now properly crucified instead of invisible but moaning.


  • k_spm_custom_model used to be numerical, with valid values of 0 and 1. Outdated versions of nquake server configuration had 2 which used to be progs/spawn.mdl. These three values are translated to the corresponding model selection. If the server fails to start wrt a missing model because another value was used, then update this cvar to point to a valid model, such as progs/player.mdl.
  • k_spm_color_rgba defaults to no modification. If enabling either color or transparency this will gracefully fall back to opaque uncolored for old fully connected clients (players and spectators), while QTV and MVD targets will require 3.6.6 versions of ezQ due to alpha being buggy since 2013, this also means updating to a new mvdsv and QTV or QTV-Go release. FTE server and client has supported these features for many years, so FTE users are fine.

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