github QW-Group/ezquake-source 3.6-dev-alpha10-dev

latest releases: 3.6.4, 3.6.3, 3.6.2...
23 months ago

Changes in 3.6-dev-alpha:

Changes from alpha9=>alpha10 (November 14th, ongoing)

  • Added /vid_reload command to reload textures, rather than full /vid_restart. /vid_reload_auto cvar controls automatic/manual.
  • Added _draw cvar on hud elements, to take space on-screen but not render content (also filters SP & MP games) (requests #619, #620)
  • Added /scr_scoreboard_showflagstats, to force flag columns to be shown on scoreboard (for CTF - thanks to dsvensson)
  • Added support for MacOS qw urls opening via drag and drop emulation (fix by ciscon)
  • Added /hud_teaminfo_header_spacing to control lines between headers (default 1 - thanks to xantom)
  • Changed _show cvar on hud elements to allow filter for SP & MP games (requests #619, #620)
  • Changed /gl_consolefont to fall back to 'original' on load failure, but doesn't change value (for toggling no24bit, #605)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not affecting aliasmodel skins (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx, #605)
  • Fixed toggling /gl_no24bit 1 => 0 causing maximum of a single QMB particle (old bug, reported by hemostx, #604)
  • Fixed combination of /vid_framebuffer_multisample and /r_fx_geometry (alpha9 bug, reported by hemostx, #608)
  • Fixed bug causing frag-message highlighting of normal messages if name at start of line (very old bug, reported by qqshka, #623)
  • Fixed bugs causing access of invalid memory when loading corrupt .bsp files (very old bugs, reported by mmmds, #615)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_particle_gibtrails 1 to turn classic blood trails following gibs into rocket smoke (very old bug, reported by hemostx, #614)
  • Fixed bug causing +fire_ar to not obey /cl_weaponhide when last button depressed (alpha8 bug, reported by paddern, #613)
  • Fixed bug causing messagemode input to appear in wrong position when using notify hud element (3.5 bug, reported by zigg1zagg1, #626)
  • Fixed bug causing potential access of freed memory during vid_reload/vid_restart
  • Fixed bug causing /cl_curlybraces to affect general parsing (3.1 bug after workaround in 2009, #640, reported by raket/fix)
  • Fixed bug causing /r_tracker_inconsole 3 to show frag messages in the notify area (3.5 bug, #642, reported by HangTime)
  • Fixed bug causing /hud_bar_armor to display outside bounds when armor value > 100 (affects ctf - #651, reported & fixed by dsvensson)
  • Fixed bug causing copy-to-clipboard from server-browser popup on non-Windows systems to not copy to system clipboard (thanks to dev)
  • Fixed bug causing restore of window which already had input focus (affects linux/macos, thanks to ciscon)
  • Improved alignment of scoreboard scores, removed teamkills in teamplay 4 (thanks to dsvensson)
  • Added arch-linux support to script (thanks to ginzberg)
  • Changed endian detection in GCC/clang (fixes #655, thanks to ciscon)
  • Fixed reading from pipe on posix systems (thanks to qqskha)
  • Fixed weapon selection not defaulting back to 2 1 on map change (#659, reported by ParboiL)
  • Will now load from ID1 folder if id1 not present
  • Will now check PAKx.PAK if pakx.pak not present (fixes #637, reported by nzmyers)
  • Skyboxes rotated to match other quake engines (part of #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)
  • Skyboxes will be loaded on map start if specified in worldspawn (fixes #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)
  • Fixed playback of looping sounds when using libsndfile to load sounds (reported by lurq)

Changes from alpha8=>alpha9 (July 13th => November 14th, 2021)

  • Fixed/worked around some classic renderer bugs on version x.y.13399 AMD drivers (#416)
  • Fixed bug causing off-by-one error when drawing rectangle outlines (3.5 bug, reported by Matrix, #536)
  • Fixed /in_raw 0 behaviour on MacOS (#489)
  • Fixed /r_drawflat 1, /r_drawflat_mode 0 affecting ammo boxes etc in classic renderer
  • Fixed match logging not working when using competitive rulesets
  • Fixed incomplete rendering when gibbed or dead in shallow water (reported by Matrix, #568)
  • Fixed tab key not switching tabs on serverinfo popup (reported by Hangtime, #555)
  • Fixed /demo_jump_mark not working if /demo_jump_rewind not set
  • Fixed coping with 1x1 ibar.png (reported by Matrix, #571)
  • Fixed powerupshells when using /r_viewmodelsize (reported by timbergeron, #573)
  • Fixed crouch adjustment staying disabled after teleport/respawn when /cl_nopred enabled (reported by Matrix, #572)
  • Added /gl_smoothmodels back in (modern renderer only), (requested by Repast via
  • Added /demo_jump_skip_messages to determine if messages should be printed to console during demo jump
  • Added /demo_jump_end to jump to next intermission point or end of demo (requested by Hangtime, #564)
  • Added /sb_info_filter to allow filtering of servers in server-browser based on serverinfo (requested by Matrix, #537)
  • On startup (after autoexec.cfg executed), a vid_restart/s_restart will be issued if any latched variables were changed (reported by Dusty, #458)
  • Multiview will be disabled when watching a solo demo and no powerup cams are active (requested by mmavova, #126)
  • MacOS: sets SDL flag to stop touch events being translated into mouse events (might help with #354)
  • /status command will be ignored if an alias with the same name is found, use /sv_status instead (fixes #532)
  • qw:// urls in command line will be opened even if not preceded by +qwurl (thanks to ciscon)
  • Linux: register_qwurl_protocol will register protocol with xdg (thanks to ciscon)
  • Added /v_dlightcolor to control if being inside flashblend light affects palette by color of light
  • Added /v_dlightcshiftpercent to control strength of palette shift effect when inside flashblend light
  • Changed /v_dlightcshift to be enum of when being inside flashblend light affects palette (requested by HangTime, #542)
  • Added /vid_framebuffer_multisample to control multi-sampling level of the framebuffer (reported by Matrix, #367)
  • Translucent models are first drawn with a z-pass, to stop overdraw affecting level of translucency
  • Fixed explosion effects on md3 viewmodels (additive blending was being lost)
  • Removed server-side weapon switching 'support' in client
  • Removed debugging messages when using +fire_ar
  • Commands that search by regular expression (/cvarlist_re etc) are now case-insensitive (reported by HangTime, #599)
  • Added /fs_savegame_home to control if games are saved to home directory (default) or game directory (reported by githubtefo, #586)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not taking effect after /vid_restart (reported by hemostx, #601)
  • Fixed /gl_no24bit not disabling loading external textures (3.5 bug, kind of reported by hemostx, #601)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_scaleskytextures to not affect external textures (reported & fixed by hemostx, #606)
  • Fix invalid protocol adjustments when using NQ progs.dat and /sv_bigcoords 1

Changes from alpha7=>alpha8 (Feb 9th => July 13th, 2021)

  • Fix increased memory buffer causing slow speed of demo_jump (#453)
  • Fix turbalpha causing rendering artifacts on non-vissed maps (#473)
  • Fix bug in SZ_Print writing to invalid memory (oldest bug in ezQuake?)
  • Fix KTX autotrack jumping too often to players with numbers in name
  • Fix cl_delay_packet causing problems changing maps on internal server (#488)
  • Fix brushmodel entities (health etc) disappearing with r_drawflat 1 in classic renderer (#558)
  • Fix hardware gamma being updated too often during
  • Fix rendering fps affecting speed of turning left/right using keyboard
  • Fix bug causing .loc files to not load during demo playback
  • Fix weaker r_drawflat_mode on classic renderer
  • Fix incorrectly offset mouse cursor image
  • Fix rendering of right-aligned tracker when using proportional fonts (#543)
  • Fix no background on power bar when using hud_frags_fliptext
  • Fix using invalid lightmap when moving to a map with a higher number of lightmaps (#540)
  • Fix invalid rendering when using r_drawflat and moving to a map with higher number of lightmaps (#540)
  • Fix invalid texture2D() call when using modern glsl
  • Fix playback of MVDs recorded in FTE where first packet read into frame 1 rather than frame 0 (#551)
  • Fix drawflat not affecting alpha-surfaces when using glsl
  • Fix using incorrect lightmap when drawflat rendering in immediate-mode OpenGL
  • Fix alpha surfaces rendered opaque (or fully transparent) based on top-left of image
  • Fix issue rendering on AMD core profile due to VBO alignment issue
  • Fix issue causing r_dynamic 2 to render fullbright lightmap if r_fullbright valid at map load
  • Added workaround for rendering issues with AMD 4.5.13399 drivers (#416)
  • Added workaround for OpenGL errors elsewhere causing ezQuake to think texture arrays not created (#475)
  • Help with missing player models on MVDs using extended FTE model limits (#551)
  • Added /gl_turb_effects, controls if nails/shotgun particles spawn bubbles underwater (#553)
  • Added /gl_turb_fire, controls if explosions spawn bubbles underwater (#553)
  • Added +fire_ar, an anti-rollover +fire
  • Support for chaticons not 256x256 (#477)
  • hud_ammo more consistent when using non-ammo weapons (#206)
  • hud_fps_drop accepts negative values, interpretted as related to cl_maxfps (#556)
  • hud_teaminfo headers are now optional
  • nquake's default.cfg is ignored (is executed by different script)
  • Improved server-side weapon switching (still incomplete)
  • When paused, mouse input is disabled, not hidden until unpaused
  • Internal server is synced with mvdsv (circa February)
  • Server browser shows info at lower resolutions
  • Menu has options for gl_modulate, turn left/right, cvar descriptions match /describe
  • Build support: improve ARM build support, mingw clang, FreeBSD/powerpc 32-bit, ubuntu 20.04 dockerfile, FDK AppStream
  • Support building on NetBSD (thanks to ciscon)

Changes in 3.6

3.6 merges 3.2 and the un-released 3.5 - changes listed here are relative to those versions.

(if viewing on github, download links are at bottom of page)

Bugs affecting older clients

  • Fix crash to desktop when finding best routes to server and number of proxies too high (old bug, also fixed in 3.5-alpha24 and 3.2.1)
  • Don't draw hud/console, then full console background then server browser (old)
  • Skip rendering glyphs for spaces when the line has been turned red (old, affected server browser)
  • -gamma command line option now sets /gl_gamma default, rather than also setting the gamma adjustment on some in-game textures (old, very old)
  • /gl_detpacklights now controls if coronas created on detpacks in TF (very old bug, reported by Trickle)
  • /packet command is now only blocked when active on server (old bug)
  • /scr_newhud elements are hidden when free-floating in spectator mode (old, thanks to hemostx)
  • /scr_autoid only shows extended info when in mvd playback (old)
  • Fixed bug causing read-only file handle to config being kept open, preventing backup from being taken (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing MVD-stats code to cause /tp_loadloc to effectively always be forced to 1 (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing buffer-overrun if loading a corrupt/truncated .wav file (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing buffer-overrun if loading a .mdl file with invalid vertex indexes (old bug, reported by Pulseczar1)
  • Fixed bug causing rcon timestamps to be truncated when using /cl_crypt_rcon and server has /sv_timestamplen set (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing stats hud display to be incorrect if cl_mvdisplayhud not set to 1 and multiview inset view enabled (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing crash to desktop if invalid .png found (now be told of path before terminating, still not great) (old bug, #317)
  • Fixed bug causing radar texture to wrap edges (old bug, #424, reported by hemostx)
  • Fixed bug causing gunshot positions on radar to always be displayed around the origin (old bug, #425, reported by hemostx)
  • Fixed bug causing sky surfaces on submodels to not be drawn as skybox, if loaded (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing program to terminate when recording demo and next packetsize exceeded limits (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing spectator issue when tracking player on server, reconnecting and then tracking again (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing show net to not show valid information when playing back .qwd files (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing 'crouch' step-smoothing to kick in when respawning at a (very) nearby spawn point (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing player to suddenly rotate when game was unpaused as mouse movement during pause suddenly took effect (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing other players to move around on screen when game is paused (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing /cl_earlypackets to cause frames to be rendered at teleport entrance position but player pointing at teleport exit angle (old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing parts of the screen covered by turb surfaces to not be redrawn when translucent with no map support (#473, old bug, reported by HangTime)
  • Fixed bug causing writing to invalid memory when buffer overflows when printing string (very old bug)
  • Fixed bug causing client to keep reading from stream after /map <mapname> while connected to QTV (linked to #488, reported by HangTime)
  • Fixed bug causing client to prioritise player with userid in name rather than the userid in /track, /ignore, /unignore (affected autotrack - reported by andeh, exploited by an1k vs userID 1 henu)
  • Fixed bug causing client to receive playerinfo packet before knowing which protocol extensions are enabled when using /cl_delay_packet on local server (#488, reported by pattah)
  • Fixed bug causing fps to affect /cl_yawspeed/+left/+right commands (keyboard turning) (old bug, #550, reported by veganaize)
  • Fixed bug causing missing entities when playing back demos recorded in FTE (old bug, #551, reported by lordee)
  • Fixed bug causing toggling /gl_no24bit 1 => 0 causing maximum of a single QMB particle (old bug, #604, reported by hemostx)
  • Fixed bug causing frag-message highlighting of normal messages if name at start of line (very old bug, reported by qqshka #623)
  • Fixed bugs causing access of invalid memory when loading corrupt .bsp files (very old bugs, reported by mmmds, #615)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_particle_gibtrails 1 to turn classic blood trails following gibs into rocket smoke (very old bug, reported by hemostx, #614)
  • Translucent models are first drawn with a z-pass, to stop overdraw affecting level of translucency
  • Fixed bug causing /hud_bar_armor to display outside bounds when armor value > 100 (affects ctf - #651, reported & fixed by dsvensson)
  • Fixed bug causing copy-to-clipboard from server-browser popup on non-Windows systems to not copy to system clipboard (thanks to dev)
  • Fixed reading from pipe on posix systems (thanks to qqskha)
  • Fix invalid protocol adjustments when using NQ progs.dat and /sv_bigcoords 1

Bugs which affected 3.x

  • Space prefix in console didn't send remaining text as chat (3.2 bug, reported by ciscon, BLooD_DoG & VVD)
  • Fixed bug causing multiple item timers to spawn when using /demo_jump (3.2 bug, reported by Milton)
  • Fixed bug causing team & player sorting to be different (3.2 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing keypad binds to be executed in console when /cl_keypad 1 set, also enter key is treated as return in console (#319, 3.2 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing mouse wheel start & stop events to be fired in the same frame (3.x bug, #200)
  • Fixed bug causing friendly/enemy teams to switch mid-demo when using teamlock 1 (3.2 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing score_enemy/score_difference hud elements to use next player depending on sort rules, rather than best opponent (#469, 3.2 bug, reported by doomie)
  • Fixed bug causing "Unset entity number" message & program termination as entnum overwritten from local baselines after avoiding buffer overflow in previous frame (reported during sdCup2 on Discord)
  • Fixed bug causing /cl_mvinsetcrosshair 1 crosshair to not move with the inset view (#462, 3.2 bug, reported by ptdev)
  • Fixed bug causing /scr_cursor_iconoffset_x & /scr_cursor_iconoffset_y to have no effect (3.x bug, fix by ciscon)
  • Fixed bug causing /in_raw 0 to produce no mouse input in-game on MacOS
  • Workaround applied to show players when playing back demos using FTE model extensions where player index >= 256 (3.1+ bug (no support in older clients), #551, reported by lordee)
  • Fixed /demo_jump_mark not working if /demo_jump_rewind not set
  • Horizontal field of view limit has increased to 165 (screen ratio adjustment previously limited this to 127 on 16:9) (#389, 3.0 issue)
  • Fixed bug causing /cl_curlybraces to affect general parsing (3.1 bug after workaround in 2009, #640, reported by raket/fix)
  • Fixed bug causing restore of window which already had input focus (affects linux/macos, thanks to ciscon)

Bugs which affected 3.5 (typically related to renderer rewrite)

  • When using non-desktop resolution and running fullscreen, image was cropped (3.5 bug, reported by bgnr)
  • HUD renders circles again (affects speed2, radar, itemsclock with certain settings) (3.5 bug, reported by numerous people)
  • Fixed visual artifact around classic particles in classic OpenGL (3.5 bug, reported by hemostick)
  • OpenGL viewport state invalidated if window is resized (3.5 bug, reported by blindcant)
  • NULL pointer dereference if OpenGL implementation didn't support buffers (3.5 bug)
  • Corrupt lightmap rendering when lots of options enabled for world-drawing GLSL (3.5 bug)
  • Gamma adjustment on screenshots led to them being colored incorrectly (3.1/3.5 bug re-introduced during merge)
  • Stop levelshot (console background) from potentially being deleted too early (3.5 bug)
  • /gl_texturemode doesn't affect the texture used for framebuffers (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • When using scaled framebuffer, mouse cursor co-ordinates are incorrect (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • When using scaled framebuffer, screenshots use correct dimensions (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • When using 2d&3d framebuffers, world-view was being over-written during 2d draw (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • Fix rendering of fullbright textures that aren't luma/external-32bit textures (3.5 bug, reported by ciscon & lurq)
  • /gl_textureless 1 on glsl path in classic renderer caused bmodel entities to be rendered textureless (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • /gl_outline 2 fixed (3.5 bug, reported by fourier)
  • /gl_shaftlight 0 fixed on glsl path in classic renderer (3.5 bug, reported by maniac)
  • /r_dynamic 2 was calculating too many lightmaps (3.5 bug, reported by ciscon)
  • /gl_no24bit wasn't disabling loading external textures (3.5 bug, kind of reported by hemostx, #601)
  • Fixed bug causing invalid texture references to be used if /vid_restart issued while disconnected (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing oblique particles if sprite array dimensions were unmatched (width != height) (3.5 bug - reported by ciscon)
  • Fixed bug causing flashblend to render as transparent if sprite array dimensions were unmatched (width != height) (3.5 bug - reported by ciscon)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_brush_polygonoffset not to work in modern-glsl renderer (3.5 bug, #404)
  • Fixed bug causing powerup shell to not obey /r_lerpframes when aliasmodel VAO already bound pre-draw (3.5 bug, #421)
  • Fixed bug causing sky surfaces on submodels to be displayed without z-buffer enabled (3.5 bug, #426, reported by Pulseczar1)
  • Fixed bug causing submodels to not be displayed if only surfaces visible were sky textures (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing corrupt rendering if HUD contained lines but no images (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing corrupt HUD rendering until GLSL HUD enabled or enabled but disabled and then r_smooth option disabled (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing crash with old-hud rendering and r_damagestats enabled (3.5 bug, #432, reported by eb)
  • Fixed bug causing atlas textures to not be rendered when using ATI drivers reporting version x.y.13399 (seems to be driver issue? #416)
  • Fixed bug causing rendering issue when using /gl_contrast to brighten screen in classic renderer (3.5 bug, #442, reported by hammer)
  • Fixed bug causing no rendering of aliasmodels when VAs not supported but /gl_program_aliasmodels set (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing geometry-edge overlay to not be aligned when using framebuffer scaling (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx)
  • Fixed bug causing crash when tracker fills up when minimised (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing incorrect texture to be bound when rendering once new texture created (#452, 3.5 bug, reported by pattah)
  • Fixed bug causing differences in rendering md3 viewmodels in glsl vs std renderer (explosion surface is additive - same awful hack until we support shaders) (3.5 bug but 3.2 was even worse)
  • Fixed bug causing aliasmodels to be rendered with the normal map overlaid instead of caustics texture (#457, 3.5 bug, reported by hammer)
  • Fixed bug causing geometry outlines to be rendered incorrectly in sub-views when multiview enabled (3.5 bug)
  • Fixed bug causing invalid lightmap rendering when using drawflat and map load caused number of lightmaps to increase (3.5 bug, found during #540)
  • Fixed bug causing unlit lightmap data to be set to fullbright on first map load after watching demo/qtv stream with r_fullbright enabled (3.5 bug, reported by HangTime)
  • Fixed bug causing off-by-one error when drawing rectangle outlines (3.5 bug, reported by Matrix, #536)
  • Fixed bug causing /gl_no24bit to not affect aliasmodel skins (3.5 bug, reported by hemostx, #605)
  • Fixed bug causing messagemode input to appear in wrong position when using notify hud element (3.5 bug, reported by zigg1zagg1, #626)
  • Fixed bug causing /r_tracker_inconsole 3 to show frag messages in the notify area (3.5 bug, #642, reported by HangTime)

Ruleset-related changes

  • /gl_outline now allowed in ruleset thunderdome (requested by VVD)
  • /enemyforceskins descriptions in f_ruleset and f_skins responses has been clarified to specify individuals will be identifiable (reported by Ake_Vader)
  • /enemyforceskins cannot be changed during match (old)
  • /cl_rollangle is now limited to a maximum of 5 when using rulesets smackdown, qcon & thunderdome (requested by VVD)
  • /gl_outline changed to render by projecting backfaces away by surface normal (rather than lines) - to be tested
  • /vid_hwgammacontrol is now forced on when using ruleset mtfl (3.0 bug that this was removed)
  • sign of value movement speed cvars is ignored (old - used to create /cl_idrive-like movement scripts)
  • Immediate logging of the console (-condebug) is disabled during games when using competitive rulesets

Debugging protocol changes (weapon scripts)

  • /cl_debug_antilag_send: sends location of opponents, which is stored in .mvd on supported servers
  • /cl_debug_antilag_view: chooses which location is used when rendering players on supported .mvd/qtv streams (0 = normal, 1 = antilag-rewind, 2 = client position)
  • /cl_debug_antilag_ghost: allows rendering a translucent copy of player position on support .mvd/qtv streams (0 = normal, 1 = antilag-rewind, 2 = client position)
  • /cl_debug_antilag_lines: chooses if lines are drawn between the different player positions on supported .mvd/qtv streams

Other changes

  • /cfg_backup will now not save the config if backup cannot be taken (previous behaviour was to over-write)
  • /cfg_save will now accept subdirectories (e.g. /cfg_save backups/test1.cfg) Absolute paths are still blocked.
  • /cl_c2sdupe will send duplicate packets to the server (a little like Qizmo) (credit to mushi & Spike)
  • /cl_demo_qwd_delta will create smaller .qwd files but older clients will be unable to play them back (enabled by default)
  • /cl_keypad 1 - keypad works as cursor keys in menu
  • /cl_keypad 2 - keypad will behave as /cl_keypad 0 in-game, but /cl_keypad 1 in console etc
  • /cl_delay_packet_target - like cl_delay_packet, but half delay is applied to outgoing and the incoming delay is flexible to match the value
  • /cl_net_clientport - allows the network client port to be specified in-game (rather than just -clientport command line switch)
  • /cl_sv_packetsync - when using internal server & delay packet, controls if server processes packets as they are received (fixes #292)
  • /cl_weaponforgetorder - now sets the best weapon then falls back to sg or axe (as per /cl_weaponhide_axe)
  • /cl_window_caption 2 - window title will be 'ezQuake' and will not change with connection status
  • /cl_username & /authenticate to support optional logins via (see guide)
  • /demo_format supported in non-Windows builds
  • /demo_jump during demo playback should now be faster (#453)
  • /demo_jump_end to jump to next intermission point or end of demo (requested by Hangtime, #564)
  • /demo_jump_skip_messages to determine if messages should be printed to console during demo jump
  • /enemyforceskins 1 will search for player names in lower case (#345)
  • /fs_savegame_home added, controls if games saved to home directory (default) or game directory (reported by githubtefo, #586)
  • /gl_consolefont now falls back to 'original' on load failure, but doesn't change value (for toggling no24bit, #605)
  • /gl_custom_grenade_tf allows /gl_custom_grenade_* variables to be ignored when playing Team Fortress
  • /gl_mipmap_viewmodels removed, replaced with /gl_texturemode_viewmodels
  • /gl_turb_fire added, controls if QMB explosions/fire spawn bubbles underwater
  • /gl_turb_effects added, controls if other QMB effects (impact points for nails & shotguns) spawn bubbles underwater
  • /hud_ammo_show_always 1 (and equivalent iammo) shows current ammo when non-ammo weapon is selected (#206, suggested by VianTORISU)
  • /hud_clock_content 1 changes output to show the uptime of the client
  • /hud_clock_content 2 changes output to show time connected to the server (should match /cl_clock 1 in oldhud)
  • /hud_fps_drop <negative> will be treated as relative to /cl_maxfps, e.g. /hud_fps_drop -5;/cl_maxfps 1001 will show when fps drops to 996
  • /hud_keys supports user commands hidden in .mvd files & qtv streams
  • /hud_teaminfo_header_spacing to control lines between headers (default 1 - thanks to xantom)
  • /in_ignore_touch_events added - allows mouse clicks from touch input devices
  • /in_ignore_unfocused_keyb added - should ignore keyboard events immediately after receiving input focus (linux only)
  • /in_ignore_deadkeys added - essentially /in_builtin_keyboard 1 when option key held down (macos only, #111, reported by bogojoker)
  • /menu_botmatch_gamedir added - allows packages to customise the directory when starting a bot match
  • /menu_botmatch_mod_old added - controls if newer features should be disabled when starting a bot match (to support fbca, lgc etc)
  • /net_tcp_timeout added - allows timeout period to be set when connecting to QTV etc
  • /qtv_adjustbuffer 2 added - targets a specific delay period, rather than % of buffer being full
  • /r_drawflat_mode allows textures to be shaded rather than solid color (GLSL only)
  • /r_tracker_name_remove_prefixes is now /hud_name_remove_prefixes and affects teaminfo as well (also more efficient, #471, req by HangTime)
  • /r_rockettrail & /r_grenadetrail options requiring QMB particles degrade to '1' if QMB not initialised
  • /r_smoothalphahack 1 - during hud rendering, shader will apply lerped alpha to lerped color (behaves as per ezquake < 3.5)
  • /register_qwurl_protocol reports success if run from command line (or rather, run without 'quiet' as 1st argument)
  • /sb_info_filter added - allows filtering of servers in server-browser based on serverinfo
  • /scr_sbar_drawarmor666 - /hud_armor_pent_666 for oldhud (controls if '666' or armor value is shown when player has pent)
  • /scr_damage_hitbeep - will play dmg-notification.wav when current player does damage (on supported .mvd files & qtv streams)
  • /scr_damage_floating - will display floating damage numbers when current player does damage (on supported .mvd files & qtv streams)
  • /scr_scoreboard_login_names will replace player's name with login when it is sent by server
  • /scr_scoreboard_login_flagfile maps player flags to graphics to be shown next to player's name when they are logged in
  • /scr_scoreboard_login_indicator will be shown next to a player's name when they are logged in (if flag not available)
  • /scr_scoreboard_login_color controls the color of a player's name when they are logged in
  • /scr_scoreboard_showflagstats will force flag columns to be shown on scoreboard (for CTF - thanks to dsvensson)
  • /set_ex2 command added, same functionality as /set_ex but doesn't resolve funchars - useful if script needs to compare value later (#428)
  • /status command will be ignored if an alias with the same name is found, use /sv_status instead (#532)
  • /timedemo commands show extra info at end to try and highlight stutter (measuring worst frametimes)
  • /timedemo2 command renders demo in stop-motion at a particular fps
  • /tp_poweruptextstyle controls if $colored_powerups or $colored_short_powerups is used in internal reporting commands
  • /tp_point will show targets in priority order, if /tp_pointpriorities is enabled
  • /v_dlightcolor added - controls if being inside flashblend light affects palette by color of light
  • /v_dlightcshiftpercent added - controls strength of palette shift effect when inside flashblend light
  • /v_dlightcshift changed - now enum of when being inside flashblend light affects palette (requested by HangTime, #542)
  • /vid_framebuffer_smooth controls linear or nearest filtering (thanks to Calinou)
  • /vid_framebuffer_sshotmode controls if screenshot is of framebuffer or screen size
  • /vid_framebuffer_multisample controls multi-sampling level of the framebuffer (reported by Matrix, #367)
  • /vid_hwgamma_fps controls how frequency the gamma of the monitor will be set if hardware gamma is enabled
  • /vid_reload command to reload textures, rather than full /vid_restart (#602)
  • /vid_reload_auto controls if /vid_reload is automatically called when a cvar affecting texture load is changed
  • -oldgamma command line option to re-instate old -gamma behaviour
  • -r-trace command line option in debug build - writes out API calls for each frame to qw/trace/ directory (will kill fps, just for debugging)
  • -r-verify command line option in debug build - regularly downloads GL state from driver, for use with -r-trace
  • -noatlas command line option to stop the system building a 2D atlas at startup
  • -r-nomultibind command line option to disable calls to glBindTextures
  • +qtv_delay command, to be used with /qtv_adjustbuffer 2... pauses QTV stream. When released, QTV buffer length set to length of buffer
  • +fire_ar command added, an anti-rollover +fire - experimental, should simplify weapon scripts
  • On startup, default.cfg is executed before config is loaded (nQuake's default.cfg will be ignored)
  • On startup (after autoexec.cfg executed), a vid_restart/s_restart will be issued if any latched variables were changed (#458)
  • GLSL gamma now supported in classic renderer
  • MVD player lerping is disabled at the point of a player being gibbed (reported by HangTime)
  • Player LG beams hidden during intermission (no more beams in screenshots)
  • ezQuake will re-calculate normals on shared vertices as model is loaded (bug in models with normals set per-surface)
  • When gameplay-related protocols are enabled but not supported by server, you will be warned during connection
  • IP addresses with 5-character TLDs are detected - fixes .world addresses (thanks to bogojoker)
  • Added hud element 'frametime', similar to fps but measuring (max) frametime
  • Changed file-handling when viewing demos from within .zip|.gz to reduce temporary files being left on hard drive
  • PNG warning messages now printed to console rather than stdout
  • Added macro $timestamp, which is in format YYYYMMDD-hhmm
  • Qizmo-compressed files can be played back using Qizmo on linux
  • When watching mvd/qtv, /record & /stop become /mvdrecord and /mvdstop respectively (suggested by HangTime)
  • Internal server has been updated to match latest mvdsv codebase
  • Removed chaticons limitation where source image had to be 256x256 pixels (#477, reported by timbergeron)
  • Demo signoff messages are no longer random
  • Multiview will be disabled when watching a solo demo and no powerup cams are active (requested by mmavova, #126)
  • qw:// urls in command line will be opened even if not preceded by +qwurl (thanks to ciscon)
  • Linux: /register_qwurl_protocol command will register protocol with xdg (thanks to ciscon)
  • Commands that search by regular expression (/cvarlist_re etc) are now case-insensitive (reported by HangTime, #599)
  • Added support for MacOS qw urls opening via drag and drop emulation (thanks to ciscon)
  • Improved alignment of scoreboard scores, removed teamkills in teamplay 4 (thanks to dsvensson)
  • Will now load from ID1 folder if id1 not present
  • Will now check PAKx.PAK if pakx.pak not present (fixes #637, reported by nzmyers)
  • Skyboxes rotated to match other quake engines (part of #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)
  • Skyboxes will be loaded on map start if specified in worldspawn (fixes #629, requested by inf1niti & lurq)


  • Uses libsndfile to load .wav files, if available (if using version < 1.025, set OLD_WAV_LOADING=1 during build to use old custom .wav-loading)
  • Duplicate declarations fixed (supports -fno-common, reported by ciscon)
  • Updated Azure Pipelines builds to latest ubuntu/macos
  • Visual Studio project, Azure Pipelines builds windows binaries (64-bit binaries are VERY beta, not recommended)
  • meson build updated (out of date on 3.5)
  • Fixed build on FreeBSD/powerpc64 (thanks to pkubaj)
  • Remove unsupported 666-deflect message from fragfile.dat (reported by eb, #461)
  • Support building on NetBSD (thanks to ciscon)
  • Lots of help/manual updates (thanks to various, but especially hemostx)
  • Added arch-linux support to script (thanks to ginzberg)
  • Changed endian detection in GCC/clang (fixes #655, thanks to ciscon)

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