github QW-Group/ezquake-source 3.2
ezQuake 3.2

latest releases: 3.6.4, 3.6.3, 3.6.2...
4 years ago

Changelist from 3.1 > 3.2

Most development effort in the past few years has centred on the renderer update (3.5) so 3.2's changes are relatively small and mainly focused on bugfixes & demo playback.


  • Windows static libary: SDL upgraded from 2.0.5 => SDL 2.0.8 (WASAPI sound by default)
  • Windows static libary: zlib upgraded from 1.2.8 => 1.2.11
  • Windows static libary: libcurl upgraded from 7.37.1 => 7.61.0
  • Windows static libary: expat upgraded from 2.1.0 => 2.2.6
  • Windows static libary: jansson upgraded from 2.7.0 => 2.11
  • mvd_moreinfo improvements (older servers/demos, still does a lot of guesswork)
    • only print location name on pickup announcements when more than one item on the map
    • list location of items if > 1 of that item on the map
    • if raw item name is in location name, only print location name when announcing item pickups
    • announces when the pickup is from a pack, rather than the item
    • location of item is stored when simple clock entries are added
    • store location of megas as players pick them up (maximum 4 megas)
  • itemsclock improvements (requires server to be running KTX 1.38+)
    • if KTX pickup/drop/spawn notifications are available they will be used (accurate, no .mvd guessing)
    • items-clock can have fixed entries for each major item on the map
    • items-clock can be filled with entries as match starts (/mvd_autoadd)
    • user can assign name major items on the map or remove (/mvd_name_item, /mvd_remove_item)
    • trigger f_demomatchstart fired at match start
    • /mvd_list_items will generate example list of items for config file generation
    • hud_itemsclock_style 5: lists backpacks, a space then items, in format "itemname : info"
    • backpacks can be added to the items list (/hud_itemsclock_backpacks), will be listed with the person who dropped the pack and who picked it up before disappearing
  • In-game backpacks can be colored according to their contents (/gl_custom_rlpack_color, /gl_custom_lgpack_color) (QTV/MVD only, KTX 1.38+ only)
  • Failed [ServeMe] connections will be removed from the playerlist (caused by nospecs)
  • Teaminfo hud element can include frags (%f/%F)
  • In KTX race mode, other players can be silenced with /s_silent_racing cvar
  • Added macros $team1 & $team2 to access the first two teams on the server (#256)
  • Demo capture can produce animated .png files (/sshot_format apng)
  • /ignore can now contain a regular expression
  • f_qtvfinalscores trigger fired when //finalscores notification detected in qtv stream
  • /cl_mvinset position & size can be set by user (/cl_mvinset_size_x sets relative size compared to screen)
  • /r_lerpframes is no longer disabled when using multiview
  • Team fortress grenade models should be flagged as grenades now (/gl_custom_grenade_color etc should work)

Ruleset changes

  • thunderdome allows simple-item backpacks & texture replacements for backpacks
  • thunderdome, smackdown & qcon all block hud group-picture changes during the match
  • thunderdome, smackdown & qcon all block /gl_outline as it can lead to seeing items & players through walls
  • r_skincolormode, r_enemyskincolor, r_teamskincolor blocked in TF games or if server blocks skin/color forcing
  • Team Fortress: scoreboard always color players by their teamname


  • Loading a single player save file on 64-bit systems may cause crash shortly after resuming play (#297)
  • Dynamic lights correctly set during .dem playback (#298)
  • When viewing pre-selected weapon, the weapon only switches once the animation frame goes back to non-firing (#182)
  • /r_viewmodellastfired no longer shows last-fired weapon when starting match, moving to a new map or dying while not firing
  • QTV URLs can now include the QTV password (must have '/' separating command and password) (#295)
  • Gamma on screenshots was incorrect when system had more than 256 gamma ramps (linux) (#296)
  • BSP2 maps: fix crash when turb surfaces outside -9999/+9999 bounds (#323)
  • /ignore $name (allow the player to ignore their own messages) produced output during certain teamplay messages (#257)
  • /in_raw 0 - mouse input fixed (#308)
  • /scr_cursor_sensitivity is now functional again
  • Toggling multiview with inset window should alway keeps the current player in the primary view
  • Multiview was trying to cause increase in frames rendered (/cl_maxfps multiplied for each extra view)
  • Multiview inset window border now correctly set regardless of console:screen ratio
  • /mvd_moreinfo - multiple bugfixes
    • fix incorrect location name when reporting item pickups
    • pack drops are announced when the player dies, not when they respawn
    • weapon dropped now based on active weapon when dying, not last weapon fired
    • {} white-text wasn't stripped from item name cvars
  • Halflife maps had wrong bounding box sizes
  • hud_sortrules_includeself 0 could lead to player not being included in visible list
  • aliasedit could result in the end of previously entered text to appear at end of line


  • Removed functionality to control external MP3 player through ezQuake

Build/meta changes

  • OSX: Dialog to find .pak files on initial installation could point to 'my computer' location on Mojave
  • Added azure-pipelines.yml
  • Server: can now be built without USE_PR2 defined
  • .exe exports fields that AMD/nvidia drivers can use to always use accelerated graphics

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