Very important improvements and fixes.
- [New] PHP Session variables included in Webinoly conf file.
- [New] Delete-all option now supported in more commands.
- [New] Replace WP content now has support for regex.
- [Improved] OCSP and Must-Staple support removed. (read the release notes for details)
- [Improved] Now all sites when created use force-redirect root by default.
- [Improved] Better check for master-admin privileges when using an external database.
- [Improved] System info command now includes additional tools details.
- [Improved] Site info now includes WP multisite details, like blog_id for each subsite.
- [Improved] Site info now includes subfolders details.
- [Improved] Site list now recognize WP multisite, filter added.
- [Improved] Backups export now has support for S3 and max options.
- [Improved] Import Database now has an option to create database if not exists.
- [Improved] Database backup speed improved on large databases.
- [Improved] Default site configuration improved for better QUIC support.
- [Improved] SFTP and Access logs now has a more easy-to-remember command name.
- [Improved] Now we use delete instead of purge in some commands that makes more sense.
- [Improved] RAW option code removed.
- [Fixed] Installation error when Snap is not installed in some cheap servers.
- [Fixed] Domain error in some case with very long url's.
- [Fixed] MariaDB Client failing to connect with external MySQL server.
- [Fixed] Site list not recognizing empty sites.
- [Fixed] MySQL slow query time failing when set to 1.
- [Fixed] Tools site unavailable (404) in some cases after changing port
- [Fixed] Error when exporting a WP site with external DB and MySQL localhost is not installed.
- [Fixed] Import DB not working in some cases with external DB.