github Pryaxis/TShock v5.2.1
TShock 5.2.1 for Terraria

22 days ago

This release fixes GHSA-hvm9-wc8j-mgrc (reported by: @sgkoishi, found by: @THEXN).

This also releases the following changes:

Notable changes

  • Updated TSPlayer.GodMode. (@AgaSpace)
    • Previously the field was used as some kind of dataset changed by /godmode command, but now it is a property that receives/changes data in journey mode.
  • Added the TSPlayer.Client property. It allows the developer to get the RemoteClient player, without an additional call to Terraria.Netplay.Clients. (@AgaSpace)
  • Updated the documentation for the TSPlayer.SetPvP method. The sendMsg parameter, which is responsible for sending a pvp mode change message, was not documented earlier. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added methods TSPlayer.KillPlayer and TSPlayer.DamagePlayer for which you can specify the cause (PlayerDeathReason) in parameters. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added an error when trying to change a TSPlayer team to, say, 9, when there are only 6. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added an error when trying to call the TSPlayer.SetTeam method with an argument (team) greater than 5 or less than 0. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a method TSPlayer.UpdateSection with arguments rectangle and isLoaded, which will load some area from the server to the player. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a method TSPlayer.GiveItem, which has TShockAPI.NetItem structure in its arguments. (@AgaSpace)
  • Added a property TSPlayer.Hostile, which gets pvp player mode. (@AgaSpace)
  • Fixed bug where when the UseSqlLogs config property is true, an empty log file would still get created. (@ZakFahey)
  • Fixed typo in /gbuff. (@sgkoishi, #2955)
  • Rewrote the .dockerignore file into a denylist. (@timschumi)
  • Added CI for Docker images. (@timschumi)
  • Fixed Cursed Flares kicking players for invalid buff. (@Arthri)


Before installing, make a complete backup of your existing server and all files and folders, including tshock.sqlite and the tshock folder. We are not responsible for failed installations. Please make sure you backup your data. Severe data loss or gain may occur.

To upgrade TShock, replace all of the files in the location of your server installation with all of the files from the release zip we provide. Overwrite all files. No data will be lost.

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