github ProxymanApp/Proxyman 4.7.0
Proxyman 4.7.0: Introduce Automatic Setup ⚙️: Capture HTTP(s) traffic from NodeJS, Ruby, and Python with 1-click ⚡️

latest releases: 5.5.0, 5.4.0, 5.3.0...
14 months ago


  • Introduce the Automatic Setup: Capture HTTP(s) from your NodeJS, Ruby, and Python Backend from the Terminal app with 1 click. Support various network libraries: cURL, NodeJS (axios, got, fetch, node-fetch), Ruby (http, net/http, net/htps, faraday, and httparty, fastlane), Python (http, https, aiohttp, requests).


  • [Breakpoint] Add option for the Abort Breakpoint: Return 503 Status Code or stop the connection immediately.
  • [Map Remote] Add an option to choose to use a Real URL after matching with Map Remote or keep the original URL.


  • Fixed: [Scripting] Scripting changes + to %2B in the form body of the Request.
  • Fixed: Export to HAR doesn't include request binary body.


  • Automatic Setup
    Proxyman automatic setup

  • Manual Work:
    Proxyman with manual work

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