- Introduce the Folder (Tree View) for the Breakpoint, Map Local and Scripting Tool. Organizing your rules by folder is never easier.
- Revamp the Edit & Repeat tool. You can immediately inspect the Response on the right panel.
- Edit & Repeat also support Template: GET Query, POST JSON, POST Form, etc.
- Compose a new request with Raw Message. Fast and efficient when typing the header, body, etc.
- Protobuf now supports File Descriptor (*.desc).
- Auto backup your data when upgrading to new Proxyman version. Find it at Help Menu -> Advanced -> Open Backup Folder.
- [Protobuf] Deprecatethe Proto file (.proto) import. Only support File Descriptor (.desc).
- Improve Factory Reset -> Allow to skip deleting the user data
- Add tvOS / watchOS guideline menu.
- Revamp the Scripting UI. You can open multiple script file windows.
- Fixed: JSON float number values become incorrect after scripting.
- Fixed: Missing Protobuf Fields if using the proto file.
- Fixed: The Name column of the Scripting is too narrow
- Fixed: Open Map Local Editor -> Height should be full
- Fixed: Console log in the Script Editor is narrow
- Fixed: Slack icon app
- Fixed: Fix Raw message with Host Key
- Fixed: Some internal crashes from AppCenter.