github PrefectHQ/prefect 3.0.0rc10
Release 3.0.0rc10

pre-release2 days ago

What's Changed


  • Prompt user to set PREFECT_API_URL when starting server if not set — #14294
  • Emit task run urls when creating/submitting background tasks — #14407
  • Support nested tasks in flow run graph — #14271
  • Infer task result persistence from other settings — #14336
  • Improve cancellation of submitted task runs in interactive flow runs — #14383


  • Remove terminal warning when deploying with triggers with prefect deploy#14307
  • Fix prefect deploy breaks using a trigger with within#14338
  • Allow passing custom timeout exception type to disambiguate — #14352
  • Fix flow run timeline event dots not being interactive — #14357
  • Fix error when returning from task and flows with cache_result_in_memory=False#14359
  • Handle multi-line dynamic flow names — #14380
  • Change default for BitBucketCredentials URL field — #13302
  • Fixes bug where assignments inside functions are evaluated when running prefect deploy#14405
  • Handle join edge case in ParameterTypeError.from_validation_error#14419
  • Fix error in flow-run CLI log printing and escape special characters — #14469
  • Save absolute paths with no block IDs by default — #14355
  • Resolve two log injection security alerts — #14373
  • Remove unnecessary fields on result schemas — #14362
  • Correct our Cloud UI URL inference for Prefect development environments — #14367
  • Fix clicking "parent flow run" from a flow run with a grandparent navigates to the grandparent — #14471


  • Improve formatting of output and update links — #14335
  • Fix broken links and removes extra divs — #14342
  • Update button in docs to Enterprise from Custom — #14344
  • Update workspaces docs — #14350
  • Fix indentation and invalid trigger spec. — #14351
  • Update screenshots for Cloud docs other than workspaces — #14354
  • Point to main for migration script in upgrade doc — #14365
  • Refactor and reorganize the 3.0 docs in the Deploy section — #14313
  • Add more direct recommendations to worker upgrade guide — #14395
  • Minor edits to "upgrade to Prefect 3" doc — #14411
  • Update import path for for run_deployment in docs code examples — #14424
  • Refresh Deployment overview and add note on run_deployment sdk use — #14425
  • Add vale style guide for manual linting and updates docs to remove style guide errors — #14421
  • Update deferred tasks example — #14436
  • Update result documentation — #14394
  • Add more docs style improvements from Vale — #14454
  • Update Prefect 3 upgrade page to include database migration — #14468
  • Update validator usage for pydantic 2 in RunInput examples — #14473
  • Add upgrade to Prefect 3 Guide — #14237
  • Remove unnecessary code group from upgrade guide — #14314
  • Simplify schedules page — #14315
  • Finalize results doc — #14460
  • Cleanup contribution docs — #14398
  • Cleanup audit logs page — #14372
  • Improve manage accounts documentation titles — #14381
  • Update README — #14326
  • Improve landing page documentation — #14316
  • Update logged example flow to use wait on future not on task — #14317
  • Update configuring profiles and settings documentation — #14339


All changes: 3.0.0rc9...3.0.0rc10

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