github PowerShell/vscode-powershell v2021.5.1

3 years ago


Thursday, May 27, 2021


This stable release includes all the changes in the previews since v2021.2.2, plus the following:

Since we have disabled semantic highlighting by default now, if you wish to re-enable it, use:

"[powershell]": {
    "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true

We now also remove - and $ from the word separators by default for PowerShell files.
To add them back, use:

"[powershell]": {
    "editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?"


This stable release includes all the changes in the previews since v2.3.0, plus the following:

The most significant change is the update to OmniSharp v0.19.2, from the previous version v0.18.3, released in November 2020. OmniSharp is the underlying Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol server library, and as such is our biggest dependency. This update brings us to the LSP 3.16 and DAP 1.48.x specifications, enabling us to start incorporating all the latest LSP changes, and it includes numerous bug fixes and enhancements resulting in a faster and more stable server and extension experience.

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