github PowerShell/vscode-powershell v0.12.0

pre-release7 years ago

Debugging untitled files (#555)

You can now debug untitled files that are set to the PowerShell language mode. When you
create a new untitled file, use the "Change Language Mode" command (Ctrl+K M)
and choose "PowerShell" from the menu that appears. You can now press F5 to start
debugging the script file without saving it.

In the upcoming 1.11.0 release of Visual Studio Code (or in the current VS Code Insiders
release), you can configure the new files.defaultLanguage setting to powershell in either
your User or Workspace settings to cause all untitled files to be created with the PowerShell
mode by default. This will allow you to create new PowerShell scripts and debug them
immediately without saving first!

New right-click context menu for Run Selection (#581)

By user request, we've also added a new "Run Selection" item in the right-click context menu
for PowerShell script files:


Debugging improvements

  • Fixed #620 -
    PowerShell session now does not crash when a breakpoint is hit outside of
    debug mode

  • Fixed #614 - Auto variables are now populating correctly in the debugger. NOTE: There is a known issue where all of a script's variables begin to show up in the Auto list after running a script for the first time. This is caused by a change in 0.11.0 where we now dot-source all debugged scripts. We will provide an option for this behavior in the future.

  • Fixed #641 - PowerShell script files with capitalized extensions (.PS1, .PSM1) can now be launched in the debugger

  • Fixed #616 - Debugger now shows column position indicators when debugging pipelines or nested expressions:


Integrated console improvements

  • Fixed PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#411 - Commands run outside of the integrated console prompt now interrupt the prompt correctly. This resolves a class of issues that appear when running commands in the extension like "New Project from Plaster Template" or any $psEditor commands added with the "Register-EditorCommand" function. Running any of these commands will now cause the current input prompt to be cancelled so that the command's output will be written correctly.

Code formatting improvements

  • Fixed #595 - High CPU usage when using formatOnType has now been resolve

  • Fixed #559 - The newLineAfterCloseBrace behavior has been improved to respect common syntax usages

  • FixedPowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#380 - The whitespaceBeforeOpenBrace behavior now leaves "magic" functions with the correct formatting. For example: (0 .. 10).foreach{$_} now does not have a whitespace inserted before the {.

New Project with Plaster improvements

  • Fixed #643 - Running Plaster using the New Project command now interrupts the command prompt correctly

  • Fixed #504 - Confirming default values in Plaster input prompts by pressing Enter now works correctly

Other fixes and improvements

  • Added #639 and #640 - Our configuration setting descriptions have been edited for superior clarity thanks to June Blender!

  • Fixed #611 - Example-* snippets are now displaying correctly in IntelliSense results

  • Added #624 - When you update the PowerShell extension after this release, you will now see version update indicators which offer to display the changelog in a preview tab

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