github PowerShell/PSReadLine v2.0.0-beta6
Beta6 of PSReadLine 2.0

latest releases: v2.3.6, v2.3.5, v2.4.0-beta0...
pre-release5 years ago

v2.0.0-beta6 - 11/14/2019

You can get the v2.0.0-beta6 version of the PSReadLine module from PowerShell Gallery.
This release includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fix GenerateRender to not throw IndexOutOfRangeException and NullReferenceException (#1049)
  • Filter sensitive history items and avoid writing them to the history file (#1058, #1061, #1068)
  • Clear the previous menu rendering correctly (#1073)
  • Fix correct way to get substring based on buffercells when encountering CJK chars (#1100)
  • Correct cursor jumping from line 2 to line 1 due to line 1 being empty (#1108) (Thanks @msftrncs)
  • In VI mode, moving left or right should stick cursor on logical line (#1120) (Thanks @springcomp)
  • Fix for a NullReferenceException thrown when PSES calls ForcePSEventHandling (#1097)
  • Return error if color property or value is invalid with Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors (#1124)
  • Handle cursor being moved off the end of buffer in MoveCursor (#1146) (Thanks @msftrncs)
  • Supporting line-wise yanks, including paste and undo (#811) (Thanks @springcomp)
  • MoveCursor should not call SetCursorPosition when there is a pending rendering (#1141) (Thanks @msftrncs)
  • Fix y$ to yank to the end of the logical line instead of to the end of the whole buffer (#1168) (Thanks @springcomp)
  • Make y0 yank up to the start of the logical line in VI mode (#1167) (Thanks @springcomp)
  • Fix NullReferenceException in OnBreak (#1179) (Thanks @lzybkr)
  • Set cursor via the public API SetCursorPosition in AcceptLineImpl for better buffer check (#1182) (Thanks @msftrncs)

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