github PostgREST/postgrest v10.1.1.20221215

latest releases: v12.2.8, v12.2.7, v12.2.6...
pre-release2 years ago


  • #1414, Add related orders - @steve-chavez
    • On a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship, you can order a parent by a child column /projects?select=*,clients(*)&order=clients(name).desc.nullsfirst
  • #1233, #1907, #2566, Allow spreading embedded resources - @steve-chavez
    • On a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship, you can unnest a json object with /projects?select=*,...clients(client_name:name)
    • Allows including the join table columns when resource embedding
    • Allows disambiguating a recursive m2m embed
    • Allows disambiguating an embed that has a many-to-many relationship using two foreign keys on a junction
  • #2340, Allow embedding without selecting any column - @steve-chavez
  • #2563, Allow is.null or on an embedded resource - @steve-chavez
    • Offers a more flexible replacement for !inner, e.g. /projects?select=*,clients(*)&
    • Allows doing an anti join, e.g. /projects?select=*,clients(*)&clients=is.null
    • Allows using or across related tables conditions


  • #2565, Fix bad M2M embedding on RPC - @steve-chavez
  • #2575, Replace misleading error message when no function is found with a hint containing functions/parameters names suggestions - @laurenceisla
  • #2569, Replace misleading error message when no relationship is found with a hint containing parent/child names suggestions - @laurenceisla

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