github PolymeshAssociation/polymesh-subquery v16.0.0

13 hours ago

16.0.0 (2024-09-30)


  • ๐ŸŽธ Add assetId attribute to Scope json (9963bfa)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Add offeringAssetId, raisingAssetId to Investment (96f08df)
  • ๐ŸŽธ add failure reason for instructions (5e06516)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Add support for 7.x chain (6510765)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Add support for latest multisig changes for 7.x chain (ce4c00f)
  • ๐ŸŽธ add ticker fields for dual version support (fee5c84)
  • ๐ŸŽธ ensure one vote per signer for multiSig proposals (4a7e67f)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Make venue as optional in Instruction entity (709b400)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Populate multisig admins in genesis handler (c4cabd4)
  • ๐ŸŽธ Revamp settlements related entities (4953428)


  • ๐Ÿงจ Changes to support multisig with 7.x chain
  • A new MultiSigAdmin entity has been added to track admins for a multisig.
    This also results in a new derived attribute admins to be added tot MultiSig entity.
  • New Approved status has been added to MultiSigProposalStatusEnum
  • Both creator and creatorAccount fields in MultiSigProposal are now optional.
  • ๐Ÿงจ Since 7.x chain, Instruction can be created
    without specifying a venue. To support that venue attribute
    in Instruction entity has been made optional.
  • ๐Ÿงจ New attribute assetId has been added to Scope
    json to track the ID of the asset for Asset scope type
  • ๐Ÿงจ New attributes raisingAssetId and offeringAssetId
    of type string have been added to the Investment entity to track
    the asset ID for the respective type of assets (raising and offering).
  • ๐Ÿงจ Changes to support ticker fields -
  • A new attribute raisingTicker of type string has been added to Sto entity.
    This will track ticker value for the raising Asset associated with an Sto.
  • ticker: String attribute of the ClaimScope entity has been replaced
    by asset: Asset to have a mapping to asset entity.
  • AssetPendingOwnershipTransfer entity has been removed
  • ๐Ÿงจ Changes to support 7.x chain:
  • New module electionprovidermultiphase has been added to ModuleIdEnum
  • Following new events have been added to EventIdEnum:
    MultiSigAddedAdmin, MultiSigRemovedAdmin, MultiSigRemovedPayingDid,
    MultiSigSignersAuthorized, MultiSigSignersRemoved, MultiSigSignersRequiredChanged,
    ProposalApprovalVote, TickerLinkedToAsset, Chilled, EraPaid, ForceEra, Kicked,
    PayoutStarted, SlashReported, StakersElected, ValidatorPrefsSet, ElectionFailed,
    ElectionFinalized, PhaseTransitioned, Rewarded, Slashed.
  • Following new extrinsics have been added to CallIdEnum:
    add_admin, add_multisig_signers, add_multisig_signers_via_admin, approve,
    approve_join_identity, change_sigs_required_via_admin, create_proposal, join_identity,
    reject, remove_admin_via_admin, remove_multisig_signers_via_admin,
    remove_multisig_signers, remove_payer, remove_payer_via_payer, chill_other,
    force_apply_min_commission, kick, set_min_commission, set_staking_configs,
    register_unique_ticker, pre_approve_asset, exempt_asset_affirmation,
    remove_asset_affirmation_exemption, remove_asset_pre_approval, link_ticker_to_asset_id,
    governance_fallback, set_emergency_election_result, set_minimum_untrusted_score,
    submit, sumbit_unsigned.
  • New handlers have been added to track the following events:
    TickerLinkedToAsset, MultiSigAdminAdded, MultiSigRemovedAdmin,
    MultiSigSignersAuthorized, MultiSigSignersRemoved, ProposalApprovalVote
  • ID of the Asset entity is the new Asset ID generated from chain 7.0.0 chain.
    For older chains, legacy ticker format is used to generate the ID.
    All referencing entities will now be tracking this ID for any given Asset.
    To keep the old reference of ticker, new ticker attributes have been added to some
    entities where assetId was referenced as string
  • ticker attribute of Asset entity is now optional.
  • ๐Ÿงจ Since some of the settlements related entities have been removed and new
    ones have been added, this will require a full resync. Following are the breaking changes:
  • Entities Settlement, MediatorAffirmation, IdentityInstructions have been removed
  • Changes in Venue entity
    1. New attribute signers has been added to track all the allowed signers associated with them
    2. New derived field instructions: [Instruction]! has been added to track instruction info
      associated a Venue
  • Adds new enum InstructionTypeEnum to track instruction type
  • Changes in Instruction entity
    1. eventId, eventIdx have been removed
    2. settlementType: String! has been modified to type: InstructionTypeEnum!
    3. endAfterBlock: Int has been added to track block after which SettleManual type
      instructions can be executed
    4. mediators: [String!]! has been added to track list of mediators for an instruction
    5. New derived fields namely - parties: [InstructionParty]!,
      affirmations: [InstructionAffirmation]!, events: [InstructionEvent]! have been added to
      query more information about an instruction
  • Changes in Leg entity
    1. Attribute settlement: Settlement has been removed
    2. Attribute instruction is now non-null
    3. The from and to part of the legs have been split separately into identity and
      portfolio number to support off chain legs. The new attributes are
      from: String!, fromPortfolio: number, to: String!, toPortfolio: number
  • Following new entities have been added:
    1. InstructionParty - to track all the DIDs associated with an instruction.
    2. InstructionAffirmation- to track all the affirmations received for an instruction
    3. OffChainReceipt - to track all the receipts used in affirming off chain legs
    4. InstructionEvent - to track all the event associated with an instruction.
      This will give a clear picture about the lifetime of an instruction on how it got created,
      to affirming, to execution

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