27.3.0-alpha.1 (2025-01-22)
- 🎸 add
(e4a788d) - 🎸 add account.staking.bond (afe183c)
- 🎸 add extra validation for nominat procedure (8403415)
- 🎸 add getController method to account.staking (37560bb)
- 🎸 add getNomination and getLedgerEntry for account (52821fd)
- 🎸 add setPayee and setController for staking (fbc8b16)
- 🎸 add staking.withdraw (c4052b5)
- 🎸 add subscription to staking getters (aa25377)
- 🎸 add unbond to staking namespace (56c1132)
- 🎸 allow controller to nominate validators (482a601)
- 🎸 move unreleased staking tx to sdk.staking namespace (86e122c)