github PolymeshAssociation/Polymesh v6.3.0
Polymesh v6.3.0

latest release: v6.3.1
15 days ago


new features

  • Adds the following rpc endpoints: get_transfer_report, get_execute_instruction_report, compliance_report #1650
  • Change compliance rules - if there are no rules returns Ok #1631
  • If no one else has voted on a multisig proposal, allows the owner of the proposal to reject it immediately #1632
  • Adds check for valid cdd when transferring an asset #1650
  • Prevents stash accounts to become controllers #1661
  • Allows running the trie migration #1660
  • Adds multiple checks for execute_instruction #1630
  • In function ensure_portfolio_transfer_validity_granular, PortfolioValidityResult::receiver_is_same_portfolio will be set to true if the transfer is between different portfolios, but belong to the Identity #1628
  • Allow Identity pallet extrinsics to be subsidised #1676

new external API

  • Adds the following errors to the asset pallet: InvalidTransferInvalidReceiverCDD, InvalidTransferInvalidSenderCDD #1650
  • Adds the following errors to the nft pallet: InvalidNFTTransferSenderIdMatchesReceiverId, InvalidNFTTransferInvalidReceiverCDD, InvalidNFTTransferInvalidSenderCDD #1650
  • Adds the following rpc endpoints: get_transfer_report, get_execute_instruction_report, compliance_report #1650
  • Add the following asset storage: CurrentAssetMetadataLocalKey, CurrentAssetMetadataGlobalKey #1650
  • Add the following NFT storage: CurrentNFTId, CurrentCollectionId #1650
  • Adds the following error variant to the portfolio pallet: InvalidTransferSenderIdMatchesReceiverId #1628
  • Adds the ProposalFailedToExecute event to the multsig pallet #1632
  • Adds the following error variants to the asset_pallet: InvalidTransferFrozenAsset, InvalidTransferComplianceFailure #1591

modified external API

  • Deprecate the can_transfer_granular rpc endpoints #1650
  • Deprecate the following asset storage: AssetMetadataNextLocalKey, AssetMetadataNextGlobalKey #1658
  • Deprecate the following NFT storage: NextCollectionId, NextNFTId #1658
  • Adds two error variants: BoundNotMet, TooManyNominators to the staking pallet Error #1623
  • Removes useless type: TickerRegistrationStatus #1591

new events

  • The state-trie-migration pallet adds 4 new events: Migrated, Slashed, AutoMigrationFinished, Halted

data migration

  • Initializes new storage for the asset pallet #1658
  • Initializes new storage for the nft pallet #1658


  • Adds pallet_state_trie_migration to the runtime #1660
  • Read the Epoch config from on-chain storage #1659
  • Add settlement and asset const to chain metadata #1651
  • Add global asset metadata to genesis config for common NFT metadata #1626
  • Refactor Asset module #1603
  • Updates our staking pallet to use the new Substrate macros and updated logic #1623

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