github PolymeshAssociation/Polymesh v4.0.0
Polymesh v4.0.0 🚀

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2 years ago

Polymesh 4.0.0 Release Notes

This is the mainnet release candidate. Release notes are with respect to changes from Polymesh 3.3.0.

MESH-1645,MESH-1666,MESH-1668: Mainnet genesis config and todo cleanup


Adds stub for mainnet genesis configuration and binaries

MESH-1672: AssetCreated: add disable_iu


modified API

  • The event Asset.AssetCreated now includes disable_iu: bool.

Fix AuthorizationType in scheme


Fix for schema file

Fix weight typo


Fixes typo in weight comment

Clean up a few todos


Cleans up some TODOs and comments

MESH-1654/ Simple Relayer Integration Test


Add integration test for simple relayer feature



Changes the storage prefix from identity to Identity.

MESH-1575: Reenable substrate benches + Bump nightly => 2021-08-24


  • Bump our version of Rust to nightly-2021-08-24. This involves fixing a bunch of dependencies, creating our own forks of them as necessary. A bunch of this work has therefore occurred outside this PR by making branches and whatnot.
  • Then reactivate the commented out benchmarks for substrate pallets (not our pallets).

MESH-1680 Bump libsecp256k1


Updates version of libsecp256k1.

MESH-1671/cleanup authorization data


modified API

  • Wrap Authorizations storage values in identity pallet with Option to remove the need for NoData variant.
  • Remove unused variants Custom, NoData, TransferPrimaryIssuanceAgent, TransferCorporateActionAgent from AuthorizationData.
  • Remove unused variants Custom, and NoData from AuthorizationType.

MESH-1563: Update Storage Hashers


Updates storage hashers to better reflect underlying data.

See Mesh 1400/update storage hashers (#796)

MESH-1686: Update mainnet config


Updates mainnet genesis config:

  • binary version moved to 4.0.0
  • spec version moved to 30 namespace, transaction version to 1
  • identities / keys / GC / committees aligned for mainnet
  • bridge limit removed
  • pip expiry added and minimum bond
  • adds schema fix from 3.3

Fix is_root check.


Fix the is_root check in utility.batch extrinsic.

We are not using a BaseCallFilter right now, so this bug has no security issues.

MESH-1691 - fix settlement reschedule_instruction benchmark and weight.


modified logic

  • Fix weight for reschedule_instruction.

MESH-1693 - Fix reject_instruction permissions


modified logic

  • reject_instruction now checks that the caller is a party of at least one of the legs. If the caller is not a party of the instruction, then UnauthorizedSigner error is returned.

modified agent functionality

  • reject_instruction requires that the sender is the owner/custodian of a portfolio from at least one leg.

MESH-1692: Rip out migrations


Migration versions were set to 0 and existing migration code was removed.

MESH-1675: Don't check perms in Identity::leave_identity_as_{identity, key}


modified logic

  • Do not check permissions in Identity::leave_identity_as_key.

modified api

  • Removed extrinsics Identity::{join, leave}_identity_as_identity and Identity::revoke_offchain_authorization.
  • Removed event Identity.ForwardedCall.
  • Removed errors {Permissions, Identity}.RecursionNotAllowed

Add CI runtime with short blocktime


Adds in a new CI runtime.

This runtime has short block times so it can run quickly for automated tests.

MESH-1669/Remove 100k POLYX mint for new accounts


Removes 100k POLYX initial funding for mainnet

Add a waitBocks utility function for the integration tests


Utility function for integration tests

MESH-1695: Round down in transfer_benefit


modified logic

  • CapitalDistribution.{claim, push_benefit} will now round down for indivisible currencies before transferring gains.

MESH-1704 fix scope in compliance manager tests


Use Scope::Ticker in compliance manager tests.

MESH-1701/Enforce max leg limit in settlement instructions


modified API

  • Settlement::reject_instruction now takes two additional params (portfolio and max_leg_count).

MESH-1653: Some benchmark fixes


Fixes benchmarks - pips, settlement & committee

Update itn_rewards.json


Updates ITN Reward Points (provisional values)

Update spec & tx version


Updates all networks to spec_version 3000, tx_version 1

MESH-1653: Update benchmarks for mainnet


Updated weights for mainnet.

More mainnet genesis config / refactoring


  • Removes itn / alcyone / buffron networks
  • Fixes mainnet configuration / runtimes
  • Updates genesis bridged amounts
  • Updates benchmarks to use Polymesh DbWeights
  • Syncs dev, ci, testnet and mainnet chain specs
  • Updates itn_rewards to remove invalid accounts
  • Updates Ethereum reserved ticker list
  • Updates testnet & mainnet chain_specs

MESH-1722 fix dedup in compliance requirements (#1142)


  • Fix bugs in replace_asset_compliance and change_compliance_requirement

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