github PolymeshAssociation/Polymesh 5.0.2
Polymesh 5.0.2

latest releases: v6.3.1, v6.3.0, v6.2.1...
23 months ago


modified logic

  • We have moved from substrate 3.0.0 to substrate's monthly-2021-11 tag instead. Allowing us to implement smart contracts. (#1188)
  • Update to Substrate monthly 2022-05. (#1241)
  • Add permission complexity to the weights of extrinsics: identity.add_authorization, identity.set_permission_to_signer, identity.legacy_set_permission_to_signer, and identity.add_secondary_keys_with_authorization (#1192)
  • More restrict limits on secondary keys and their permissions. (#1189)
  • Add missing check to relayer.accept_paying_key. (#1209)
  • Add missing weight to change_bridge_exempted. (#1209)
  • Use a cost function for Condition type for more accurate call weights. (#1204)
  • Change multisig.create_create_proposal_as_key and multisig.create_proposal_as_identity to not use the multsig::ProposalIds map. (#1225)
  • Adding secondary key and permissions length checks to cdd_register_did (#1221)
  • capitalDistribution.distribute() will throw error DistributionAmountIsZero when amount is zero and throw DistributionPerShareIsZero when per_share is zero. (#1236)
  • adding tests for checking multisig errors and secondary key & permission limits (#1227)
  • Fixed the balance check for MultiSig primary/secondary keys. (#1224)
  • MultiSig balance limit changed from zero to 1.0 POLYX. (#1224)
  • Remove dead code unlink_multisig_signers_from_did(), since the signers for a multisig are never linked to the identity. (#1224)
  • minor change and removed test case (#1235)
  • Created more specific error types for improving singer already linked type errors (#1226)
  • Treasury::disbursement() now checks if the beneficiaries exist and have a primary key. (#1233)
  • If the treasury disbursement transfer fails (treasury balance locked, beneficiary missing CDD), then event Treasury::TreasuryDisbursementFailed. (#1233)
  • Identity.remove_secondary_keys() now checks if the keys to remove are secondary keys. (#1220)

new features

  • Add generated error types to errors_schema.json for improved error decoding. (#1167)
  • Add support for custom asset metadata (key/value pairs). (#1218)
  • Asset metadata keys can be either ticker-local or global names, with either on/off chain specifications (value type/format/encoding). (#1218)
  • Asset metadata can be permanently locked, or locked for a limited amount of time (1 month, 1 year, etc...). (#1218)
  • An optional expire date can be set for the metadata value. This is informational only, the chain doesn't remove the value after the expire date. (#1218)
  • On-chain metadata type specification can be used to generate encode/decode code for UIs/Smart Contracts. (#1218)
  • Add new asset identifier AssetIdentifier::FIGI. (#1234)
  • Bump transaction version to 3. (#1236)
  • Added Asset::create_asset_with_custom_type (#1222)
  • Added CorporateAction::initiate_corporate_action_and_distribute (#1222)
  • Added ExternalAgent::create_group_and_add_auth (#1222)
  • Added ExternalAgent::create_and_change_custom_group (#1222)
  • Adds the smart contracts pallet; see the code for documentation regarding extrinsics and storage items. (#1217)
  • Unlimited number of secondary keys. (#1220)
  • Identity.KeyRecords maps key to KeyRecord type. Can be used to see if the key is a primary key, secondary key or multisig signer. Also has the identity/multisig account that the key is linked to. (#1220)
  • Add Claim based asset statistics and transfer rules. (Jurisdiction, Affiliated, Accredited) (#1159)

modified api

  • Used InvalidCDDId error event in add_investor_uniqueness_claim function (#1214)
  • Add Asset::set_asset_metadata(Ticker, AssetMetadataKey, AssetMetadataValue, Option<AssetMetadataValueDetails>) - Set asset metadata value. (#1218)
  • Add Asset::set_asset_metadata_details - Set asset metadata value details (expire, lock status). (#1218)
  • Add Asset::register_and_set_local_asset_metadata - Register and set local asset metadata. (#1218)
  • Add Asset::register_asset_metadata_local_type - Register asset metadata local type. (#1218)
  • Add Asset::register_asset_metadata_global_type - Register asset metadata global type. Only callable by root. (#1218)
  • Add storage_deposit_limit parameter to PolymeshContracts::call, PolymeshContracts::instantiate_with_code, PolymeshContracts::instantiate, PolymeshContracts::instantiate_with_code_perms, PolymeshContracts::instantiate_with_hash_perms. (#1241)
  • Added upload_code and remove_code extrinsics to contracts pallet. (#1241)
  • Rename multisig.make_multisig_signer -> multisig.make_multisig_secondary. The old name was confusing to users, since it adds the multisig as a secondary key to the identity that created the multisig. (#1224)
  • Deprecated extrinsics that use Signatory<AccountId> for secondary keys. (#1237)
  • Rename deprecated Identity.remove_secondary_keys -> Identity.remove_secondary_keys_old. (#1237)
  • Rename deprecated Identity.add_secondary_keys_with_authorization -> Identity.add_secondary_keys_with_authorization_old. (#1237)
  • Deprecate Identity.set_permission_to_signer. (#1237)
  • Add placeholder for Identity.legacy_set_permission_to_signer. (#1237)
  • Add new extrinsics to replace deprecated extrinsics: Identity.add_secondary_keys_with_authorization, Identity.set_secondary_key_permissions, Identity.remove_secondary_keys. (#1237)
  • Contracts instantiate APIs now use empty permissions by default. (#1239)
  • Enable RPC for contracts. (#1239)
  • Added error Treasury::InvalidIdentity returned from Treasury::disbursement if one of the beneficiaries doesn't exist or doesn't have a primary key. (#1233)
  • Added the primary key to event Treasury::TreasuryDisbursement. (#1233)
  • Added event Treasury::TreasuryDisbursementFailed event for disbursements that fail. (#1233)
  • Removed unused events Identity.OffChainAuthorizationRevoked and Identity.MockInvestorUIDCreated. (#1220)
  • Removed extrinsic Identity.legacy_set_permission_to_signer() and type LegacyPermissions. (#1220)
  • Replace use of Signatory<AccountId> type with AccountId in identity events: SecondaryKeysRemoved and SignerLeft. (#1220)
  • Use AccountId instead of SecondaryKey<AccountId> in event SecondaryKeyPermissionsUpdated. (to dedup the permissions) (#1220)
  • Rename extrinsic Identity.set_permission_to_signer() to Identity.set_secondary_key_permissions(). (#1220)
  • Replace use of Signatory<AccountId> with AccountId in extrinsics: remove_secondary_keys, set_secondary_key_permissions (#1220)
  • Moved secondary key permissions from Identity.DidRecords to Identity.KeyRecords. (#1220)
  • Replaced storage maps MultiSig.KeyToMultiSig and Identity.KeyToIdentityIds with Identity.KeyRecords. (#1220)
  • Replaced use of Signatory<AccountId> with AccountId in type SecondaryKey<AccountId>. (#1220)
  • Marked RPC identity_getDidRecords as deprecated and limited the number of secondary keys returned to 200. (#1220)
  • Rename event Identity.SignerLeft to Identity.SecondaryKeyLeftIdentity. (#1220)
  • Add statistics.set_active_asset_stats and statistics.batch_update_assets to add/remove and update asset statistics. (#1159)
  • Add statistics.set_asset_transfer_compliance and statistics.set_entities_exempt to manage stats based transfer rules and exempt status. (#1159)
  • Add statistics.set_entities_exempt to manage investor exempt status. (#1159)
  • Remove statistics.add_transfer_manager, statistics.remove_transfer_manager, statistics.add_exempted_entities, statistics.remove_exempted_entities. (#1159)
  • Add events: StatTypesRemoved, StatTypesAdded, AssetStatsUpdated, SetAssetTransferCompliance, TransferConditionExemptionsAdded, TransferConditionExemptionsRemoved. (#1159)
  • Remove events: TransferManagerAdded, TransferManagerRemoved, ExemptionsAdded, ExemptionsRemoved (#1159)
  • Added types: AssetScope, StatOpType, StatType, StatClaim, Stat1stKey, Stat2ndKey, StatUpdate, TransferCondition, AssetTransferCompliance, TransferConditionExemptKey, TransferConditionResult (#1159)
  • Removed types: Counter, TransferManager, TransferManagerResult (#1159)
  • Removed field statistics_result and added transfer_condition_result in type GranularCanTransferResult. (#1159)
  • RPC version bump for asset_canTransferGranular call to reflex the change to type GranularCanTransferResult. (#1159)
  • Treasury::disbursement emits the Balances::Transfer event for each disbursement beneficiary. (#1233)
  • Replace all the old events/extrinsics in the Statistics pallet. (#1159)

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