github Polprzewodnikowy/SummerCart64 v2.18.0

latest releases: v2.20.2, v2.20.1, v2.20.0...
13 months ago

N64FlashcartMenu downloads can be found here:

PC app changelog:

  • Improved detection of CIC chips - same algorithm is used as in IPL2, it can now correctly detect custom IPL3 that has checksum collision with existing known CIC chips.
  • Added option to set arbitrary CIC seed when uploading ROM.
  • Added command to reset SC64 internal state.
  • Remote connection is now properly shutdown when application closes.
  • Added Windows 32-bit build.

Firmware changelog:

  • Fixed issue where N64 was freezing at random - CIC emulation was moved from the microcontroller to the separate circuity in the FPGA, greatly increasing stability.
  • N64 bootloader (and the project as a whole) is now 100% free from proprietary code - new open source IPL3 is used in place of the standard IPL3 provided by the Nintendo.
  • Reduced update file size by utilizing new compression methods in the Libdragon.
  • Improved detection of CIC chips - same as in PC app.
  • Improved boot process in bootloader - RDRAM is always deinitialized before jumping to the game code.
  • Menu ROM is no longer padded with zeros when loading /sc64menu.n64 from the SD card, shortening boot time - new open source IPL3 used by the N64FlashcartMenu doesn't require padding.

Important: this firmware will work only with recent N64FlashcartMenu builds that utilize open source IPL3. If menu doesn't load please update sc64menu.n64 with recent build from here.

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