0.16.0 (2024-08-02)
Bug Fixes
- Web-UI: A server can now be hidden from the server sidebar by opening the server dialog and clicking hide (8f45d65)
- WebAPI: Fixed a bug where if a authtoken failed to be retrieved then it would crash the media call (c8f8a44)
- WebAPI: Fixed an issue where seperate injected settingsmodules were not reactive to the parent usersettings (d54e5d9)
- Web-UI: Fixed the download table selectAll checkbox not selecting its children (8dd200b)
- Web-UI: Typecheck errors fix (382bb9d)
- add hide/unhide server functionality in UI settings (47b0862)
- WebAPI: Added an endpoint to hide a server from view (10c2149)
- Web-UI: Migrated prettier config to eslint (63c7dce)
Performance Improvements
- WebAPI: Made the instantiation of JsonSerializerOptions more performanat by reusing instances (5780b39)