github PixeyeHQ/actors.unity 2018.10.27
ACTORS framework

latest releases: 2020.06.5, 2020.06.4, 2020.06.3...
6 years ago



Previously groups worked with entity index taken from a group. Now all groups correspond to entity directly.
This lead to several changes in code:

  • Events such as Group.OnAdd/OnRemove listen to the entity, not the group index.
  • Use foreach to iterate through entities in groups:
   foreach (var entity in groupMotion)
            var cMotion = entity.ComponentMotion();
            var cRigid  = entity.ComponentRigidBody();
            var cBounds = entity.ComponentBounds();
            var pos     = cRigid.body.position;

            pos += cMotion.stepFixed;

            pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, cBounds.limitation.min.x, cBounds.limitation.max.x);
            pos.y = Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, cBounds.limitation.min.y, cBounds.limitation.max.y);



To use components directly from entities you will have to write some extension methods to a component script:

    public class ComponentMotion : IComponent
        public TemplateMotion template;

        [FoldoutGroup("Debug")] public float speedActual;
        [FoldoutGroup("Debug")] public Vector2 direction;
        [FoldoutGroup("Debug")] public Vector2 step;
        [FoldoutGroup("Debug")] public Vector2 stepFixed;

        [HideInInspector] public float speedOverride = 1;
// The extension methods pattern you will need to add to each component.
    public static partial class Game
        public static ComponentMotion ComponentMotion(this int entity)
            return Storage<ComponentMotion>.Instance.components[entity];

        public static bool TryGetComponentMotion(this int entity, out ComponentMotion component)
            component = Storage<ComponentMotion>.Instance.TryGet(entity);
            return component != null;

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