github PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor v3.0.0-alpha-2
Rewritten (v3.0.0-alpha-2)

pre-release5 days ago

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This is an early version of Map Extractor v3 release. It has been completely rewritten in order to provide better functionality and user experience. To use this version you have to remove old config from configuration.yaml file and use UI to add the integration again.


Please keep in mind this is not a final release, so a lot of things might change or not work at all at this moment.
Does everything work correctly, or are there some missing functionalities? Please provide feedback in the comments below.


  • Added config flow
  • Extracted data retrieval to a separate coordinator
  • Added support for image entities
  • Rewritten the code to use async communication
  • Added map data caching
  • Extracted map parsers to separate Python packages

Breaking changes

  • Integration has to be removed from yaml and added again using UI
  • Most of attributes of camera entity have been removed
  • It is no longer possible to turn on/off the camera entity

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