github PhotoPay/photopay-android v9.2.0

one day ago

API changes

  • SlovakiaQrPaymentInformation now additionally contains standingOrderInfo, which optionally exists on some pyBySquare payment QR codes.
  • The standingOrderInfo contains day, months, periodicity, and lastDate
    • day indicates day in week or month (depending on periodicity) when payment needs to be done.
    • months indicate multiple months when payment needs to be done. Depending on periodicity, it may also be empty.
    • periodicity defines the period of payment.
    • lastDate defines the date when standing order stops.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing of recipient name from Slovak payBySquare QR codes that contain it, but don’t contain recipient address.
  • Resolved an issue where UI elements could be obscured by system bars when using edge-to-edge mode. The SDK now properly applies insets to prevent overlap, ensuring content remains fully visible

Other changes

  • The SDK is now supported on Android 15 16KB page size devices.

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