github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v3.8.1.0
PhantomBot v3.8.1.0

latest releases: v3.14.0.2, v3.14.0.1, v3.14.0.0...
13 months ago

📢 PhantomBot v3.8.1.0 is now available as a stable build.


➡️ Added an update task to copy non-default permissions from custom point name commands to the !points command; the permissions from the multiple name takes priority (gmt2001)

🌀 Changed:
➡️ Changed the error, warning, and event log folders generated by JS to have the js- prefix (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed pointSystem to alias the custom point names to the !points command (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed the file selector for the Localization panel page to show an expandable tree view of the language folder structure (gmt2001)
➡️ Updated the EventSub WebSockets connection URL to the GA URL (gmt2001 Update required for EventSub WebSockets beta connection URL)
➡️ Changed TwitchMessageInterface to abort attempts to open a duplicate connection on the same socket (gmt2001)

🛠️ Fixed:
➡️ Fixed an issue where log rotation was not being performed on some log folders (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where LangFileUpdater was sometimes not properly removing a prefix from some file names, causing the Localization panel page to not be usable (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed a variable scope issue on $.updateGame, which caused a ReferenceError (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where timeSystem could potentially leak some variables into the global scope (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where after updating the timeSystem settings from the Loyalty panel page, the panel would not trigger the bot to then load the new settings immediately (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where raffleSystem and ticketraffleSystem could get stuck in an infinite loop when drawing winners under certain conditions (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the 3.6.0 update task was throwing a TypeError if a value was missing, instead of falling back to the default value as intended (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the blacklist feature was not routing timeout attempts to the correct helper function, causing the 0 (Delete) action to trigger the default timeout of 600 seconds instead of deleting the triggering message (gmt2001)

🗑️ Deprecated:
➡️ Multiple Java classes and methods are Deprecated for removal. Information can be found on the JavaDoc Deprecated List page

🛑 Removed:
➡️ Removed the temporary command !fixsubscribers (gmt2001)

🐞 Known Issues:
➡️ No known issues

🌐 Download It:
➡️ Downloads attached to the bottom of this release notice

❗ Remember to install to a separate folder, then copy over the config dir, as well as any custom scripts or files in addons

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on GitHub Container Registry at and

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on DockerHub at gmt2001/phantombot-stable and gmt2001/phantombot-nightly. See the readme text on the appropriate Docker Hub pages for Docker Compose files

🗒️ Notes:
➡️ We have guides on PhantomBot. You can contribute by submitting a Pull Request adding or editing .md files in the /docs/guides/content folder of the repo. See the guides for info about formatting

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