github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v3.5.0.2
PhantomBot v3.5.0.2

latest releases: v3.14.0.2, v3.14.0.1, v3.14.0.0...
2 years ago

📢 PhantomBot v3.5.0.2 is now available as a stable build


ℹ️ This is a hotfix for PhantomBot v3.5.0 and v3.5.0.1. Please also see the patch notes for those versions if you haven't already done so.


➡️ Added the console command oauth to allow manually setting a new Chat (Bot) OAuth from the console, to go along with the existing apioauth command (gmt2001)

🌀 Changed:
➡️ Changed the way botlogin.txt is updated to be transactional, with a 15 minute priority window determining which value will prevail (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed setup of automatically refreshing OAuth tokens to force a reconnect of Chat TMI, Host TMI, and PubSub (gmt2001)
➡️ Enabled TwitchAPI to trigger TwitchOnline events until PubSub receives its first Online/Offline event (gmt2001)

🛠️ Fixed:
➡️ Fixed some more instances of Twitch not returning a value in an API result causing a call to fail (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed exceptions causing Discord4J to stop sending events to the bot (gmt2001 gmt2001#168)
➡️ Fixed automatically refreshing OAuth setup not saving properly, using the new transactional botlogin.txt updates (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed RollbarProvider not self-rate-limiting repeats of the exact same exception (gmt2001 gmt2001#174)
➡️ Fixed Twitch online status sometimes returning a false-negative (gmt2001)

🗑️ Deprecated:
➡️ The OAuth page on is deprecated, may be removed in the future, and may be missing OAuth scopes required for certain features. After using this page to setup, please switch to automatically refreshing OAuth tokens from the bots built-in webserver http://localhost:25000/ (gmt2001)

🛑 Removed:
➡️ Nothing Removed

🐞 Known Issues:
➡️ Due to the sub tiers not being previously saved in the panel dashboard event feed, existing event feed entries for subs will show the sub tier as undefined
➡️ The donation repeating issue is expected to occur 1 time if updating from a version that does not have the fix. After the 1 occurrence, the new tracking should kick in and prevent future occurrences

🌐 Download It:
➡️ Downloads attached to the bottom of this release notice

❗ Remember to install to a separate folder, then copy over the config dir, as well as any custom scripts or files in addons

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on Docker at gmt2001/phantombot-stable and gmt2001/phantombot-nightly. See the readme text on the appropriate Docker Hub pages for Docker Compose files

🗒️ Notes:
➡️ We have guides on PhantomBot. You can contribute by submitting a Pull Request adding or editing .md files in the /docs/guides/content folder of the repo. See the guides for info about formatting.

➡️ $.inidb.executeSql is designed for personal, custom script use where the DataStore backend being used is known and will not change. Issues can, and will, occur if the SQL is written for one DataStore backend and the statement is then executed on a different backend.

➡️ As of this release, the package has been renamed to

➡️ The Windows launch script supports the --nowt command line argument to force launching from Command prompt instead of switching to Windows Terminal

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