github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v3.13.0.0
PhantomBot v3.13.0.0

latest releases: v3.14.0.6, v3.14.0.5, v3.14.0.4...
3 months ago

📢 PhantomBot v3.13.0.0 is now available as a stable build.


ℹ️ List of release files:

  • win - Includes Java and launch scripts for Windows in addition to the bot
  • lin - Includes Java and launch scripts for Linux on amd64 in addition to the bot
  • mac - Includes Java and launch scripts for macOS on amd64 (Intel) in addition to the bot
  • arm32 - Includes Java and launch scripts for Raspberry Pi on armhf in addition to the bot
  • arm64-apple_silicon - Includes Java and launch scripts for Raspberry Pi on arm64/aarch64 & macOS on Apple Silicon (M1/M2) in addition to the bot
  • full - Includes Java and launch scripts for all platforms above in addition to the bot
  • bot_only - Includes only the launch scripts and the bot, but not Java


➡️ Added a column to the Commands and Discord Commands panel page showing the current permission level of each command (Sartharon)
➡️ Added the ability to toggle hidden/disable state of Aliases and Default Commands on the panel without opening the edit dialog (Sartharon)

🌀 Changed:
➡️ Changed SectionVariableValueTable to attempt to rebuild the table if a TooManyRowsException is thrown (gmt2001)
➡️ Renamed ViewerCache.lookupIdBylogin to have a capital L in the word Login (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed $.sql to allow the 2nd parameter to be omitted or null (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed debug logging to hide OAuth tokens (gmt2001)
➡️ Changed (playsound) to auto-detect when the file extension was included and fix it (gmt2001)

🛠️ Fixed:
➡️ Fixed many panel scripts not reliably detecting true/false values from the database (Sartharon)
➡️ Fixed missing error handling for the currentsong.txt file generated by youtubePlayer (Sartharon)
➡️ Fixed (customapijson) not sending the correct ACCEPT header (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed a 7TV error caused by improper API design (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the PanelUser system might return extra data that it should not when a user is not found (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed NPEs in /command processing when a target user is not found (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an NPE in HttpClient when there is no scheme in the URI (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an NPE in FollowersCache when the API request fails (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an NPE in _FollowersCache.followswhen the user is not found (gmt2001) ➡️ Fixed an issue where sending a Discord message by channel name would fail if both a category and a channel exist with the same name (gmt2001) ➡️ Fixed an NPE when attempting to migrate an SQLite database to a different database type (gmt2001) ➡️ Fixed a PatternSyntaxException when converting a string URI into a Java URI object due to special characters (gmt2001) ➡️ Fixed a TypeError when processing a _!command_ that does not have any scripts hooked (gmt2001) ➡️ Fixed theimportpoints` console command not handling arguments correctly (BrandenB)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the links protection would false-trigger due to not looking for word boundaries (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed some settings on the panel not being updatable by sub-users due to permissions not being defined for direct-table operations in the database (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the adventureSystem odds would not revert to the global odds if there was no custom value set for the chosen adventure (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed a potential infinite loop in adventureSystem if only 1 story exists and it has already been played (gmt2001)

🗑️ Deprecated:
➡️ Multiple Java classes and methods are Deprecated for removal. Information can be found on the JavaDoc Deprecated List page
➡️ All legacy IRCv3 tags, or those which are manually set based on other tags, as defined in TMIMessage#parseLegacyBadges(String rawBadges) are Deprecated for removal. Use official tags from Twitch instead

🛑 Removed:
➡️ Nothing removed

🐞 Known Issues:
➡️ The change to (playsound) will cause issues for files which contain a . in the name if the file extension is not also written into the command

🌐 Download It:
➡️ Downloads attached to the bottom of this release notice

❗ Remember to install to a separate folder, then copy over the config dir, as well as any custom scripts or files in addons

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on GitHub Container Registry at and

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on DockerHub at gmt2001/phantombot-stable and gmt2001/phantombot-nightly. See the readme text on the appropriate Docker Hub pages for Docker Compose files

🗒️ Notes:
➡️ We have guides on PhantomBot. You can contribute by submitting a Pull Request adding or editing .md files in the /docs/guides/content folder of the repo. See the guides for info about formatting

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