github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v3.12.0.0
PhantomBot v3.12.0.0

latest releases: v3.14.1.1, v3.14.1.0, v3.14.0.6...
9 months ago

📢 PhantomBot v3.12.0.0 is now available as a stable build.


ℹ️ List of release files:

  • win - Includes Java and launch scripts for Windows in addition to the bot
  • lin - Includes Java and launch scripts for Linux on amd64 in addition to the bot
  • mac - Includes Java and launch scripts for macOS on amd64 (Intel) in addition to the bot
  • arm32 - Includes Java and launch scripts for Raspberry Pi on armhf in addition to the bot
  • arm64-apple_silicon - Includes Java and launch scripts for Raspberry Pi on arm64/aarch64 & macOS on Apple Silicon (M1/M2) in addition to the bot
  • full - Includes Java and launch scripts for all platforms above in addition to the bot
  • bot_only - Includes only the launch scripts and the bot, but not Java


➡️ Added the ability to resize Flying Emotes on the overlay using a URL parameter, and added support for generating that parameter to the Panel overlay URL generator (Sartharon #3458)
➡️ Added the ability to set the survival odds globally for adventure system with !adventure set odds or the panel (Sartharon #3457)
➡️ Added the ability to set the survival odds for individual adventures in adventure system with a .odds lang file entry ("adventuresystem.stories.3.odds": 67), which takes priority over the global setting (Sartharon #3457)

🌀 Changed:
➡️ Updated dependencies: Discord4J 3.2.6, netty 4.1.101.Final, Project Reactor 1.1.13, H2 2.2.224, JOOQ 3.18.7, MariaDB Connector 3.3.0, MySQL Connector 8.2.0, SQLite, Commons Codec 1.16.0, Commons IO 2.15.0, Commons Text 1.11.0, JSON 20231013, SLF4J NOP 2.0.9 (Sartharon #3459)

🛠️ Fixed:
➡️ Fixed an issue where lang files were saved incorrectly when using the panel editor (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where youtubeSystem was not parsing links correctly (gmt2001)
➡️ Fixed an issue where database tables were sometimes not created, causing Points and Time to not increase (Sartharon #3475)
➡️ Fixed an issue where the !shoutoutapitoggle command did not work (Sartharon #3475)
➡️ Fixed an issue where certain modules displayed the incorrect enabled status on the panel (Sartharon #3476)
➡️ Fixed WSClient using insecure SSL settings (gmt2001, reported by iProdigy GHSA-xjfq-qj8q-4f6m)

🗑️ Deprecated:
➡️ Multiple Java classes and methods are Deprecated for removal. Information can be found on the JavaDoc Deprecated List page
➡️ All legacy IRCv3 tags, or those which are manually set based on other tags, as defined in TMIMessage#parseLegacyBadges(String rawBadges) are Deprecated for removal. Use official tags from Twitch instead

🛑 Removed:
➡️ Nothing removed

🐞 Known Issues:
➡️ No known issues

🌐 Download It:
➡️ Downloads attached to the bottom of this release notice

❗ Remember to install to a separate folder, then copy over the config dir, as well as any custom scripts or files in addons

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on GitHub Container Registry at and

➡️ PhantomBot official builds are available on DockerHub at gmt2001/phantombot-stable and gmt2001/phantombot-nightly. See the readme text on the appropriate Docker Hub pages for Docker Compose files

🗒️ Notes:
➡️ We have guides on PhantomBot. You can contribute by submitting a Pull Request adding or editing .md files in the /docs/guides/content folder of the repo. See the guides for info about formatting

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