github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v3.0.0
PhantomBot v3.0.0

latest releases: v3.14.0.4, v3.14.0.3, v3.14.0.2...
5 years ago

Hey there! Finally, the release most of you have been waiting for... v3.0.0! The biggest thing that comes with v3.0.0 is the new control panel, which will allow users to control the bot in a much more cleaner, and easier to use interface. A lot of time and dedication went into making this possible, and we hope you all enjoy! We also wanted to give everyone a heads up, we're changing the way PhantomBot is going to be versioned in the future. You can read more about that here.

Coming later this week, we are going to make vast improvements with our website, Discord, the way we handle feedback, documentation, and more. We're also going to be introducing a new line of merch later this month as well, that way you die-hard PhantomBot fans can rock some sweet gear! We're also working on a new project.. more on that soon... hopefully.

As always if you have anything to suggest to us, make a post on our forum! We hope you enjoy this release, and as always please remember to report bugs on our community forum!

As a reminder, PhantomBot is free and will stay free. We strongly believe in open source principles and providing a service to the community. However, we do have a patreon to help out with the costs of providing servers and other infrastructure (you also get exclusive updates, and other stuff too!).

That being said, be sure to follow us on Twitter, as well as joining our Discord server for more news and updates regarding PhantomBot!


  • A new control panel! This should make the bot a lot easier to control than our previous panel. It should also allow users/developers to easily modify and add pages for new/existing scripts.
  • Added support for Twitch’s new /delete command to only delete the user’s last message when the timeout or warning time for a filter is set to 0 seconds.
  • Users in the ignorebot.txt file will no longer gain points, time, or show in the top lists. When adding a user use !reloadbots to update the list for the bot.
  • The bot will now validate the oAuth tokens to make sure they are valid and work correctly.
  • Added console command ytsetup, which allows you to configure the YouTube API Key from the console.
  • Track the YouTube API quotas used. We added the console command checkytquota, which may be used to view current quota points used during the 24-hour period.
  • Added raidtest as a console command, which you can use to test Twitch Chat/Discord alerts. This will randomly generate a username for the raider name and sets viewers to 10.
  • Added text support for custom gif alerts. See this thread for more information. (Thanks AevumDecessus.)
  • Added multi chat line support for custom commands. Press enter on the new control panel to make the bot reply in more than one chat line.
  • Added support for anonymous subscriber gifting.
  • Added denied message to the (useronly=) custom command variable.


  • Cleaned up the YouTube API. Use a more simplistic method for talking with the REST API, cleaned up logging.
  • callHook() will now show the stack as well as the exception to make it easier to find where an error occurred in an event function that was called.
  • Massive optimization to the Data Render Service. (Thanks rlazarus)


  • Fixed !twitter showing the previous username when updating the name.
  • Fixed audio hooks sometimes not working when using them in Google Chrome.
  • Fixed the gif-volume setting not working on .mp4/.webm files for alerts.
  • Fixed the !addcom, !delcom, !editcom, etc. commands not working.
  • Fixed the console export command not working.
  • Fixed the mods.txt file not updating.
  • Fixed an error when title or game isn't set on Twitch for the Discord Promote System.
  • Fixed !twitter post not saying ‘post’ in chat upon posting a message.
  • Fixed the !vote command sometimes being affected by the command cooldown.
  • Fixed Discord creating the same roles over and over for the roleManager system.
  • Fixed Discord stopping from responding to commands at times.
  • Fixed small issue with the age commands’ response (Thanks BantomPhot).
  • Fixed potential data loss when shutting down the bot when using the bot’s SSL feature.
  • Fixed anonymous subscription having the viewer name as null.
  • Fixed bot from sometimes stopping replying to commands.


  • Removed GameWisp support as they no longer exist anymore.

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