github PhantomBot/PhantomBot v2.1
PhantomBot v2.1

latest releases: v3.14.1.1, v3.14.1.0, v3.14.0.6...
8 years ago

PhantomBot v2.1

This is the biggest, and best release yet! We have some pretty neat things planned for the future, so make sure to follow our public Trello board to find out what we're adding and planning for the future! We hope you enjoy this release of PhantomBot, and as always, please post bugs, questions, and concerns on our forums, and if you haven’t yet, follow us on Twitter. Thank you for using PhantomBot!


  • Added a toggle for moderators+ to pay for commands.
  • Added ability for moderators+ to whisper the bot commands.
  • Added (whisper) as a command tag.
  • Added ability to set cooldown to 1 second on a command and it will ignore the global cooldown.
  • Added a read file command tag. (readfile filename.txt). This file needs to be in the bots addons folder.
  • Added a new tab permissions tab on the panel.
  • Added mysql support.
  • Added a console reset command. Type reset in the console to reset your botlogin.txt if you're having issues.
  • Added a command tag for keywords command:command_name will run that command.
  • Added back a feature to stop users from gaining points for X amount of time.
  • Added a Donator group. You can toggle if people get promoted to a Donator when donating, and you can also set a minimum amount of dollars they need to donate before getting promoted.
  • Added point bonuses. This means you can add a bonus of points at each payout for X amount of minutes.
  • Added a new command tag. (1=TAG NAME OF YOUR CHOICE). If nothing is said after the command it will use the tag of your choice after the =, if something is said it will replace it with what the user said in chat.
  • Added a new countdown command tag. (countdown=Month Day Year Time) example (countdown=June 29 2016 7:00:00).
  • Added a new (downtime) command tag that will say when the last stream was. This will only work once you go online, and then go offline.
  • Added a toggle for the no permission message.
  • Ranks will now show the next rank in the !rank command.
  • Added ban reasons in the moderation tab on the web panel.
  • You can now blacklist songs or song names and users from the web panel for songrequests!
  • Dashboard will now show your last follow, sub, resub, and donator!
  • You can now set the slot emotes from the panel, or command.
  • You can now set how many users will show in the !top and !toptime commands.
  • Added ability to run commands via the panel.
  • Added new subscriber event handler.
  • Added new re-subscriber event handler
  • Added ability to change the ytp playlist from the panel.
  • You can now add the sound name via the panel you no longer need to modify the script! And when you update it wont delete your sounds anymore.
  • Added a !paycom command that will reward a user the amount you have set for it after using the command. You can also use (pay) as a command tag for custom commands.
  • Added (onlineonly) as a command tag, add it in your command and it will only work when the stream is online.
  • Added !addcom (alert graphicsfile) and !addcom (alert graphicsfile,duration_in_seconds) which will pop-up the graphic file at localhost:25000/alerts and, if an MP3 file is present with the same basename, the audio will play at the same time. Use in OBS Studio with a chroma key of green.
  • Custom language support. Place any files that are to be modified and kept between releases in the lang/custom directory. Subdirectories are supported as well, so the entire lang/english structure could be cloned and modified if desired or just place any edited language files directly into the custom directory.


  • Fixed broken !notice interval.
  • Fixed !botname blacklist add being case sensitive.
  • Fixed issue with commas in a quote while editing the username or game fields in the Control Panel.
  • Fixed hook call in editcom.
  • Fixed regulars not being promoted.
  • Fixed a typo in the !delalias message.
  • Fixed the disabled panel for raffles and ticket raffles.
  • Fixed bet timer.
  • Fixed global cooldown effecting !bet !RaffleKeyWord !ticket !tickets !bid.
  • Fixed a hook call if you justed type !tickets.
  • Fixed the panel death counter not showing "0" if there is not deaths on a game.
  • Fixed commands not getting removed from the permissions in the command list. Old entries will have to be removed manually.
  • Fixed moderator being promoted to regulars.
  • Fixed adventure always choosing the same adventures.
  • Fixed custom commands working with the module disabled. Same with new subscriber alert
  • Fixed total raffle entries not showing on the panel.
  • Fixed resubs not showing.
  • Disabled commands will not show up in the !commands command anymore.
  • Fix so you can set the cooldown on !adventure with !coolcom.
  • Fixed timer issues this will fix; points accumulation, time accumulation, notices dispatching, moderation timeout delay, raffle timers stoping, timer errors in the error log, and more!
  • Fixed incorrect bet close message.


  • Made the entire panel silent. This means when you edit something on the panel it will no longer say anything in chat.
  • Made aliases show up in !commands.
  • If you has the old Twitter handler, you will have to do the setup process again. This will be done from the bot console now.
  • Adventure will now say how much you won.
  • The !multi sub commands now work with !permcom!
  • Followage hours and days are now in the lang script. also fixed days showing up when you were following for more then 1 month.
  • Game and Title are now editable on the panel, they will no longer blur out.
  • Changed !group to !permission. If you are not a new user !permission will be aliased to !group. You can !delalias it if need be.
  • Turned raffle message off by default, and when this is off the bot will only announce when a raffle is opened.
  • Turned ticket raffle message off by default, and when this is off the bot will only announce when a raffle is opened.
  • Changed live tweet cooldown from 10 min to 8 hours.
  • Whisper mode for stream commands.


  • You can no longer @ mention or # mentions in the Twitter handler. This is because it becomes spam with the automated messages, and it has your bot name in the tweet so they know its from a bot and you could get reported and blocked from using the api.
  • Removed check if bot is sender to whisper the owner.
  • Removed ".mods" from spamming the console and the event logs. Sorry about this.

Setup Guide for the Twitter handler:

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