github PerryAsleep/GrooveAuthor v0.3.0

latest releases: v0.4.1, v0.4.0, v0.3.1...
2 months ago


Simultaneous Chart Viewing

Simultaneous Charts

Multiple charts can now be open simultaneously. See the Chart Navigation documentation for more details.

Dockable UI

Dockable UI

UI is now dockable.

Customizable Key Bindings

Key Bindings can now be customized. This is limited to editing the Preferences.json file for now. In the future there will be support for in-editor remapping.

Upgraded Hotbar


The Hotbar has been removed as floating element in the scene in favor of a dockable window. It now has options to quickly toggle various elements, quick spacing controls, a new Size Cap control, and a new Snap Limit control.

Size Cap

A Size Cap is now exposed, offering functionality similar to "mini" in Stepmania.

Snap Limit

A new Snap Limit feature allows for limiting the Snap levels that can be cycled through.

Other Features

  • The waveform now expands to cover chart types over 8 lanes wide.
  • More items have been added to the right click context menu and the items have been reorganized.
  • Simplified options for positioning the minimap, density graph, waveform, and dark background.
  • Added option to limit zooming to the size cap.
  • Improved layout of miscellaneous event widgets on the sides of charts. They now occupy an area with a configurable width.
  • Moved some rendering limits to Preferences.json to allow advanced user customization for performance.
  • Quick resolution options have been added under Layout > Resolution.

Tracked Feature Requests

  • #11: [FEATURE REQUEST] allow for multiple charts to be opened side-by-side
  • #23: [FEATURE REQUEST] Improve usability around Zoom + Note Spacing
  • #20: [FEATURE REQUEST] customizable keybinds
  • #15: [FEATURE REQUEST] Limitting snaps

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed external modification modals being enqueued while one was already present.
  • Fixed crashes related to undoing pasting time signatures over a chart's first time signature and undoing pasting over all rate altering events in a chart.
  • Fixed crash pasting notes with lanes outside of the bounds of the destination chart.
  • Fixed 0 length holds not rendering caps in some situations due to rounding errors.
  • Fixed incorrect mip level being chosen in rare situations.

Tracked Bugs

  • #19: Minor Annoyance - User has to click "reload" once for every time the file has changed externally

Upgrade Notes


Some UI will be repositioned when upgrading.

With version 0.3.0 bringing support for multiple active charts and dockable UI some layout options were simplified or removed and the default layout has changed. When upgrading you may experience some layout changes to the mini map, density graph, dark background, and waveform. You will also experience some UI windows move to new default docked positions. After upgrading, all of these elements can be freely repositioned.


GrooveAuthor now requires .Net Runtime 8.0 instead of 7.0.


Download and extract it to a desired location. To run GrooveAuthor open the GrooveAuthor folder and run GrooveAuthor.exe.

GrooveAuthor requires .Net Runtime 8.0.

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