github PennyLaneAI/pennylane v0.33.0
Release 0.33.0

latest releases: v0.38.1, v0.38.0-rc0, v0.38.0...
10 months ago

New features since last release

Postselection and statistics in mid-circuit measurements πŸ“Œ

  • It is now possible to request postselection on a mid-circuit measurement. (#4604)

    This can be achieved by specifying the postselect keyword argument in qml.measure as either 0 or 1, corresponding to the basis states.

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    @qml.qnode(dev, interface=None)
    def circuit():
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.measure(0, postselect=1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)), qml.sample(wires=1)

    This circuit prepares the $| \Phi^{+} \rangle$ Bell state and postselects on measuring $|1\rangle$ in wire 0. The output of wire 1 is then also $|1\rangle$ at all times:

    >>> circuit(shots=10)
    (-1.0, array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]))

    Note that the number of shots is less than the requested amount because we have thrown away the samples where $|0\rangle$ was measured in wire 0.

  • Measurement statistics can now be collected for mid-circuit measurements. (#4544)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
    def circ(x, y):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.RY(y, wires=1)
        m0 = qml.measure(1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(m0), qml.sample(m0)
    >>> circ(1.0, 2.0, shots=10000)
    (0.5606, 0.7089, array([0, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]))

    Support is provided for both finite-shot and analytic modes and devices default to using the deferred measurement principle to enact the mid-circuit measurements.

Exponentiate Hamiltonians with flexible Trotter products πŸ–

  • Higher-order Trotter-Suzuki methods are now easily accessible through a new operation called TrotterProduct. (#4661)

    Trotterization techniques are an affective route towards accurate and efficient Hamiltonian simulation. The Suzuki-Trotter product formula allows for the ability to express higher-order approximations to the matrix exponential of a Hamiltonian, and it is now available to use in PennyLane via the TrotterProduct operation. Simply specify the order of the approximation and the evolution time.

    coeffs = [0.25, 0.75]
    ops = [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(0)]
    H =, ops)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit():
        qml.TrotterProduct(H, time=2.4, order=2)
        return qml.state()
    >>> circuit()
    [-0.13259524+0.59790098j 0. +0.j -0.13259524-0.77932754j 0. +0.j ]
  • Approximating matrix exponentiation with random product formulas, qDrift, is now available with the new QDrift operation. (#4671)

    As shown in 1811.08017, qDrift is a Markovian process that can provide a speedup in Hamiltonian simulation. At a high level, qDrift works by randomly sampling from the Hamiltonian terms with a probability that depends on the Hamiltonian coefficients. This method for Hamiltonian simulation is now ready to use in PennyLane with the QDrift operator. Simply specify the evolution time and the number of samples drawn from the Hamiltonian, n:

    coeffs = [0.25, 0.75]
    ops = [qml.PauliX(0), qml.PauliZ(0)]
    H =, ops)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit():
        qml.QDrift(H, time=1.2, n = 10)
        return qml.probs()
    >>> circuit()
    array([0.61814334, 0. , 0.38185666, 0. ])

Building blocks for quantum phase estimation 🧱

  • A new operator called CosineWindow has been added to prepare an initial state based on a cosine wave function. (#4683)

    As outlined in 2110.09590, the cosine tapering window is part of a modification to quantum phase estimation that can provide a cubic improvement to the algorithm's error rate. Using CosineWindow will prepare a state whose amplitudes follow a cosinusoidal distribution over the computational basis.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
    def example_circuit():
        return qml.state()
    output = example_circuit()"pennylane.drawer.plot"), output)
  • Controlled gate sequences raised to decreasing powers, a sub-block in quantum phase estimation, can now be created with the new ControlledSequence operator. (#4707)

    To use ControlledSequence, specify the controlled unitary operator and the control wires, control:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires = 4)
    def circuit():
        for i in range(3):
            qml.Hadamard(wires = i)
        qml.ControlledSequence(qml.RX(0.25, wires = 3), control = [0, 1, 2])
        qml.adjoint(qml.QFT)(wires = range(3))
            return qml.probs(wires = range(3))
    >>> print(circuit())
    [0.92059345 0.02637178 0.00729619 0.00423258 0.00360545 0.00423258 0.00729619 0.02637178]

New device capabilities, integration with Catalyst, and more! βš—οΈ

  • default.qubit now uses the new qml.devices.Device API and functionality in qml.devices.qubit. If you experience any issues with the updated default.qubit, please let us know by posting an issue. The old version of the device is still accessible by the short name default.qubit.legacy, or directly via qml.devices.DefaultQubitLegacy. (#4594) (#4436) (#4620) (#4632)

    This changeover has a number of benefits for default.qubit, including:

    • The number of wires is now optional β€” simply having qml.device("default.qubit") is valid! If wires are not provided at instantiation, the device automatically infers the required number of wires for each circuit provided for execution.

      dev = qml.device("default.qubit")
      def circuit():
          qml.RZ(0.1, wires=1)
          return qml.state()
      >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)())
      0: ──Z───────── State
      1: ──RZ(0.10)── State
      2: ──H───────── State
    • default.qubit is no longer silently swapped out with an interface-appropriate device when the backpropagation differentiation method is used. For example, consider:

      import jax
      dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1)
      @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="backprop")
      def f(x):
          qml.RX(x, wires=0)
          return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))

      In previous versions of PennyLane, the device will be swapped for the JAX equivalent:

      >>> f.device
      <DefaultQubitJax device (wires=1, shots=None) at 0x7f8c8bff50a0>
      >>> f.device == dev

      Now, default.qubit can itself dispatch to all the interfaces in a backprop-compatible way and hence does not need to be swapped:

      >>> f.device
      <default.qubit device (wires=1) at 0x7f20d043b040>
      >>> f.device == dev
  • A QNode that has been decorated with qjit from PennyLane's Catalyst library for just-in-time hybrid compilation is now compatible with qml.draw. (#4609)

    import catalyst
    @qml.qnode(qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=3))
    def circuit(x, y, z, c):
        """A quantum circuit on three wires."""
        @catalyst.for_loop(0, c, 1)
        def loop(i):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.RY(y, wires=1)
        qml.RZ(z, wires=2)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    draw = qml.draw(circuit, decimals=None)(1.234, 2.345, 3.456, 1)
    >>> print(draw)
    0: ──RX──H─── <Z>
    1: ──H───RY──
    2: ──RZ──────

Improvements πŸ› 

More PyTrees!

  • MeasurementProcess and QuantumScript objects are now registered as JAX PyTrees. (#4607) (#4608)

    It is now possible to JIT-compile functions with arguments that are a MeasurementProcess or a QuantumScript:

    tape0 = qml.tape.QuantumTape([qml.RX(1.0, 0), qml.RY(0.5, 0)], [qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))])
    dev = qml.device('lightning.qubit', wires=5)
    execute_kwargs = {"device": dev, "gradient_fn": qml.gradients.param_shift, "interface":"jax"}
    jitted_execute = jax.jit(qml.execute, static_argnames=execute_kwargs.keys())
    jitted_execute((tape0, ), **execute_kwargs)

Improving QChem and existing algorithms

  • Computationally expensive functions in, electron_repulsion and _hermite_coulomb, have been modified to replace indexing with slicing for better compatibility with JAX. (#4685)

  • qml.qchem.import_state has been extended to import more quantum chemistry wavefunctions, from MPS, DMRG and SHCI classical calculations performed with the Block2 and Dice libraries. #4523 #4524 #4626 #4634

    Check out our how-to guide to learn more about how PennyLane integrates with your favourite quantum chemistry libraries.

  • The qchem fermionic_dipole and particle_number functions have been updated to use a FermiSentence. The deprecated features for using tuples to represent fermionic operations are removed. (#4546) (#4556)

  • The tensor-network template qml.MPS now supports changing the offset between subsequent blocks for more flexibility. (#4531)

  • Builtin types support with qml.pauli_decompose have been improved. (#4577)

  • AmplitudeEmbedding now inherits from StatePrep, allowing for it to not be decomposed when at the beginning of a circuit, thus behaving like StatePrep. (#4583)

  • qml.cut_circuit is now compatible with circuits that compute the expectation values of Hamiltonians with two or more terms. (#4642)

Next-generation device API

  • default.qubit now tracks the number of equivalent qpu executions and total shots when the device is sampling. Note that "simulations" denotes the number of simulation passes, whereas "executions" denotes how many different computational bases need to be sampled in. Additionally, the new default.qubit tracks the results of device.execute. (#4628) (#4649)

  • DefaultQubit can now accept a jax.random.PRNGKey as a seed to set the key for the JAX pseudo random number generator when using the JAX interface. This corresponds to the prng_key on default.qubit.jax in the old API. (#4596)

  • The JacobianProductCalculator abstract base class and implementations TransformJacobianProducts DeviceDerivatives, and DeviceJacobianProducts have been added to pennylane.interfaces.jacobian_products. (#4435) (#4527) (#4637)

  • DefaultQubit dispatches to a faster implementation for applying ParametrizedEvolution to a state when it is more efficient to evolve the state than the operation matrix. (#4598) (#4620)

  • Wires can be provided to the new device API. (#4538) (#4562)

  • qml.sample() in the new device API now returns a np.int64 array instead of np.bool8. (#4539)

  • The new device API now has a repr() method. (#4562)

  • DefaultQubit now works as expected with measurement processes that don't specify wires. (#4580)

  • Various improvements to measurements have been made for feature parity between default.qubit.legacy and the new DefaultQubit. This includes not trying to squeeze batched CountsMP results and implementing MutualInfoMP.map_wires. (#4574)

  • devices.qubit.simulate now accepts an interface keyword argument. If a QNode with DefaultQubit specifies an interface, the result will be computed with that interface. (#4582)

  • ShotAdaptiveOptimizer has been updated to pass shots to QNode executions instead of overriding device shots before execution. This makes it compatible with the new device API. (#4599)

  • pennylane.devices.preprocess now offers the transforms decompose, validate_observables, validate_measurements, validate_device_wires, validate_multiprocessing_workers, warn_about_trainable_observables, and no_sampling to assist in constructing devices under the new device API. (#4659)

  • Updated qml.device, devices.preprocessing and the tape_expand.set_decomposition context manager to bring DefaultQubit to feature parity with default.qubit.legacy with regards to using custom decompositions. The DefaultQubit device can now be included in a set_decomposition context or initialized with a custom_decomps dictionary, as well as a custom max_depth for decomposition. (#4675)

Other improvements

  • The StateMP measurement now accepts a wire order (e.g., a device wire order). The process_state method will re-order the given state to go from the inputted wire-order to the process's wire-order. If the process's wire-order contains extra wires, it will assume those are in the zero-state. (#4570) (#4602)

  • Methods called add_transform and insert_front_transform have been added to TransformProgram. (#4559)

  • Instances of the TransformProgram class can now be added together. (#4549)

  • Transforms can now be applied to devices following the new device API. (#4667)

  • All gradient transforms have been updated to the new transform program system. (#4595)

  • Multi-controlled operations with a single-qubit special unitary target can now automatically decompose. (#4697)

  • pennylane.defer_measurements will now exit early if the input does not contain mid circuit measurements. (#4659)

  • The density matrix aspects of StateMP have been split into their own measurement process called DensityMatrixMP. (#4558)

  • StateMeasurement.process_state now assumes that the input is flat. ProbabilityMP.process_state has been updated to reflect this assumption and avoid redundant reshaping. (#4602)

  • qml.exp returns a more informative error message when decomposition is unavailable for non-unitary operators. (#4571)

  • Added qml.math.get_deep_interface to get the interface of a scalar hidden deep in lists or tuples. (#4603)

  • Updated qml.math.ndim and qml.math.shape to work with built-in lists or tuples that contain interface-specific scalar dat (e.g., [(tf.Variable(1.1), tf.Variable(2.2))]). (#4603)

  • When decomposing a unitary matrix with one_qubit_decomposition and opting to include the GlobalPhase in the decomposition, the phase is no longer cast to dtype=complex. (#4653)

  • _qfunc_output has been removed from QuantumScript, as it is no longer necessary. There is still a _qfunc_output property on QNode instances. (#4651)

  • properly handles parameters that come after 'full' (#4663)

  • The qml.jordan_wigner function has been modified to optionally remove the imaginary components of the computed qubit operator, if imaginary components are smaller than a threshold. (#4639)

  • correctly performs a full download of the dataset after a partial download of the same dataset has already been performed. (#4681) * The performance of has been improved when partially loading a dataset (#4674)

  • Plots generated with the pennylane.drawer.plot style of matplotlib.pyplot now have black axis labels and are generated at a default DPI of 300. (#4690)

  • Shallow copies of the QNode now also copy the execute_kwargs and transform program. When applying a transform to a QNode, the new qnode is only a shallow copy of the original and thus keeps the same device. (#4736)

  • QubitDevice and CountsMP are updated to disregard samples containing failed hardware measurements (record as np.NaN) when tallying samples, rather than counting failed measurements as ground-state measurements, and to display qml.counts coming from these hardware devices correctly. (#4739)

Breaking changes πŸ’”

  • qml.defer_measurements now raises an error if a transformed circuit measures qml.probs, qml.sample, or qml.counts without any wires or observable, or if it measures qml.state. (#4701)

  • The device test suite now converts device keyword arguments to integers or floats if possible. (#4640)

  • MeasurementProcess.eigvals() now raises an EigvalsUndefinedError if the measurement observable does not have eigenvalues. (#4544)

  • The __eq__ and __hash__ methods of Operator and MeasurementProcess no longer rely on the object's address in memory. Using == with operators and measurement processes will now behave the same as qml.equal, and objects of the same type with the same data and hyperparameters will have the same hash. (#4536)

    In the following scenario, the second and third code blocks show the previous and current behaviour of operator and measurement process equality, determined by ==:

    op1 = qml.PauliX(0)
    op2 = qml.PauliX(0)
    op3 = op1

    Old behaviour:

    >>> op1 == op2
    >>> op1 == op3

    New behaviour:

    >>> op1 == op2
    >>> op1 == op3

    The __hash__ dunder method defines the hash of an object. The default hash of an object is determined by the objects memory address. However, the new hash is determined by the properties and attributes of operators and measurement processes. Consider the scenario below. The second and third code blocks show the previous and current behaviour.

    op1 = qml.PauliX(0)
    op2 = qml.PauliX(0)

    Old behaviour:

    >>> print({op1, op2})
    {PauliX(wires=[0]), PauliX(wires=[0])}

    New behaviour:

    >>> print({op1, op2})
  • The old return type and associated functions qml.enable_return and qml.disable_return have been removed. (#4503)

  • The mode keyword argument in QNode has been removed. Please use grad_on_execution instead. (#4503)

  • The CV observables qml.X and qml.P have been removed. Please use qml.QuadX and qml.QuadP instead. (#4533)

  • The sampler_seed argument of qml.gradients.spsa_grad has been removed. Instead, the sampler_rng argument should be set, either to an integer value, which will be used to create a PRNG internally, or to a NumPy pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) created via np.random.default_rng(seed). (#4550)

  • The QuantumScript.set_parameters method and the setter have been removed. Please use QuantumScript.bind_new_parameters instead. (#4548)

  • The method tape.unwrap() and corresponding UnwrapTape and Unwrap classes have been removed. Instead of tape.unwrap(), use qml.transforms.convert_to_numpy_parameters. (#4535)

  • The RandomLayers.compute_decomposition keyword argument ratio_imprivitive has been changed to ratio_imprim to match the call signature of the operation. (#4552)

  • The private TmpPauliRot operator used for SpecialUnitary no longer decomposes to nothing when the theta value is trainable. (#4585)

  • ProbabilityMP.marginal_prob has been removed. Its contents have been moved into process_state, which effectively just called marginal_prob with np.abs(state) ** 2. (#4602)

Deprecations πŸ‘‹

  • The following decorator syntax for transforms has been deprecated and will raise a warning: (#4457)

    def circuit():

    If you are using a transform that has supporting transform_kwargs, please call the transform directly using circuit = transform_fn(circuit, **transform_kwargs), or use functools.partial:

    @functools.partial(transform_fn, **transform_kwargs)
    def circuit():
  • The prep keyword argument in QuantumScript has been deprecated and will be removed from QuantumScript. StatePrepBase operations should be placed at the beginning of the ops list instead. (#4554)

  • qml.gradients.pulse_generator has been renamed to qml.gradients.pulse_odegen to adhere to paper naming conventions. During v0.33, pulse_generator is still available but raises a warning. (#4633)

Documentation πŸ“

  • A warning section in the docstring for DefaultQubit regarding the start method used in multiprocessing has been added. This may help users circumvent issues arising in Jupyter notebooks on macOS for example. (#4622)

  • Documentation improvements to the new device API have been made. The documentation now correctly states that interface-specific parameters are only passed to the device for backpropagation derivatives. (#4542)

  • Functions for qubit-simulation to the qml.devices sub-page of the "Internal" section have been added. Note that these functions are unstable while device upgrades are underway. (#4555)

  • A documentation improvement to the usage example in the qml.QuantumMonteCarlo page has been made. An integral was missing the differential $dx$. (#4593)

  • A documentation improvement for the use of the pennylane style of qml.drawer and the pennylane.drawer.plot style of matplotlib.pyplot has been made by clarifying the use of the default font. (#4690)

Bug fixes πŸ›

  • Jax jit now works when a probability measurement is broadcasted onto all wires. (#4742)

  • Fixed LocalHilbertSchmidt.compute_decomposition so that the template can be used in a QNode. (#4719)

  • Fixes transforms.transpile with arbitrary measurement processes. (#4732)

  • Providing work_wires=None to qml.GroverOperator no longer interprets None as a wire. (#4668)

  • Fixed an issue where the __copy__ method of the qml.Select() operator attempted to access un-initialized data. (#4551)

  • Fixed the skip_first option in expand_tape_state_prep. (#4564)

  • convert_to_numpy_parameters now uses qml.ops.functions.bind_new_parameters. This reinitializes the operation and makes sure everything references the new NumPy parameters. (#4540)

  • tf.function no longer breaks ProbabilityMP.process_state, which is needed by new devices. (#4470)

  • Fixed unit tests for qml.qchem.mol_data. (#4591)

  • Fixed ProbabilityMP.process_state so that it allows for proper Autograph compilation. Without this, decorating a QNode that returns an expval with tf.function would fail when computing the expectation. (#4590)

  • The torch.nn.Module properties are now accessible on a pennylane.qnn.TorchLayer. (#4611)

  • qml.math.take with Pytorch now returns tensor[..., indices] when the user requests the last axis (axis=-1). Without the fix, it would wrongly return tensor[indices]. (#4605)

  • Ensured the logging TRACE level works with gradient-free execution. (#4669)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Guillermo Alonso, Utkarsh Azad, Thomas Bromley, Isaac De Vlugt, Jack Brown, Stepan Fomichev, Joana Fraxanet, Diego Guala, Soran Jahangiri, Edward Jiang, Korbinian Kottmann, Ivana KurečiΔ‡ Christina Lee, Lillian M. A. Frederiksen, Vincent Michaud-Rioux, Romain Moyard, Daniel F. Nino, Lee James O'Riordan, Mudit Pandey, Matthew Silverman, Jay Soni.

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