github PennyLaneAI/pennylane v0.32.0
Release 0.32.0

latest releases: v0.38.1, v0.38.0-rc0, v0.38.0...
13 months ago

New features since last release

Encode matrices using a linear combination of unitaries ⛓️️

  • It is now possible to encode an operator A into a quantum circuit by decomposing it into a linear combination of unitaries using PREP (qml.StatePrep) and SELECT (qml.Select) routines. (#4431) (#4437) (#4444) (#4450) (#4506) (#4526)

    Consider an operator A composed of a linear combination of Pauli terms:

    >>> A = qml.PauliX(2) + 2 * qml.PauliY(2) + 3 * qml.PauliZ(2)

    A decomposable block-encoding circuit can be created:

    def block_encode(A, control_wires):
        probs = A.coeffs / np.sum(A.coeffs)
        state = np.pad(np.sqrt(probs, dtype=complex), (0, 1))
        unitaries = A.ops
        qml.StatePrep(state, wires=control_wires)
        qml.Select(unitaries, control=control_wires)
        qml.adjoint(qml.StatePrep)(state, wires=control_wires)
    >>> print(qml.draw(block_encode, show_matrices=False)(A, control_wires=[0, 1]))
    0: ─╭|Ψ⟩─╭Select─╭|Ψ⟩†─┤
    1: ─╰|Ψ⟩─├Select─╰|Ψ⟩†─┤
    2: ──────╰Select───────┤

    This circuit can be used as a building block within a larger QNode to perform algorithms such as QSVT and Hamiltonian simulation.

  • Decomposing a Hermitian matrix into a linear combination of Pauli words via qml.pauli_decompose is now faster and differentiable. (#4395) (#4479) (#4493)

    def find_coeffs(p):
        mat = np.array([[3, p], [p, 3]])
        A = qml.pauli_decompose(mat)
        return A.coeffs
    >>> import jax
    >>> from jax import numpy as np
    >>> jax.jacobian(find_coeffs)(np.array(2.))
    Array([0., 1.], dtype=float32, weak_type=True)

Monitor PennyLane's inner workings with logging 📃

  • Python-native logging can now be enabled with qml.logging.enable_logging(). (#4377) (#4383)

    Consider the following code that is contained in

    import pennylane as qml
    qml.logging.enable_logging() # enables logging
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def f(x):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        return qml.state()

    Executing with logging enabled will detail every step in PennyLane's pipeline that gets used to run your code.

    $ python
    [1967-02-13 15:18:38,591][DEBUG][<PID 8881:MainProcess>] - pennylane.qnode.__init__()::"Creating QNode(func=<function f at 0x7faf2a6fbaf0>, device=<DefaultQubit device (wires=2, shots=None) at 0x7faf2a689b50>, interface=auto, diff_method=best, expansion_strategy=gradient, max_expansion=10, grad_on_execution=best, mode=None, cache=True, cachesize=10000, max_diff=1, gradient_kwargs={}"

    Additional logging configuration settings can be specified by modifying the contents of the logging configuration file, which can be located by running qml.logging.config_path(). Follow our logging docs page for more details!

More input states for quantum chemistry calculations ⚛️

  • Input states obtained from advanced quantum chemistry calculations can be used in a circuit. (#4427) (#4433) (#4461) (#4476) (#4505)

    Quantum chemistry calculations rely on an initial state that is typically selected to be the trivial Hartree-Fock state. For molecules with a complicated electronic structure, using initial states obtained from affordable post-Hartree-Fock calculations helps to improve the efficiency of the quantum simulations. These calculations can be done with external quantum chemistry libraries such as PySCF.

    It is now possible to import a PySCF solver object in PennyLane and extract the corresponding wave function in the form of a state vector that can be directly used in a circuit. First, perform your classical quantum chemistry calculations and then use the qml.qchem.import_state function to import the solver object and return a state vector.

    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, ci
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom=[['H', (0, 0, 0)], ['H', (0,0,0.71)]], basis='sto6g')
    >>> myhf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    >>> myci = ci.UCISD(myhf).run()
    >>> wf_cisd = qml.qchem.import_state(myci, tol=1e-1)
    >>> print(wf_cisd)
    [ 0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.1066467 +0.j
      1.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j
      2.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j
     -0.99429698+0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j]

    The state vector can be implemented in a circuit using qml.StatePrep.

    >>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
    >>> @qml.qnode(dev)
    ... def circuit():
    ... qml.StatePrep(wf_cisd, wires=range(4))
    ... return qml.state()
    >>> print(circuit())
    [ 0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.1066467 +0.j
      1.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j
      2.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j
     -0.99429698+0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j  0.        +0.j]

    The currently supported post-Hartree-Fock methods are RCISD, UCISD, RCCSD, and UCCSD which denote restricted (R) and unrestricted (U) configuration interaction (CI) and coupled cluster (CC) calculations with single and double (SD) excitations.

Reuse and reset qubits after mid-circuit measurements ♻️

  • PennyLane now allows you to define circuits that reuse a qubit after a mid-circuit measurement has taken place. Optionally, the wire can also be reset to the $|0\rangle$ state. (#4402) (#4432)

    Post-measurement reset can be activated by setting reset=True when calling qml.measure. In this version of PennyLane, executing circuits with qubit reuse will result in the defer_measurements transform being applied. This transform replaces each reused wire with an additional qubit. However, future releases of PennyLane will explore device-level support for qubit reuse without consuming additional qubits.

    Qubit reuse and reset is also fully differentiable:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=4)
    def circuit(p):
        qml.RX(p, wires=0)
        m = qml.measure(0, reset=True)
        qml.cond(m, qml.Hadamard)(1)
        qml.RX(p, wires=0)
        m = qml.measure(0)
        qml.cond(m, qml.Hadamard)(1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))
    >>> jax.grad(circuit)(0.4)
    Array(-0.35867804, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)

    You can read more about mid-circuit measurements in the documentation, and stay tuned for more mid-circuit measurement features in the next few releases!

Improvements 🛠

A new PennyLane drawing style

  • Circuit drawings and plots can now be created following a PennyLane style. (#3950)

    The qml.draw_mpl function accepts a style='pennylane' argument to create PennyLane themed circuit diagrams:

    def circuit(x, z):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.CRZ(z, wires=(3,0))
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    qml.draw_mpl(circuit, style="pennylane")(1, 1)

    PennyLane-styled plots can also be drawn by passing "pennylane.drawer.plot" to Matplotlib's function:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"pennylane.drawer.plot")
    for i in range(3):

    If the font Quicksand Bold isn't available, an available default font is used instead.

Making operators immutable and PyTrees

  • Any class inheriting from Operator is now automatically registered as a pytree with JAX. This unlocks the ability to jit functions of Operator. (#4458)

    >>> op = qml.adjoint(qml.RX(1.0, wires=0))
    >>> jax.jit(qml.matrix)(op)
    Array([[0.87758255-0.j        , 0.        +0.47942555j],
           [0.        +0.47942555j, 0.87758255-0.j        ]],      dtype=complex64, weak_type=True)
    >>> jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x+1, op)
    Adjoint(RX(2.0, wires=[0]))
  • All Operator objects now define Operator._flatten and Operator._unflatten methods that separate trainable from untrainable components. These methods will be used in serialization and pytree registration. Custom operations may need an update to ensure compatibility with new PennyLane features. (#4483) (#4314)

  • The QuantumScript class now has a bind_new_parameters method that allows creation of new QuantumScript objects with the provided parameters. (#4345)

  • The qml.gradients module no longer mutates operators in-place for any gradient transforms. Instead, operators that need to be mutated are copied with new parameters. (#4220)

  • PennyLane no longer directly relies on Operator.__eq__. (#4398)

  • qml.equal no longer raises errors when operators or measurements of different types are compared. Instead, it returns False. (#4315)


  • Transform programs are now integrated with the QNode. (#4404)

    def null_postprocessing(results: qml.typing.ResultBatch) -> qml.typing.Result:
        return results[0]
    def scale_shots(tape: qml.tape.QuantumTape, shot_scaling) -> (Tuple[qml.tape.QuantumTape], Callable):
        new_shots = tape.shots.total_shots * shot_scaling
        new_tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(tape.operations, tape.measurements, shots=new_shots)
        return (new_tape, ), null_postprocessing
    dev = qml.devices.experimental.DefaultQubit2()
    @partial(scale_shots, shot_scaling=2)
    @qml.qnode(dev, interface=None)
    def circuit():
        return qml.sample(wires=0)
    >>> circuit(shots=1)
    array([False, False])
  • Transform Programs, qml.transforms.core.TransformProgram, can now be called on a batch of circuits and return a new batch of circuits and a single post processing function. (#4364)

  • TransformDispatcher now allows registration of custom QNode transforms. (#4466)

  • QNode transforms in qml.qinfo now support custom wire labels. #4331

  • qml.transforms.adjoint_metric_tensor now uses the simulation tools in qml.devices.qubit instead of private methods of qml.devices.DefaultQubit. (#4456)

  • Auxiliary wires and device wires are now treated the same way in qml.transforms.metric_tensor as in qml.gradients.hadamard_grad. All valid wire input formats for aux_wire are supported. (#4328)

Next-generation device API

  • The experimental device interface has been integrated with the QNode for JAX, JAX-JIT, TensorFlow and PyTorch. (#4323) (#4352) (#4392) (#4393)

  • The experimental DefaultQubit2 device now supports computing VJPs and JVPs using the adjoint method. (#4374)

  • New functions called adjoint_jvp and adjoint_vjp that compute the JVP and VJP of a tape using the adjoint method have been added to qml.devices.qubit.adjoint_jacobian (#4358)

  • DefaultQubit2 now accepts a max_workers argument which controls multiprocessing. A ProcessPoolExecutor executes tapes asynchronously using a pool of at most max_workers processes. If max_workers is None or not given, only the current process executes tapes. If you experience any issue, say using JAX, TensorFlow, Torch, try setting max_workers to None. (#4319) (#4425)

  • qml.devices.experimental.Device now accepts a shots keyword argument and has a shots property. This property is only used to set defaults for a workflow, and does not directly influence the number of shots used in executions or derivatives. (#4388)

  • expand_fn() for DefaultQubit2 has been updated to decompose StatePrep operations present in the middle of a circuit. (#4444)

  • If no seed is specified on initialization with DefaultQubit2, the local random number generator will be seeded from NumPy's global random number generator. (#4394)

Improvements to machine learning library interfaces

  • pennylane/interfaces has been refactored. The execute_fn passed to the machine learning framework boundaries is now responsible for converting parameters to NumPy. The gradients module can now handle TensorFlow parameters, but gradient tapes now retain the original dtype instead of converting to float64. This may cause instability with finite-difference differentiation and float32 parameters. The machine learning boundary functions are now uncoupled from their legacy counterparts. (#4415)

  • qml.interfaces.set_shots now accepts a Shots object as well as int's and tuples of int's. (#4388)

  • Readability improvements and stylistic changes have been made to pennylane/interfaces/ (#4379)


  • A HardwareHamiltonian can now be summed with int or float objects. A sequence of HardwareHamiltonians can now be summed via the builtin sum. (#4343)

  • qml.pulse.transmon_drive has been updated in accordance with 1904.06560. In particular, the functional form has been changed from $\Omega(t)(\cos(\omega_d t + \phi) X - \sin(\omega_d t + \phi) Y)$ to $\Omega(t) \sin(\omega_d t + \phi) Y$. (#4418) (#4465) (#4478) (#4418)

Other improvements

  • The qchem module has been upgraded to use the fermionic operators of the fermi module. #4336 #4521

  • The calculation of Sum, Prod, SProd, PauliWord, and PauliSentence sparse matrices are orders of magnitude faster. (#4475) (#4272) (#4411)

  • A function called qml.math.fidelity_statevector that computes the fidelity between two state vectors has been added. (#4322)

  • qml.ctrl(qml.PauliX) returns a CNOT, Toffoli, or MultiControlledX operation instead of Controlled(PauliX). (#4339)

  • When given a callable, qml.ctrl now does its custom pre-processing on all queued operators from the callable. (#4370)

  • The qchem functions primitive_norm and contracted_norm have been modified to be compatible with higher versions of SciPy. The private function _fac2 for computing double factorials has also been added. #4321

  • tape_expand now uses Operator.decomposition instead of Operator.expand in order to make more performant choices. (#4355)

  • CI now runs tests with TensorFlow 2.13.0 (#4472)

  • All tests in CI and pre-commit hooks now enable linting. (#4335)

  • The default label for a StatePrepBase operator is now |Ψ⟩. (#4340)

  • Device.default_expand_fn() has been updated to decompose qml.StatePrep operations present in the middle of a provided circuit. (#4437)

  • QNode.construct has been updated to only apply the qml.defer_measurements transform if the device does not natively support mid-circuit measurements. (#4516)

  • The application of the qml.defer_measurements transform has been moved from QNode.construct to qml.Device.batch_transform to allow more fine-grain control over when defer_measurements should be used. (#4432)

  • The label for ParametrizedEvolution can display parameters with the requested format as set by the kwarg decimals. Array-like parameters are displayed in the same format as matrices and stored in the cache. (#4151)

Breaking changes 💔

  • Applying gradient transforms to broadcasted/batched tapes has been deactivated until it is consistently supported for QNodes as well. (#4480)

  • Gradient transforms no longer implicitly cast float32 parameters to float64. Finite difference differentiation with float32 parameters may no longer give accurate results. (#4415)

  • The do_queue keyword argument in qml.operation.Operator has been removed. Instead of setting do_queue=False, use the qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording() context. (#4317)

  • Operator.expand now uses the output of Operator.decomposition instead of what it queues. (#4355)

  • The gradients module no longer needs shot information passed to it explicitly, as the shots are on the tapes. (#4448)

  • qml.StatePrep has been renamed to qml.StatePrepBase and qml.QubitStateVector has been renamed to qml.StatePrep. qml.operation.StatePrep and qml.QubitStateVector are still accessible. (#4450)

  • Support for Python 3.8 has been dropped. (#4453)

  • MeasurementValue's signature has been updated to accept a list of MidMeasureMP's rather than a list of their IDs. (#4446)

  • The grouping_type and grouping_method keyword arguments have been removed from qchem.molecular_hamiltonian. (#4301)

  • zyz_decomposition and xyx_decomposition have been removed. Use one_qubit_decomposition instead. (#4301)

  • LieAlgebraOptimizer has been removed. Use RiemannianGradientOptimizer instead. (#4301)

  • Operation.base_name has been removed. (#4301)

  • has been removed. (#4301)

  • qml.math.reduced_dm has been removed. Use qml.math.reduce_dm or qml.math.reduce_statevector instead. (#4301)

  • The qml.specs dictionary no longer supports direct key access to certain keys. (#4301)

    Instead, these quantities can be accessed as fields of the new Resources object saved under specs_dict["resources"]:

    • num_operations is no longer supported, use specs_dict["resources"].num_gates
    • num_used_wires is no longer supported, use specs_dict["resources"].num_wires
    • gate_types is no longer supported, use specs_dict["resources"].gate_types
    • gate_sizes is no longer supported, use specs_dict["resources"].gate_sizes
    • depth is no longer supported, use specs_dict["resources"].depth
  • qml.math.purity, qml.math.vn_entropy, qml.math.mutual_info,, qml.math.relative_entropy, and qml.math.max_entropy no longer support state vectors as input. (#4322)

  • The private QuantumScript._prep list has been removed, and prep operations now go into the _ops list. (#4485)

Deprecations 👋

  • qml.enable_return and qml.disable_return have been deprecated. Please avoid calling disable_return, as the old return system has been deprecated along with these switch functions. (#4316)

  • qml.qchem.jordan_wigner has been deprecated. Use qml.jordan_wigner instead. List input to define the fermionic operator has also been deprecated; the fermionic operators in the qml.fermi module should be used instead. (#4332)

  • The qml.RandomLayers.compute_decomposition keyword argument ratio_imprimitive will be changed to ratio_imprim to match the call signature of the operation. (#4314)

  • The CV observables qml.X and qml.P have been deprecated. Use qml.QuadX and qml.QuadP instead. (#4330)

  • The method tape.unwrap() and corresponding UnwrapTape and Unwrap classes have been deprecated. Use convert_to_numpy_parameters instead. (#4344)

  • The mode keyword argument in QNode has been deprecated, as it was only used in the old return system (which has also been deprecated). Please use grad_on_execution instead. (#4316)

  • The QuantumScript.set_parameters method and the setter have been deprecated. Please use QuantumScript.bind_new_parameters instead. (#4346)

  • The __eq__ and __hash__ dunder methods of Operator and MeasurementProcess will now raise warnings to reflect upcoming changes to operator and measurement process equality and hashing. (#4144) (#4454) (#4489) (#4498)

  • The sampler_seed argument of qml.gradients.spsa_grad has been deprecated, along with a bug fix of the seed-setting behaviour. Instead, the sampler_rng argument should be set, either to an integer value, which will be used to create a PRNG internally or to a NumPy pseudo-random number generator created via np.random.default_rng(seed). (#4165)

Documentation 📝

  • The qml.pulse.transmon_interaction and qml.pulse.transmon_drive documentation has been updated. (#4327)

  • qml.ApproxTimeEvolution.compute_decomposition() now has a code example. (#4354)

  • The documentation for qml.devices.experimental.Device has been improved to clarify some aspects of its use. (#4391)

  • Input types and sources for operators in qml.import_operator are specified. (#4476)

Bug fixes 🐛

  • qml.Projector is pickle-able again. (#4452)

  • _copy_and_shift_params does not cast or convert integral types, just relying on + and *'s casting rules in this case. (#4477)

  • Sparse matrix calculations of SProds containing a Tensor are now allowed. When using Tensor.sparse_matrix(), it is recommended to use the wire_order keyword argument over wires. (#4424)

  • op.adjoint has been replaced with qml.adjoint in QNSPSAOptimizer. (#4421)

  • (deprecated) has been replaced by (#4403)

  • metric_tensor stops accidentally catching errors that stem from flawed wires assignments in the original circuit, leading to recursion errors. (#4328)

  • A warning is now raised if control indicators are hidden when calling qml.draw_mpl (#4295)

  • qml.qinfo.purity now produces correct results with custom wire labels. (#4331)

  • default.qutrit now supports all qutrit operations used with qml.adjoint. (#4348)

  • The observable data of qml.GellMann now includes its index, allowing correct comparison between instances of qml.GellMann, as well as Hamiltonians and Tensors containing qml.GellMann. (#4366)

  • qml.transforms.merge_amplitude_embedding now works correctly when the AmplitudeEmbeddings have a batch dimension. (#4353)

  • The jordan_wigner function has been modified to work with Hamiltonians built with an active space. (#4372)

  • When a style option is not provided, qml.draw_mpl uses the current style set from qml.drawer.use_style instead of black_white. (#4357)

  • qml.devices.qubit.preprocess.validate_and_expand_adjoint no longer sets the trainable parameters of the expanded tape. (#4365)

  • qml.default_expand_fn now selectively expands operations or measurements allowing more operations to be executed in circuits when measuring non-qwc Hamiltonians. (#4401)

  • qml.ControlledQubitUnitary no longer reports has_decomposition as True when it does not really have a decomposition. (#4407)

  • qml.transforms.split_non_commuting now correctly works on tapes containing both expval and var measurements. (#4426)

  • Subtracting a Prod from another operator now works as expected. (#4441)

  • The sampler_seed argument of qml.gradients.spsa_grad has been changed to sampler_rng. One can either provide an integer, which will be used to create a PRNG internally. Previously, this lead to the same direction being sampled, when num_directions is greater than 1. Alternatively, one can provide a NumPy PRNG, which allows reproducibly calling spsa_grad without getting the same results every time. (#4165) (#4482)

  • qml.math.get_dtype_name now works with autograd array boxes. (#4494)

  • The backprop gradient of is now correct. (#4380)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Utkarsh Azad,
Thomas Bromley,
Isaac De Vlugt,
Amintor Dusko,
Stepan Fomichev,
Lillian M. A. Frederiksen,
Soran Jahangiri,
Edward Jiang,
Korbinian Kottmann,
Ivana Kurečić,
Christina Lee,
Vincent Michaud-Rioux,
Romain Moyard,
Lee James O'Riordan,
Mudit Pandey,
Borja Requena,
Matthew Silverman,
Jay Soni,
David Wierichs,
Frederik Wilde.

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