github PennyLaneAI/pennylane v0.30.0
Release 0.30.0

latest releases: v0.38.1, v0.38.0-rc0, v0.38.0...
16 months ago

New features since last release

Pulse programming on hardware ⚛️🔬

  • Support for loading time-dependent Hamiltonians that are compatible with quantum hardware has been added, making it possible to load a Hamiltonian that describes an ensemble of Rydberg atoms or a collection of transmon qubits. (#3749) (#3911) (#3930) (#3936) (#3966) (#3987) (#4021) (#4040)

    Rydberg atoms are the foundational unit for neutral atom quantum computing. A Rydberg-system Hamiltonian can be constructed from a drive term

    • qml.pulse.rydberg_drive — and an
      interaction term
    • qml.pulse.rydberg_interaction:
    from jax import numpy as jnp
    atom_coordinates = [[0, 0], [0, 4], [4, 0], [4, 4]]
    wires = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    amplitude = lambda p, t: p * jnp.sin(jnp.pi * t)
    phase = jnp.pi / 2
    detuning = 3 * jnp.pi / 4
    H_d = qml.pulse.rydberg_drive(amplitude, phase, detuning, wires)
    H_i = qml.pulse.rydberg_interaction(atom_coordinates, wires)
    H = H_d + H_i

    The time-dependent Hamiltonian H can be used in a PennyLane pulse-level differentiable circuit:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit.jax", wires=wires)
    @qml.qnode(dev, interface="jax")
    def circuit(params):
        qml.evolve(H)(params, t=[0, 10])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> params = jnp.array([2.4])
    >>> circuit(params)
    Array(0.6316659, dtype=float32)
    >>> import jax
    >>> jax.grad(circuit)(params)
    Array([1.3116529], dtype=float32)

    The qml.pulse page contains additional details. Check out our release blog post for demonstration of how to perform the execution on actual hardware!

  • A pulse-level circuit can now be differentiated using a stochastic parameter-shift method. (#3780) (#3900) (#4000) (#4004)

    The new qml.gradient.stoch_pulse_grad differentiation method unlocks stochastic-parameter-shift differentiation for pulse-level circuits. The current version of this new method is restricted to Hamiltonians composed of parametrized Pauli words, but future updates to extend to parametrized Pauli sentences can allow this method to be compatible with hardware-based systems such as an ensemble of Rydberg atoms.

    This method can be activated by setting diff_method to qml.gradient.stoch_pulse_grad:

    >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit.jax", wires=2)
    >>> sin = lambda p, t: jax.numpy.sin(p * t)
    >>> ZZ = qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1)
    >>> H = 0.5 * qml.PauliX(0) + qml.pulse.constant * ZZ + sin * qml.PauliX(1)
    >>> @qml.qnode(dev, interface="jax", diff_method=qml.gradients.stoch_pulse_grad)
    >>> def ansatz(params):
    ...     qml.evolve(H)(params, (0.2, 1.))
    ...     return qml.expval(qml.PauliY(1))
    >>> params = [jax.numpy.array(0.4), jax.numpy.array(1.3)]
    >>> jax.grad(ansatz)(params)
    [Array(0.16921353, dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
     Array(-0.2537478, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)]

Quantum singular value transformation 🐛➡️🦋

  • PennyLane now supports the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT), which describes how a quantum circuit can be constructed to apply a polynomial transformation to the singular values of an input matrix. (#3756) (#3757) (#3758) (#3905) (#3909) (#3926) (#4023)

    Consider a matrix A along with a vector angles that describes the target polynomial transformation. The qml.qsvt function creates a corresponding circuit:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    A = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]])
    angles = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
    def example_circuit(A):
        qml.qsvt(A, angles, wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))

    This circuit is composed of qml.BlockEncode and qml.PCPhase operations.

    >>> example_circuit(A)
    tensor(0.97777078, requires_grad=True)
    >>> print(example_circuit.qtape.expand(depth=1).draw(decimals=2)) 
    0: ─╭∏_ϕ(0.30)─╭BlockEncode(M0)─╭∏_ϕ(0.20)─╭BlockEncode(M0)†─╭∏_ϕ(0.10)─┤  <Z>
    1: ─╰∏_ϕ(0.30)─╰BlockEncode(M0)─╰∏_ϕ(0.20)─╰BlockEncode(M0)†─╰∏_ϕ(0.10)─┤

    The qml.qsvt function creates a circuit that is targeted at simulators due to the use of matrix-based operations. For advanced users, you can use the operation-based qml.QSVT template to perform the transformation with a custom choice of unitary and projector operations, which may be hardware compatible if a decomposition is provided.

    The QSVT is a complex but powerful transformation capable of generalizing important algorithms like amplitude amplification. Stay tuned for a demo in the coming few weeks to learn more!

Intuitive QNode returns ↩️

  • An updated QNode return system has been introduced. PennyLane QNodes now return exactly what you tell them to! 🎉 (#3957) (#3969) (#3946) (#3913) (#3914) (#3934)

    This was an experimental feature introduced in version 0.25 of PennyLane that was enabled via qml.enable_return(). Now, it's the default return system. Let's see how it works.

    Consider the following circuit:

    import pennylane as qml
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1)
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.probs(0)

    In version 0.29 and earlier of PennyLane, circuit() would return a single length-3 array:

    >>> circuit(0.5)
    tensor([0.87758256, 0.93879128, 0.06120872], requires_grad=True)

    In versions 0.30 and above, circuit() returns a length-2 tuple containing the expectation value and probabilities separately:

    >>> circuit(0.5)
    (tensor(0.87758256, requires_grad=True),
     tensor([0.93879128, 0.06120872], requires_grad=True))

    You can find more details about this change, along with help and troubleshooting tips to solve any issues. If you still have questions, comments, or concerns, we encourage you to post on the PennyLane discussion forum.

A bunch of performance tweaks 🏃💨

  • Single-qubit operations that have multi-qubit control can now be decomposed more efficiently using fewer CNOT gates. (#3851)

    Three decompositions from arXiv:2302.06377 are provided and compare favourably to the already-available qml.ops.ctrl_decomp_zyz:

    wires = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    control_wires = wires[1:]
    @qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit', wires=6))
    def circuit():
        with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording():
            # the decomposition does not un-queue the target
            target = qml.RX(np.pi/2, wires=0)
        qml.ops.ctrl_decomp_bisect(target, (1,2,3,4,5))
        return qml.state()
    print(qml.draw(circuit, expansion_strategy="device")())
    0: ──H─╭X──U(M0)─╭X──U(M0)†─╭X──U(M0)─╭X──U(M0)†──H─┤  State
    1: ────├●────────│──────────├●────────│─────────────┤  State
    2: ────├●────────│──────────├●────────│─────────────┤  State
    3: ────╰●────────│──────────╰●────────│─────────────┤  State
    4: ──────────────├●───────────────────├●────────────┤  State
    5: ──────────────╰●───────────────────╰●────────────┤  State
  • A new decomposition to qml.SingleExcitation has been added that halves the number of CNOTs required. (3976)

    >>> qml.SingleExcitation.compute_decomposition(1.23, wires=(0,1))
    [Adjoint(T(wires=[0])), Hadamard(wires=[0]), S(wires=[0]), 
     Adjoint(T(wires=[1])), Adjoint(S(wires=[1])), Hadamard(wires=[1]),
     CNOT(wires=[1, 0]), RZ(-0.615, wires=[0]), RY(0.615, wires=[1]),
     CNOT(wires=[1, 0]), Adjoint(S(wires=[0])), Hadamard(wires=[0]),
     T(wires=[0]), Hadamard(wires=[1]), S(wires=[1]), T(wires=[1])]
  • The adjoint differentiation method can now be more efficient, avoiding the decomposition of operations that can be differentiated directly. Any operation that defines a generator() can be differentiated with the adjoint method. (#3874)

    For example, in version 0.29 the qml.CRY operation would be decomposed when calculating the adjoint-method gradient. Executing the code below shows that this decomposition no longer takes place in version 0.30 and qml.CRY is differentiated directly:

    import jax
    from jax import numpy as jnp
    def compute_decomposition(self, phi, wires):
        print("A decomposition has been performed!")
        decomp_ops = [
            qml.RY(phi / 2, wires=wires[1]),
            qml.RY(-phi / 2, wires=wires[1]),
        return decomp_ops
    qml.CRY.compute_decomposition = compute_decomposition
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
    def circuit(phi):
        qml.CRY(phi, wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))
    phi = jnp.array(0.5)
  • Derivatives are computed more efficiently when using jax.jit with gradient transforms; the trainable parameters are now set correctly instead of every parameter having to be set as trainable.

    In the circuit below, only the derivative with respect to parameter b is now calculated:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    @qml.qnode(dev, interface="jax-jit")
    def circuit(a, b):
        qml.RX(a, wires=0)
        qml.RY(b, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    a = jnp.array(0.4)
    b = jnp.array(0.5)
    jac = jax.jacobian(circuit, argnums=[1])
    jac_jit = jax.jit(jac)
    jac_jit(a, b)
    assert len(circuit.tape.trainable_params) == 1

Improvements 🛠

Next-generation device API

In this release and future releases, we will be making changes to our device API with the goal in mind to make
developing plugins much easier for developers and unlock new device capabilities. Users shouldn't yet feel any of
these changes when using PennyLane, but here is what has changed this release:

  • Several functions in devices/qubit have been added or improved:

    • sample_state: returns a series of samples based on a given state vector and a number of shots. (#3720)
    • simulate: supports measuring expectation values of large observables such as qml.Hamiltonian, qml.SparseHamiltonian, and qml.Sum. (#3759)
    • apply_operation: supports broadcasting. (#3852)
    • adjoint_jacobian: supports adjoint differentiation in the new qubit state-vector device. (#3790)
  • qml.devices.qubit.preprocess now allows circuits with non-commuting observables. (#3857)

  • qml.devices.qubit.measure now computes the expectation values of Hamiltonian and Sum in a backpropagation-compatible way. (#3862)

Pulse programming

  • Here are the functions, classes, and more that were added or improved to facilitate simulating ensembles of Rydberg atoms: (#3749) (#3911) (#3930) (#3936) (#3966) (#3987) (#3889) (#4021)

    • HardwareHamiltonian: an internal class that contains additional information about pulses and settings.
    • rydberg_interaction: a user-facing function that returns a HardwareHamiltonian containing the Hamiltonian of the interaction of all the Rydberg atoms.
    • transmon_interaction: a user-facing function for constructing the Hamiltonian that describes the circuit QED interaction Hamiltonian of superconducting transmon systems.
    • drive: a user-facing function function that returns a ParametrizedHamiltonian (HardwareHamiltonian) containing the Hamiltonian of the interaction between a driving electro-magnetic field and a group of qubits.
    • rydberg_drive: a user-facing function that returns a ParametrizedHamiltonian (HardwareHamiltonian) containing the Hamiltonian of the interaction between a driving laser field and a group of Rydberg atoms.
    • max_distance: a keyword argument added to qml.pulse.rydberg_interaction to allow for the removal of negligible contributions from atoms beyond max_distance from each other.
  • ParametrizedEvolution now takes two new Boolean keyword arguments: return_intermediate and complementary. They allow computing intermediate time evolution matrices. (#3900)

    Activating return_intermediate will return intermediate time evolution steps, for example for the matrix of the Operation, or of a quantum circuit when used in a QNode. Activating complementary will make these intermediate steps be the remaining time evolution complementary to the output for complementary=False. See the docstring for details.

  • Hardware-compatible pulse sequence gradients with qml.gradient.stoch_pulse_grad can now be calculated faster using the new keyword argument use_broadcasting. Executing a ParametrizedEvolution that returns intermediate evolutions has increased performance using the state vector ODE solver, as well. (#4000) (#4004)

Intuitive QNode returns

  • The QNode keyword argument mode has been replaced by the boolean grad_on_execution. (#3969)

  • The "default.gaussian" device and parameter-shift CV both support the new return system, but only for single measurements. (#3946)

  • Keras and Torch NN modules are now compatible with the new return type system. (#3913) (#3914)

  • DefaultQutrit now supports the new return system. (#3934)

Performance improvements

  • The efficiency of tapering(), tapering_hf() and clifford() have been improved. (3942)

  • The peak memory requirements of tapering() and tapering_hf() have been improved when used for larger observables. (3977)

  • Pauli arithmetic has been updated to convert to a Hamiltonian more efficiently. (#3939)

  • Operator has a new Boolean attribute has_generator. It returns whether or not the Operator has a generator defined. has_generator is used in qml.operation.has_gen, which improves its performance and extends differentiation support. (#3875)

  • The performance of CompositeOp has been significantly improved now that it overrides determining whether it is being used with a batch of parameters (see Operator._check_batching). Hamiltonian also now overrides this, but it does nothing since it does not support batching. (#3915)

  • The performance of a Sum operator has been significantly improved now that is_hermitian checks that all coefficients are real if the operator has a pre-computed Pauli representation. (#3915)

  • The coefficients function and the visualize submodule of the qml.fourier module now allow assigning different degrees for different parameters of the input function. (#3005)

    Previously, the arguments degree and filter_threshold to qml.fourier.coefficients were expected to be integers. Now, they can be a sequences of integers with one integer per function parameter (i.e. len(degree)==n_inputs), resulting in a returned array with shape (2*degrees[0]+1,..., 2*degrees[-1]+1). The functions in qml.fourier.visualize accordingly accept such arrays of coefficients.

Other improvements

  • A Shots class has been added to the measurements module to hold shot-related data. (#3682)

  • The custom JVP rules in PennyLane also now support non-scalar and mixed-shape tape parameters as well as multi-dimensional tape return types, like broadcasted qml.probs, for example. (#3766)

  • The qchem.jordan_wigner function has been extended to support more fermionic operator orders. (#3754) (#3751)

  • The AdaptiveOptimizer has been updated to use non-default user-defined QNode arguments. (#3765)

  • Operators now use TensorLike types dunder methods. (#3749)

  • qml.QubitStateVector.state_vector now supports broadcasting. (#3852)

  • qml.SparseHamiltonian can now be applied to any wires in a circuit rather than being restricted to all wires in the circuit. (#3888)

  • Operators can now be divided by scalars with / with the addition of the Operation.__truediv__ dunder method. (#3749)

  • Printing an instance of MutualInfoMP now displays the distribution of the wires between the two subsystems. (#3898)

  • Operator.num_wires has been changed from an abstract value to AnyWires. (#3919)

  • qml.transforms.sum_expand is not run in Device.batch_transform if the device supports Sum observables. (#3915)

  • The type of n_electrons in qml.qchem.Molecule has been set to int. (#3885)

  • Explicit errors have been added to QutritDevice if classical_shadow or shadow_expval is measured. (#3934)

  • QubitDevice now defines the private _get_diagonalizing_gates(circuit) method and uses it when executing circuits. This allows devices that inherit from QubitDevice to override and customize their definition of diagonalizing gates. (#3938)

  • retworkx has been renamed to rustworkx to accommodate the change in the package name. (#3975)

  • Exp, Sum, Prod, and SProd operator data is now a flat list instead of nested. (#3958) (#3983)

  • qml.transforms.convert_to_numpy_parameters has been added to convert a circuit with interface-specific parameters to one with only numpy parameters. This transform is designed to replace qml.tape.Unwrap. (#3899)

  • qml.operation.WiresEnum.AllWires is now -2 instead of 0 to avoid the ambiguity between op.num_wires = 0 and op.num_wires = AllWires. (#3978)

  • Execution code has been updated to use the new qml.transforms.convert_to_numpy_parameters instead of qml.tape.Unwrap. (#3989)

  • A sub-routine of expand_tape has been converted into qml.tape.tape.rotations_and_diagonal_measurements, a helper function that computes rotations and diagonal measurements for a tape with measurements with overlapping wires. (#3912)

  • Various operators and templates have been updated to ensure that their decompositions only return lists of operators. (#3243)

  • The qml.operation.enable_new_opmath toggle has been introduced to cause dunder methods to return arithmetic operators instead of a Hamiltonian or Tensor. (#4008)

    >>> type(qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1))
    <class 'pennylane.operation.Tensor'>
    >>> qml.operation.enable_new_opmath()
    >>> type(qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1))
    <class ''>
    >>> qml.operation.disable_new_opmath()
    >>> type(qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1))
    <class 'pennylane.operation.Tensor'>
  • A new data class called Resources has been added to store resources like the number of gates and circuit depth throughout a quantum circuit. (#3981)

  • A new function called _count_resources() has been added to count the resources required when executing a QuantumTape for a given number of shots. (#3996)

  • QuantumScript.specs has been modified to make use of the new Resources class. This also modifies the output of qml.specs(). (#4015)

  • A new class called ResourcesOperation has been added to allow users to define operations with custom resource information. (#4026)

    For example, users can define a custom operation by inheriting from this new class:

    >>> class CustomOp(qml.resource.ResourcesOperation):
    ...     def resources(self):
    ...         return qml.resource.Resources(num_wires=1, num_gates=2,
    ...                                       gate_types={"PauliX": 2})
    >>> CustomOp(wires=1)

    Then, we can track and display the resources of the workflow using qml.specs():

    >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0,1])
    >>> @qml.qnode(dev)
    ... def circ():
    ...     qml.PauliZ(wires=0)
    ...     CustomOp(wires=1)
    ...     return qml.state()
    >>> print(qml.specs(circ)()['resources'])
    wires: 2
    gates: 3
    depth: 1
    shots: 0
    {'PauliZ': 1, 'PauliX': 2}
  • MeasurementProcess.shape now accepts a Shots object as one of its arguments to reduce exposure to unnecessary execution details. (#4012)

Breaking changes 💔

  • The seed_recipes argument has been removed from qml.classical_shadow and qml.shadow_expval. (#4020)

  • The tape method get_operation has an updated signature. (#3998)

  • Both JIT interfaces are no longer compatible with JAX >0.4.3 (we raise an error for those versions). (#3877)

  • An operation that implements a custom generator method, but does not always return a valid generator, also has to implement a has_generator property that reflects in which scenarios a generator will be returned. (#3875)

  • Trainable parameters for the Jax interface are the parameters that are JVPTracer, defined by setting argnums. Previously, all JAX tracers, including those used for JIT compilation, were interpreted to be trainable. (#3697)

  • The keyword argument argnums is now used for gradient transforms using Jax instead of argnum. argnum is automatically converted to argnums when using Jax and will no longer be supported in v0.31 of PennyLane. (#3697) (#3847)

  • qml.OrbitalRotation and, consequently, qml.GateFabric are now more consistent with the interleaved Jordan-Wigner ordering. Previously, they were consistent with the sequential Jordan-Wigner ordering. (#3861)

  • Some MeasurementProcess classes can now only be instantiated with arguments that they will actually use. For example, you can no longer create StateMP(qml.PauliX(0)) or PurityMP(eigvals=(-1,1), wires=Wires(0)). (#3898)

  • Exp, Sum, Prod, and SProd operator data is now a flat list, instead of nested. (#3958) (#3983)

  • qml.tape.tape.expand_tape and, consequentially, QuantumScript.expand no longer update the input tape with rotations and diagonal measurements. Note that the newly expanded tape that is returned will still have the rotations and diagonal measurements. (#3912)

  • qml.Evolution now initializes the coefficient with a factor of -1j instead of 1j. (#4024)

Deprecations 👋

Nothing for this release!

Documentation 📝

  • The documentation of QubitUnitary and DiagonalQubitUnitary was clarified regarding the parameters of the operations. (#4031)

  • A typo has been corrected in the documentation for the introduction to inspecting_circuits and chemistry. (#3844)

  • Usage Details and Theory sections have been separated in the documentation for qml.qchem.taper_operation. (3977)

Bug fixes 🐛

  • ctrl_decomp_bisect and ctrl_decomp_zyz are no longer used by default when decomposing controlled operations due to the presence of a global phase difference in the zyz decomposition of some target operators.

  • Fixed a bug where returned a numpy array instead of an autograd array, breaking autograd derivatives in certain circumstances. (#4019)

  • Operators now cast a tuple to an np.ndarray as well as list. (#4022)

  • Fixed a bug where qml.ctrl with parametric gates was incompatible with PyTorch tensors on GPUs. (#4002)

  • Fixed a bug where the broadcast expand results were stacked along the wrong axis for the new return system. (#3984)

  • A more informative error message is raised in qml.jacobian to explain potential problems with the new return types specification. (#3997)

  • Fixed a bug where calling Evolution.generator with coeff being a complex ArrayBox raised an error. (#3796)

  • MeasurementProcess.hash now uses the hash property of the observable. The property now depends on all properties that affect the behaviour of the object, such as VnEntropyMP.log_base or the distribution of wires between the two subsystems in MutualInfoMP. (#3898)

  • The enum measurements.Purity has been added so that PurityMP.return_type is defined. str and repr for PurityMP are also now defined. (#3898)

  • Sum.hash and Prod.hash have been changed slightly to work with non-numeric wire labels. sum_expand should now return correct results and not treat some products as the same operation. (#3898)

  • Fixed bug where the coefficients where not ordered correctly when summing a ParametrizedHamiltonian with other operators. (#3749) (#3902)

  • The metric tensor transform is now fully compatible with Jax and therefore users can provide multiple parameters. (#3847)

  • qml.math.ndim and qml.math.shape are now registered for built-ins and autograd to accomodate Autoray 0.6.1. #3864

  • Ensured that returns datasets in a stable and expected order. (#3856)

  • The qml.equal function now handles comparisons of ParametrizedEvolution operators. (#3870)

  • qml.devices.qubit.apply_operation catches the tf.errors.UnimplementedError that occurs when PauliZ or CNOT gates are applied to a large (>8 wires) tensorflow state. When that occurs, the logic falls back to the tensordot logic instead. (#3884)

  • Fixed parameter broadcasting support with qml.counts in most cases and introduced explicit errors otherwise. (#3876)

  • An error is now raised if a QNode with Jax-jit in use returns counts while having trainable parameters (#3892)

  • A correction has been added to the reference values in test_dipole_of to account for small changes (~2e-8) in the computed dipole moment values resulting from the new PySCF 2.2.0 release. (#3908)

  • SampleMP.shape is now correct when sampling only occurs on a subset of the device wires. (#3921)

  • An issue has been fixed in qchem.Molecule to allow basis sets other than the hard-coded ones to be used in the Molecule class. (#3955)

  • Fixed bug where all devices that inherit from DefaultQubit claimed to support ParametrizedEvolution. Now, only DefaultQubitJax supports the operator, as expected. (#3964)

  • Ensured that parallel AnnotatedQueues do not queue each other's contents. (#3924)

  • Added a map_wires method to PauliWord and PauliSentence, and ensured that operators call it in their respective map_wires methods if they have a Pauli rep. (#3985)

  • Fixed a bug when a Tensor is multiplied by a Hamiltonian or vice versa. (#4036)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Komi Amiko,
Utkarsh Azad,
Thomas Bromley,
Isaac De Vlugt,
Olivia Di Matteo,
Lillian M. A. Frederiksen,
Diego Guala,
Soran Jahangiri,
Korbinian Kottmann,
Christina Lee,
Vincent Michaud-Rioux,
Albert Mitjans Coma,
Romain Moyard,
Lee J. O'Riordan,
Mudit Pandey,
Matthew Silverman,
Jay Soni,
David Wierichs.

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