github PennyLaneAI/pennylane v0.17.0
Release 0.17.0

latest releases: v0.38.1, v0.38.0-rc0, v0.38.0...
3 years ago

New features since the last release

Circuit optimization

  • PennyLane can now perform quantum circuit optimization using the top-level transform qml.compile. The compile transform allows you to chain together sequences of tape and quantum function transforms into custom circuit optimization pipelines. (#1475)

    For example, take the following decorated quantum function:

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=[0, 1, 2])
    def qfunc(x, y, z):
        qml.RZ(z, wires=2)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[2, 1])
        qml.RX(z, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 0])
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 0])
        qml.RZ(-z, wires=2)
        qml.RX(y, wires=2)
        qml.CZ(wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))

    The default behaviour of qml.compile is to apply a sequence of three transforms: commute_controlled, cancel_inverses, and then merge_rotations.

    >>> print(qml.draw(qfunc)(0.2, 0.3, 0.4))
     0: ──H───RX(0.6)──────────────────┤ ⟨Z⟩
     1: ──H──╭X────────────────────╭C──┤
     2: ──H──╰C────────RX(0.3)──Y──╰Z──┤

    The qml.compile transform is flexible and accepts a custom pipeline of tape and quantum function transforms (you can even write your own!). For example, if we wanted to only push single-qubit gates through controlled gates and cancel adjacent inverses, we could do:

    from pennylane.transforms import commute_controlled, cancel_inverses
    pipeline = [commute_controlled, cancel_inverses]
    def qfunc(x, y, z):
        qml.RZ(z, wires=2)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[2, 1])
        qml.RX(z, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 0])
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 0])
        qml.RZ(-z, wires=2)
        qml.RX(y, wires=2)
        qml.CZ(wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))
    >>> print(qml.draw(qfunc)(0.2, 0.3, 0.4))
     0: ──H───RX(0.4)──RX(0.2)────────────────────────────┤ ⟨Z⟩
     1: ──H──╭X───────────────────────────────────────╭C──┤
     2: ──H──╰C────────RZ(0.4)──RZ(-0.4)──RX(0.3)──Y──╰Z──┤

    The following compilation transforms have been added and are also available to use, either independently, or within a qml.compile pipeline:

    • commute_controlled: push commuting single-qubit gates through controlled operations. (#1464)

    • cancel_inverses: removes adjacent pairs of operations that cancel out. (#1455)

    • merge_rotations: combines adjacent rotation gates of the same type into a single gate, including controlled rotations. (#1455)

    • single_qubit_fusion: acts on all sequences of single-qubit operations in a quantum function, and converts each sequence to a single Rot gate. (#1458)

    For more details on qml.compile and the available compilation transforms, see the compilation documentation.

QNodes are even more powerful

  • Computational basis samples directly from the underlying device can now be returned directly from QNodes via qml.sample(). (#1441)
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3, shots=5)

def circuit_1():
    return qml.sample()

def circuit_2():
    return qml.sample(wires=[0,2])    # no observable provided and wires specified
>>> print(circuit_1())
[[1, 0, 0],
 [1, 1, 0],
 [1, 0, 0],
 [0, 0, 0],
 [0, 1, 0]]

>>> print(circuit_2())
[[1, 0],
 [1, 0],
 [1, 0],
 [0, 0],
 [0, 0]]

>>> print(qml.draw(circuit_2)())
 0: ──H──╭┤ Sample[basis]
 1: ──H──│┤
 2: ─────╰┤ Sample[basis]
  • The new qml.apply function can be used to add operations that might have already been instantiated elsewhere to the QNode and other queuing contexts: (#1433)

    op = qml.RX(0.4, wires=0)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RY(x, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(0.6))
    0: ──RY(0.6)──RX(0.4)──┤ ⟨Z⟩

    Previously instantiated measurements can also be applied to QNodes.

Device Resource Tracker

  • The new Device Tracker capabilities allows for flexible and versatile tracking of executions, even inside parameter-shift gradients. This functionality will improve the ease of monitoring large batches and remote jobs. (#1355)

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1, shots=100)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="parameter-shift")
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RX(x, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    x = np.array(0.1)
    with qml.Tracker(circuit.device) as tracker:
    >>> tracker.totals
    {'executions': 3, 'shots': 300, 'batches': 1, 'batch_len': 2}
    >>> tracker.history
    {'executions': [1, 1, 1],
     'shots': [100, 100, 100],
     'batches': [1],
     'batch_len': [2]}
    >>> tracker.latest
    {'batches': 1, 'batch_len': 2}

    Users can also provide a custom function to the callback keyword that gets called each time the information is updated. This functionality allows users to monitor remote jobs or large parameter-shift batches.

    >>> def shots_info(totals, history, latest):
    ...     print("Total shots: ", totals['shots'])
    >>> with qml.Tracker(circuit.device, callback=shots_info) as tracker:
    ...     qml.grad(circuit)(0.1)
    Total shots:  100
    Total shots:  200
    Total shots:  300
    Total shots:  300

Containerization support

  • Docker support for building PennyLane with support for all interfaces (TensorFlow, Torch, and Jax), as well as device plugins and QChem, for GPUs and CPUs, has been added. (#1391)

    The build process using Docker and make requires that the repository source code is cloned or downloaded from GitHub. Visit the the detailed description for an extended list of options.

Improved Hamiltonian simulations

  • Added a sparse Hamiltonian observable and the functionality to support computing its expectation value with default.qubit. (#1398)

    For example, the following QNode returns the expectation value of a sparse Hamiltonian:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="parameter-shift")
    def circuit(param, H):
        qml.SingleExcitation(param, wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.SparseHamiltonian(H, [0, 1]))

    We can execute this QNode, passing in a sparse identity matrix:

    >>> print(circuit([0.5], scipy.sparse.eye(4).tocoo()))

    The expectation value of the sparse Hamiltonian is computed directly, which leads to executions that are faster by orders of magnitude. Note that "parameter-shift" is the only differentiation method that is currently supported when the observable is a sparse Hamiltonian.

  • VQE problems can now be intuitively set up by passing the Hamiltonian as an observable. (#1474)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    H = qml.Hamiltonian([1., 2., 3.],  [qml.PauliZ(0), qml.PauliY(0), qml.PauliZ(1)])
    w = qml.init.strong_ent_layers_uniform(1, 2, seed=1967)
    def circuit(w):
        qml.templates.StronglyEntanglingLayers(w, wires=range(2))
        return qml.expval(H)
    >>> print(circuit(w))
    >>> print(qml.grad(circuit)(w))
    [[[-8.32667268e-17  1.39122955e+00 -9.12462052e-02]
    [ 1.02348685e-16 -7.77143238e-01 -1.74708049e-01]]]

    Note that other measurement types like var(H) or sample(H), as well as multiple expectations like expval(H1), expval(H2) are not supported.

  • Added functionality to compute the sparse matrix representation of a qml.Hamiltonian object. (#1394)

New gradients module

  • A new gradients module qml.gradients has been added, which provides differentiable quantum gradient transforms. (#1476) (#1479) (#1486)

    Available quantum gradient transforms include:

    • qml.gradients.finite_diff
    • qml.gradients.param_shift
    • qml.gradients.param_shift_cv

    For example,

    >>> params = np.array([0.3,0.4,0.5], requires_grad=True)
    >>> with qml.tape.JacobianTape() as tape:
    ...     qml.RX(params[0], wires=0)
    ...     qml.RY(params[1], wires=0)
    ...     qml.RX(params[2], wires=0)
    ...     qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    ...     qml.var(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> tape.trainable_params = {0, 1, 2}
    >>> gradient_tapes, fn = qml.gradients.finite_diff(tape)
    >>> res = dev.batch_execute(gradient_tapes)
    >>> fn(res)
    array([[-0.69688381, -0.32648317, -0.68120105],
           [ 0.8788057 ,  0.41171179,  0.85902895]])

Even more new operations and templates

  • Grover Diffusion Operator template added. (#1442)

    For example, if we have an oracle that marks the "all ones" state with a negative sign:

    n_wires = 3
    wires = list(range(n_wires))
    def oracle():

    We can perform Grover's Search Algorithm:

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=wires)
    def GroverSearch(num_iterations=1):
        for wire in wires:
        for _ in range(num_iterations):
        return qml.probs(wires)

    We can see this circuit yields the marked state with high probability:

    >>> GroverSearch(num_iterations=1)
    tensor([0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125, 0.03125,
            0.78125], requires_grad=True)
    >>> GroverSearch(num_iterations=2)
    tensor([0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125,
        0.0078125, 0.9453125], requires_grad=True)
  • A decomposition has been added to QubitUnitary that makes the single-qubit case fully differentiable in all interfaces. Furthermore, a quantum function transform, unitary_to_rot(), has been added to decompose all single-qubit instances of QubitUnitary in a quantum circuit. (#1427)

    Instances of QubitUnitary may now be decomposed directly to Rot operations, or RZ operations if the input matrix is diagonal. For example, let

    >>> U = np.array([
        [-0.28829348-0.78829734j,  0.30364367+0.45085995j],
        [ 0.53396245-0.10177564j,  0.76279558-0.35024096j]

    Then, we can compute the decomposition as:

    >>> qml.QubitUnitary.decomposition(U, wires=0)
    [Rot(-0.24209530281458358, 1.1493817777199102, 1.733058145303424, wires=[0])]

    We can also apply the transform directly to a quantum function, and compute the gradients of parameters used to construct the unitary matrices.

    def qfunc_with_qubit_unitary(angles):
        z, x = angles[0], angles[1]
        Z_mat = np.array([[np.exp(-1j * z / 2), 0.0], [0.0, np.exp(1j * z / 2)]])
        c = np.cos(x / 2)
        s = np.sin(x / 2) * 1j
        X_mat = np.array([[c, -s], [-s, c]])
        qml.QubitUnitary(Z_mat, wires="a")
        qml.QubitUnitary(X_mat, wires="b")
        qml.CNOT(wires=["b", "a"])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliX(wires="a"))
    >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=["a", "b"])
    >>> transformed_qfunc = qml.transforms.unitary_to_rot(qfunc_with_qubit_unitary)
    >>> transformed_qnode = qml.QNode(transformed_qfunc, dev)
    >>> input = np.array([0.3, 0.4], requires_grad=True)
    >>> transformed_qnode(input)
    tensor(0.95533649, requires_grad=True)
    >>> qml.grad(transformed_qnode)(input)
    array([-0.29552021,  0.        ])
  • Ising YY gate functionality added. (#1358)


  • The step and step_and_cost methods of QNGOptimizer now accept a custom grad_fn keyword argument to use for gradient computations. (#1487)

  • The precision used by default.qubit.jax now matches the float precision indicated by

    from jax.config import config'jax_enable_x64')

    where True means float64/complex128 and False means float32/complex64. (#1485)

  • The ./pennylane/ops/ file is broken up into a folder of six separate files. (#1467)

  • Changed to using commas as the separator of wires in the string representation of qml.Hamiltonian objects for multi-qubit terms. (#1465)

  • Changed to using np.object_ instead of np.object as per the NumPy deprecations starting version 1.20. (#1466)

  • Change the order of the covariance matrix and the vector of means internally in default.gaussian. (#1331)

  • Added the id attribute to templates. (#1438)

  • The qml.math module, for framework-agnostic tensor manipulation, has two new functions available: (#1490)

    • qml.math.get_trainable_indices(sequence_of_tensors): returns the indices corresponding to trainable tensors in the input sequence.

    • qml.math.unwrap(sequence_of_tensors): unwraps a sequence of tensor-like objects to NumPy arrays.

    In addition, the behaviour of qml.math.requires_grad has been improved in order to correctly determine trainability during Autograd and JAX backwards passes.

  • A new tape method, tape.unwrap() is added. This method is a context manager; inside the context, the tape's parameters are unwrapped to NumPy arrays and floats, and the trainable parameter indices are set. (#1491)

    These changes are temporary, and reverted on exiting the context.

    >>> with tf.GradientTape():
    ...     with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
    ...         qml.RX(tf.Variable(0.1), wires=0)
    ...         qml.RY(tf.constant(0.2), wires=0)
    ...         qml.RZ(tf.Variable(0.3), wires=0)
    ...     with tape.unwrap():
    ...         print("Trainable params:", tape.trainable_params)
    ...         print("Unwrapped params:", tape.get_parameters())
    Trainable params: {0, 2}
    Unwrapped params: [0.1, 0.3]
    >>> print("Original parameters:", tape.get_parameters())
    Original parameters: [<tf.Variable 'Variable:0' shape=() dtype=float32, numpy=0.1>,
      <tf.Variable 'Variable:0' shape=() dtype=float32, numpy=0.3>]

    In addition, qml.tape.Unwrap is a context manager that unwraps multiple tapes:

    >>> with qml.tape.Unwrap(tape1, tape2):

Breaking changes

  • Removed the deprecated tape methods get_resources and get_depth as they are superseded by the specs tape attribute. (#1522)

  • Specifying shots=None with qml.sample was previously deprecated. From this release onwards, setting shots=None when sampling will raise an error. (#1522)

  • The existing pennylane.collections.apply function is no longer accessible via qml.apply, and needs to be imported directly from the collections package. (#1358)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug in qml.adjoint and qml.ctrl where the adjoint of operations outside of a QNode or a QuantumTape could not be obtained. (#1532)

  • Fixes a bug in GradientDescentOptimizer and NesterovMomentumOptimizer where a cost function with one trainable parameter and non-trainable parameters raised an error. (#1495)

  • Fixed an example in the documentation's introduction to numpy gradients, where the wires were a non-differentiable argument to the QNode. (#1499)

  • Fixed a bug where the adjoint of qml.QFT when using the qml.adjoint function was not correctly computed. (#1451)

  • Fixed the differentiability of the operationIsingYY for Autograd, Jax and Tensorflow. (#1425)

  • Fixed a bug in the torch interface that prevented gradients from being computed on a GPU. (#1426)

  • Quantum function transforms now preserve the format of the measurement results, so that a single measurement returns a single value rather than an array with a single element. (#1434)

  • Fixed a bug in the parameter-shift Hessian implementation, which resulted in the incorrect Hessian being returned for a cost function that performed post-processing on a vector-valued QNode. (#1436)

  • Fixed a bug in the initialization of QubitUnitary where the size of the matrix was not checked against the number of wires. (#1439)


  • Improved Contribution Guide and Pull Requests Guide. (#1461)

  • Examples have been added to clarify use of the continuous-variable FockStateVector operation in the multi-mode case. (#1472)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Olivia Di Matteo, Anthony Hayes, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Nathan Killoran, Arshpreet Singh Khangura, Leonhard Kunczik, Christina Lee, Romain Moyard, Lee James O'Riordan, Ashish Panigrahi, Nahum Sá, Maria Schuld, Jay Soni, Antal Száva, David Wierichs.

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