github PennyLaneAI/pennylane v0.16.0
Release 0.16.0

latest releases: v0.38.1, v0.38.0-rc0, v0.38.0...
3 years ago

New features since last release

First class support for quantum kernels

  • The new qml.kernels module provides basic functionalities for working with quantum kernels as well as post-processing methods to mitigate sampling errors and device noise: (#1102)

    num_wires = 6
    wires = range(num_wires)
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=wires)
    def kernel_circuit(x1, x2):
        qml.templates.AngleEmbedding(x1, wires=wires)
        qml.adjoint(qml.templates.AngleEmbedding)(x2, wires=wires)
        return qml.probs(wires)
    kernel = lambda x1, x2: kernel_circuit(x1, x2)[0]
    X_train = np.random.random((10, 6))
    X_test = np.random.random((5, 6))
    # Create symmetric square kernel matrix (for training)
    K = qml.kernels.square_kernel_matrix(X_train, kernel)
    # Compute kernel between test and training data.
    K_test = qml.kernels.kernel_matrix(X_train, X_test, kernel)
    K1 = qml.kernels.mitigate_depolarizing_noise(K, num_wires, method='single')

Extract the fourier representation of quantum circuits

  • PennyLane now has a fourier module, which hosts a growing library of methods that help with investigating the Fourier representation of functions implemented by quantum circuits. The Fourier representation can be used to examine and characterize the expressivity of the quantum circuit. (#1160) (#1378)

    For example, one can plot distributions over Fourier series coefficients like this one:

Seamless support for working with the Pauli group

  • Added functionality for constructing and manipulating the Pauli group (#1181).

    The function qml.grouping.pauli_group provides a generator to easily loop over the group, or construct and store it in its entirety. For example, we can construct the single-qubit Pauli group like so:

    >>> from pennylane.grouping import pauli_group
    >>> pauli_group_1_qubit = list(pauli_group(1))
    >>> pauli_group_1_qubit
    [Identity(wires=[0]), PauliZ(wires=[0]), PauliX(wires=[0]), PauliY(wires=[0])]

    We can multiply together its members at the level of Pauli words using the pauli_mult and pauli_multi_with_phase functions. This can be done on arbitrarily-labeled wires as well, by defining a wire map.

    >>> from pennylane.grouping import pauli_group, pauli_mult
    >>> wire_map = {'a' : 0, 'b' : 1, 'c' : 2}
    >>> pg = list(pauli_group(3, wire_map=wire_map))
    >>> pg[3]
    PauliZ(wires=['b']) @ PauliZ(wires=['c'])
    >>> pg[55]
    PauliY(wires=['a']) @ PauliY(wires=['b']) @ PauliZ(wires=['c'])
    >>> pauli_mult(pg[3], pg[55], wire_map=wire_map)
    PauliY(wires=['a']) @ PauliX(wires=['b'])

    Functions for conversion of Pauli observables to strings (and back) are included.

    >>> from pennylane.grouping import pauli_word_to_string, string_to_pauli_word
    >>> pauli_word_to_string(pg[55], wire_map=wire_map)
    >>> string_to_pauli_word('ZXY', wire_map=wire_map)
    PauliZ(wires=['a']) @ PauliX(wires=['b']) @ PauliY(wires=['c'])

    Calculation of the matrix representation for arbitrary Paulis and wire maps is now also supported.

    >>> from pennylane.grouping import pauli_word_to_matrix
    >>> wire_map = {'a' : 0, 'b' : 1}
    >>> pauli_word = qml.PauliZ('b')  # corresponds to Pauli 'IZ'
    >>> pauli_word_to_matrix(pauli_word, wire_map=wire_map)
    array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [ 0., -1.,  0., -0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.],
           [ 0., -0.,  0., -1.]])

New transforms

  • The qml.specs QNode transform creates a function that returns specifications or details about the QNode, including depth, number of gates, and number of gradient executions required. (#1245)

    For example:

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method='parameter-shift')
    def circuit(x, y):
        qml.RX(x[0], wires=0)
        qml.Toffoli(wires=(0, 1, 2))
        qml.CRY(x[1], wires=(0, 1))
        qml.Rot(x[2], x[3], y, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(qml.PauliX(1))

    We can now use the qml.specs transform to generate a function that returns details and resource information:

    >>> x = np.array([0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], requires_grad=True)
    >>> y = np.array(0.4, requires_grad=False)
    >>> specs_func = qml.specs(circuit)
    >>> specs_func(x, y)
    {'gate_sizes': defaultdict(int, {1: 2, 3: 1, 2: 1}),
     'gate_types': defaultdict(int, {'RX': 1, 'Toffoli': 1, 'CRY': 1, 'Rot': 1}),
     'num_operations': 4,
     'num_observables': 2,
     'num_diagonalizing_gates': 1,
     'num_used_wires': 3,
     'depth': 4,
     'num_trainable_params': 4,
     'num_parameter_shift_executions': 11,
     'num_device_wires': 4,
     'device_name': 'default.qubit',
     'diff_method': 'parameter-shift'}

    The tape methods get_resources and get_depth are superseded by specs and will be deprecated after one release cycle.

  • Adds a decorator @qml.qfunc_transform to easily create a transformation that modifies the behaviour of a quantum function.

    For example, consider the following transform, which scales the parameter of all RX gates by :math:x \rightarrow \sin(a) \sqrt{x}, and the parameters of all RY gates by :math:y \rightarrow \cos(a * b) y:

    def my_transform(tape, a, b):
        for op in tape.operations + tape.measurements:
            if == "RX":
                x = op.parameters[0]
                qml.RX(qml.math.sin(a) * qml.math.sqrt(x), wires=op.wires)
            elif == "RY":
                y = op.parameters[0]
                qml.RX(qml.math.cos(a * b) * y, wires=op.wires)

    We can now apply this transform to any quantum function:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def ansatz(x):
        qml.RX(x[0], wires=0)
        qml.RY(x[1], wires=1)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
    def circuit(params, transform_weights):
        qml.RX(0.1, wires=0)
        # apply the transform to the ansatz
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    We can print this QNode to show that the qfunc transform is taking place:

    >>> x = np.array([0.5, 0.3], requires_grad=True)
    >>> transform_weights = np.array([0.1, 0.6], requires_grad=True)
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(x, transform_weights))
     0: ──RX(0.1)────H──RX(0.0706)──╭C──┤
     1: ──RX(0.299)─────────────────╰X──┤ ⟨Z⟩

    Evaluating the QNode, as well as the derivative, with respect to the gate parameter and the transform weights:

    >>> circuit(x, transform_weights)
    tensor(0.00672829, requires_grad=True)
    >>> qml.grad(circuit)(x, transform_weights)
    (array([ 0.00671711, -0.00207359]), array([6.69695008e-02, 3.73694364e-06]))
  • Adds a hamiltonian_expand tape transform. This takes a tape ending in qml.expval(H), where H is a Hamiltonian, and maps it to a collection of tapes which can be executed and passed into a post-processing function yielding the expectation value. (#1142)

    Example use:

    H = qml.PauliZ(0) + 3 * qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliX(1)
    with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
    tapes, fn = qml.transforms.hamiltonian_expand(tape)

    We can now evaluate the transformed tapes, and apply the post-processing function:

    >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)
    >>> res = dev.batch_execute(tapes)
    >>> fn(res)
  • The quantum_monte_carlo transform has been added, allowing an input circuit to be transformed into the full quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. (#1316)

    Suppose we want to measure the expectation value of the sine squared function according to a standard normal distribution. We can calculate the expectation value analytically as 0.432332, but we can also estimate using the quantum Monte Carlo algorithm. The first step is to discretize the problem:

    from scipy.stats import norm
    m = 5
    M = 2 ** m
    xmax = np.pi  # bound to region [-pi, pi]
    xs = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, M)
    probs = np.array([norm().pdf(x) for x in xs])
    probs /= np.sum(probs)
    func = lambda i: np.sin(xs[i]) ** 2
    r_rotations = np.array([2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(func(i))) for i in range(M)])

    The quantum_monte_carlo transform can then be used:

    from pennylane.templates.state_preparations.mottonen import (
        _uniform_rotation_dagger as r_unitary,
    n = 6
    N = 2 ** n
    a_wires = range(m)
    wires = range(m + 1)
    target_wire = m
    estimation_wires = range(m + 1, n + m + 1)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=(n + m + 1))
    def fn():
        qml.templates.MottonenStatePreparation(np.sqrt(probs), wires=a_wires)
        r_unitary(qml.RY, r_rotations, control_wires=a_wires[::-1], target_wire=target_wire)
    def qmc():
        qml.quantum_monte_carlo(fn, wires, target_wire, estimation_wires)()
        return qml.probs(estimation_wires)
    phase_estimated = np.argmax(qmc()[:int(N / 2)]) / N

    The estimated value can be retrieved using:

    >>> (1 - np.cos(np.pi * phase_estimated)) / 2

    The resources required to perform the quantum Monte Carlo algorithm can also be inspected using the specs transform.

Extended QAOA module

  • Functionality to support solving the maximum-weighted cycle problem has been added to the qaoa
    module. (#1207) (#1209) (#1251) (#1213) (#1220) (#1214) (#1283) (#1297) (#1396) (#1403)

    The max_weight_cycle function returns the appropriate cost and mixer Hamiltonians:

    >>> a = np.random.random((3, 3))
    >>> np.fill_diagonal(a, 0)
    >>> g = nx.DiGraph(a)  # create a random directed graph
    >>> cost, mixer, mapping = qml.qaoa.max_weight_cycle(g)
    >>> print(cost)
      (-0.9775906842165344) [Z2]
    + (-0.9027248603361988) [Z3]
    + (-0.8722207409852838) [Z0]
    + (-0.6426184210832898) [Z5]
    + (-0.2832594164291379) [Z1]
    + (-0.0778133996933755) [Z4]
    >>> print(mapping)
    {0: (0, 1), 1: (0, 2), 2: (1, 0), 3: (1, 2), 4: (2, 0), 5: (2, 1)}

    Additional functionality can be found in the qml.qaoa.cycle module.

Extended operations and templates

  • Added functionality to compute the sparse matrix representation of a qml.Hamiltonian object. (#1394)

    coeffs = [1, -0.45]
    obs = [qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1), qml.PauliY(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1)]
    H = qml.Hamiltonian(coeffs, obs)
    H_sparse = qml.utils.sparse_hamiltonian(H)

    The resulting matrix is a sparse matrix in scipy coordinate list (COO) format:

    >>> H_sparse
    <4x4 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.complex128'>'
        with 8 stored elements in COOrdinate format>

    The sparse matrix can be converted to an array as:

    >>> H_sparse.toarray()
    array([[ 1.+0.j  ,  0.+0.j  ,  0.+0.45j,  0.+0.j  ],
           [ 0.+0.j  , -1.+0.j  ,  0.+0.j  ,  0.-0.45j],
           [ 0.-0.45j,  0.+0.j  , -1.+0.j  ,  0.+0.j  ],
           [ 0.+0.j  ,  0.+0.45j,  0.+0.j  ,  1.+0.j  ]])
  • Adds the new template AllSinglesDoubles to prepare quantum states of molecules using the SingleExcitation and DoubleExcitation operations. The new template reduces significantly the number of operations and the depth of the quantum circuit with respect to the traditional UCCSD unitary. (#1383)

    For example, consider the case of two particles and four qubits. First, we define the Hartree-Fock initial state and generate all possible single and double excitations.

    import pennylane as qml
    from pennylane import numpy as np
    electrons = 2
    qubits = 4
    hf_state = qml.qchem.hf_state(electrons, qubits)
    singles, doubles = qml.qchem.excitations(electrons, qubits)

    Now we can use the template AllSinglesDoubles to define the quantum circuit,

    from pennylane.templates import AllSinglesDoubles
    wires = range(qubits)
    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=wires)
    def circuit(weights, hf_state, singles, doubles):
        AllSinglesDoubles(weights, wires, hf_state, singles, doubles)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    params = np.random.normal(0, np.pi, len(singles) + len(doubles))

    and execute it:

    >>> circuit(params, hf_state, singles=singles, doubles=doubles)
    tensor(-0.73772194, requires_grad=True)
  • Adds QubitCarry and QubitSum operations for basic arithmetic. (#1169)

    The following example adds two 1-bit numbers, returning a 2-bit answer:

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires = 4)
    a = 0
    b = 1
    def circuit():
        qml.BasisState(np.array([a, b]), wires=[1, 2])
        qml.QubitCarry(wires=[0, 1, 2, 3])
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 2])
        qml.QubitSum(wires=[0, 1, 2])
        return qml.probs(wires=[3, 2])
    probs = circuit()
    bitstrings = tuple(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat = 2))
    indx = np.argwhere(probs == 1).flatten()[0]
    output = bitstrings[indx]
    >>> print(output)
    (0, 1)
  • Added the qml.Projector observable, which is available on all devices inheriting from the QubitDevice class. (#1356) (#1368)

    Using qml.Projector, we can define the basis state projectors to use when computing expectation values. Let us take for example a circuit that prepares Bell states:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit(basis_state):
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.Projector(basis_state, wires=[0, 1]))

    We can then specify the |00> basis state to construct the |00><00| projector and compute the expectation value:

    >>> basis_state = [0, 0]
    >>> circuit(basis_state)
    tensor(0.5, requires_grad=True)

    As expected, we get similar results when specifying the |11> basis state:

    >>> basis_state = [1, 1]
    >>> circuit(basis_state)
    tensor(0.5, requires_grad=True)
  • The following new operations have been added:

    • The IsingXX gate qml.IsingXX (#1194)
    • The IsingZZ gate qml.IsingZZ (#1199)
    • The ISWAP gate qml.ISWAP (#1298)
    • The reset error noise channel qml.ResetError (#1321)


  • The argnum keyword argument can now be specified for a QNode to define a subset of trainable parameters used to estimate the Jacobian. (#1371)

    For example, consider two trainable parameters and a quantum function:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    x = np.array(0.543, requires_grad=True)
    y = np.array(-0.654, requires_grad=True)
    def circuit(x,y):
        qml.RX(x, wires=[0])
        qml.RY(y, wires=[1])
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliX(1))

    When computing the gradient of the QNode, we can specify the trainable parameters to consider by passing the argnum keyword argument:

    >>> qnode1 = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, diff_method="parameter-shift", argnum=[0,1])
    >>> print(qml.grad(qnode1)(x,y))
    (array(0.31434679), array(0.67949903))

    Specifying a proper subset of the trainable parameters will estimate the Jacobian:

    >>> qnode2 = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, diff_method="parameter-shift", argnum=[0])
    >>> print(qml.grad(qnode2)(x,y))
    (array(0.31434679), array(0.))
  • Allows creating differentiable observables that return custom objects such that the observable is supported by devices. (1291)

    As an example, first we define NewObservable class:

    from pennylane.devices import DefaultQubit
    class NewObservable(qml.operation.Observable):
        num_wires = qml.operation.AnyWires
        num_params = 0
        par_domain = None
        def diagonalizing_gates(self):
            """Diagonalizing gates"""
            return []

    Once we have this new observable class, we define a SpecialObject class that can be used to encode data in an observable and a new device that supports our new observable and returns a SpecialObject as the expectation value (the code is shortened for brevity, the extended example can be found as a test in the previously referenced pull request):

    class SpecialObject:
        def __init__(self, val):
            self.val = val
        def __mul__(self, other):
            new = SpecialObject(self.val)
            new *= other
            return new
    class DeviceSupportingNewObservable(DefaultQubit):
        name = "Device supporting NewObservable"
        short_name = "default.qubit.newobservable"
        observables = DefaultQubit.observables.union({"NewObservable"})
        def expval(self, observable, **kwargs):
            if self.shots is None and isinstance(observable, NewObservable):
                val = super().expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0), **kwargs)
                return SpecialObject(val)
            return super().expval(observable, **kwargs)

    At this point, we can create a device that will support the differentiation of a NewObservable object:

    dev = DeviceSupportingNewObservable(wires=1, shots=None)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="parameter-shift")
    def qnode(x):
        qml.RY(x, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(NewObservable(wires=0))

    We can then compute the jacobian of this object:

    >>> result = qml.jacobian(qnode)(0.2)
    >>> print(result)
    <__main__.SpecialObject object at 0x7fd2c54721f0>
    >>> print(result.item().val)
  • PennyLane NumPy now includes the random module's Generator objects, the recommended way of random number generation. This allows for random number generation using a local, rather than global seed. (#1267)

    from pennylane import numpy as np
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    random_mat1 = rng.random((3,2))
    random_mat2 = rng.standard_normal(3, requires_grad=False)
  • The performance of adjoint jacobian differentiation was significantly improved as the method now reuses the state computed on the forward pass. This can be turned off to save memory with the Torch and TensorFlow interfaces by passing adjoint_cache=False during QNode creation. (#1341)

  • The Operator (and by inheritance, the Operation and Observable class and their children) now have an id attribute, which can mark an operator in a circuit, for example to identify it on the tape by a tape transform. (#1377)

  • The benchmark module was deleted, since it was outdated and is superseded by the new separate benchmark repository. (#1343)

  • Decompositions in terms of elementary gates has been added for:

    • qml.CSWAP (#1306)

    • qml.SWAP (#1329)

    • qml.SingleExcitation (#1303)

    • qml.SingleExcitationPlus and qml.SingleExcitationMinus (#1278)

    • qml.DoubleExcitation (#1303)

    • qml.Toffoli (#1320)

    • qml.MultiControlledX. (#1287)

      When controlling on three or more wires, an ancilla register of worker wires is required to support the decomposition.

      ctrl_wires = [f"c{i}" for i in range(5)]
      work_wires = [f"w{i}" for i in range(3)]
      target_wires = ["t0"]
      all_wires = ctrl_wires + work_wires + target_wires
      dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=all_wires)
      with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
          qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=ctrl_wires, wires=target_wires, work_wires=work_wires)
      >>> tape = tape.expand(depth=1)
      >>> print(tape.draw(wire_order=qml.wires.Wires(all_wires)))
       c0: ──────────────╭C──────────────────────╭C──────────┤
       c1: ──────────────├C──────────────────────├C──────────┤
       c2: ──────────╭C──│───╭C──────────────╭C──│───╭C──────┤
       c3: ──────╭C──│───│───│───╭C──────╭C──│───│───│───╭C──┤
       c4: ──╭C──│───│───│───│───│───╭C──│───│───│───│───│───┤
       w0: ──│───│───├C──╰X──├C──│───│───│───├C──╰X──├C──│───┤
       w1: ──│───├C──╰X──────╰X──├C──│───├C──╰X──────╰X──├C──┤
       w2: ──├C──╰X──────────────╰X──├C──╰X──────────────╰X──┤
       t0: ──╰X──────────────────────╰X──────────────────────┤
  • Added qml.CPhase as an alias for the existing qml.ControlledPhaseShift operation. (#1319).

  • The Device class now uses caching when mapping wires. (#1270)

  • The Wires class now uses caching for computing its hash. (#1270)

  • Added custom gate application for Toffoli in default.qubit. (#1249)

  • Added validation for noise channel parameters. Invalid noise parameters now
    raise a ValueError. (#1357)

  • The device test suite now provides test cases for checking gates by comparing
    expectation values. (#1212)

  • PennyLane's test suite is now code-formatted using black -l 100. (#1222)

  • PennyLane's qchem package and tests are now code-formatted using black -l 100. (#1311)

Breaking changes

  • The qml.inv() function is now deprecated with a warning to use the more general qml.adjoint(). (#1325)

  • Removes support for Python 3.6 and adds support for Python 3.9. (#1228)

  • The tape methods get_resources and get_depth are superseded by specs and will be
    deprecated after one release cycle. (#1245)

  • Using the qml.sample() measurement on devices with shots=None continue to
    raise a warning with this functionality being fully deprecated and raising an
    error after one release cycle. (#1079) (#1196)

Bug fixes

  • QNodes now display readable information when in interactive environments or when printed. (#1359).

  • Fixes a bug with qml.math.cast where the MottonenStatePreparation operation expected
    a float type instead of double. (#1400)

  • Fixes a bug where a copy of qml.ControlledQubitUnitary was non-functional as it did not have all the necessary information. (#1411)

  • Warns when adjoint or reversible differentiation specified or called on a device with finite shots. (#1406)

  • Fixes the differentiability of the operations IsingXX and IsingZZ for Autograd, Jax and Tensorflow. (#1390)

  • Fixes a bug where multiple identical Hamiltonian terms will produce a different result with optimize=True using ExpvalCost. (#1405)

  • Fixes bug where shots=None was not reset when changing shots temporarily in a QNode call like circuit(0.1, shots=3). (#1392)

  • Fixes floating point errors with diff_method="finite-diff" and order=1 when parameters are float32. (#1381)

  • Fixes a bug where qml.ctrl would fail to transform gates that had no control defined and no decomposition defined. (#1376)

  • Copying the JacobianTape now correctly also copies the jacobian_options attribute. This fixes a bug allowing the JAX interface to support adjoint differentiation. (#1349)

  • Fixes drawing QNodes that contain multiple measurements on a single wire. (#1353)

  • Fixes drawing QNodes with no operations. (#1354)

  • Fixes incorrect wires in the decomposition of the ControlledPhaseShift operation. (#1338)

  • Fixed tests for the Permute operation that used a QNode and hence expanded tapes twice instead of once due to QNode tape expansion and an explicit tape expansion call. (#1318).

  • Prevent Hamiltonians that share wires from being multiplied together. (#1273)

  • Fixed a bug where the custom range sequences could not be passed to the StronglyEntanglingLayers template. (#1332)

  • Fixed a bug where qml.sum() and do not support the JAX interface. (#1380)


  • Math present in the QubitParamShiftTape class docstring now renders correctly. (#1402)

  • Fix typo in the documentation of qml.StronglyEntanglingLayers. (#1367)

  • Fixed typo in TensorFlow interface documentation (#1312)

  • Fixed typos in the mathematical expressions in documentation of qml.DoubleExcitation. (#1278)

  • Remove unsupported None option from the qml.QNode docstrings. (#1271)

  • Updated the docstring of qml.PolyXP to reference the new location of internal usage. (#1262)

  • Removes occurrences of the deprecated device argument analytic from the documentation. (#1261)

  • Updated PyTorch and TensorFlow interface introductions. (#1333)

  • Updates the quantum chemistry quickstart to reflect recent changes to the qchem module. (#1227)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Marius Aglitoiu, Vishnu Ajith, Juan Miguel Arrazola, Thomas Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Alaric Cheng, Miruna Daian, Olivia Di Matteo, Tanya Garg, Christian Gogolin, Alain Delgado Gran, Diego Guala, Anthony Hayes, Ryan Hill, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Pavan Jayasinha, Nathan Killoran, Christina Lee, Ryan Levy, Alberto Maldonado, Johannes Jakob Meyer, Romain Moyard, Ashish Panigrahi, Nahum Sá, Maria Schuld, Brian Shi, Antal Száva, David Wierichs, Vincent Wong.

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