github PatrickF1/ v2.0

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3 years ago


git log search's key binding has been changed from Ctrl+L to Ctrl+Alt+L

After much feedback around Search Git Log's Ctrl+L key binding conflicting with clear screen, I have decided to change its key binding to Ctrl+Alt+L. An alternative option I considered was just Alt+L, which is shorter but I realized conflicts with __fish_list_current_token, which is actually quite useful.

One huge problem with this change is that it is backwards incompatible and fisher has not provided me with a way to announce to users of that the key binding has changed. I had considered using a hack of checking if an arbitrary file existed, printing an error message if it doesn't, and then creating that file. However, I decided against it because it adds a lot of difficult-to-maintain code.

Hopefully, people who discover that Ctrl+l no longer works will visit GitHub and see this release. I am sorry for any confusion and interruptions caused by this change.

Renamed plugin to (from fzf_fish_integration)

This name is way cooler and succinctly conveys that the plugin has to do with fzf and fish. It is also how fish function files are named.
Credits to @jorgebucaran for using it first in his plugins and allowing me to copy it.


  • key bindings now also set in vi's insert mode #14

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