github PartialVolume/shredos.x86_64 v2020.02.0.29rc.003

Updated shredos 2020.02 to the latest master version of nwipe as of 15-APR-2020 @23:54

Changes to nwipe include:

  • Fix summary table message precedence, i.e if a drive failed and you then did a CONTROL-C to abort, the drive was marked as aborted in the summary table rather than failed. This has been corrected.
  • Remove redundant ATA prefix from drive model number.
  • Fix minor error in reporting a drives total block size in log.
  • Warn the user if they press lower case s by mistake when they should use a capital S to start the wipe.

Checksum of shredos.img.tar.gz

9adf5d213b4996b533432df0aeb28a09421ce138 shredos.img.tar.gz

Burning shredos.img.tar.gz to USB

See here

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