github ParadoxAlarmInterface/pai 2.2.0

latest releases: 3.5.0, 3.4.1, 3.4.0...
3 years ago

[2.2.0] - 2020-08-14

Very large release


  • Time syncing only when there is a large drift. Controlled by SYNC_TIME_MIN_DRIFT
  • MQTT TLS support
  • New tags added for *_EVENT_FILTERS properties: entry_delay, entry_delay_finished, exit_delay, exit_delay_finished
  • PAI service stops if detects critical exception like wrong password or serial port not available
  • SP/MG wrong password detection
  • EVO: PGM status reading and controlling. Switches added to HomeAssistant autodiscovery.
  • EVO: user names who armed or disarmed partition.
  • EVO: Loads user definition
  • EVO: User/Card door access messages
  • Label encodings: paradox-en and paradox-ru. See #146
  • Memory dump console script pai-dump-memory
  • Configuration file search logic improved. Looks in current dir, ~/.local/etc, /etc/pai, /usr/local/etc/pai.
    File names scanned: pai.conf, pai.json, pai.yaml
  • Configuration: MQTT_BIND_ADDRESS default matches Paho MQTT default
  • Configuration: MQTT_PUBLISH_DEFINITIONS default False. Publishes zone, partition, user definitions to MQTT. A lot of data on boot.
  • Configuration: MQTT_PUBLISH_COMMAND_STATUS default False. Sends textual command statuses to mqtt.
  • Configuration: IP_INTERFACE_PASSWORD accepts string type


  • *_EVENT_FILTERS defaults changed that selects only live events.
  • Partition current_state property states: pending changed to arming
  • AES crypto performance improvements. Python can't do faster.
  • Serial connection modules are not required for installation if they are not used.
  • Docker: No builds for arm/v7 as arm/v6 is fully compatible with it.


  • Large refactoring of all connection code
  • IP Interface rewrite


  • EVO: Alpha Door actions: #165
  • Trigger alarm via mqtt in new firmwares: #162
  • Alpha attempt on HomeAssistant notifications. Controlled by HOMEASSISTANT_NOTIFICATIONS* settings.

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